Zoey Adley Drakon

AJ and Lisa's hardworking daughter

Zoey Adley Drakon
Zoey as an adult

AJ and Lisa's hardworking daughter

  • Nickname: the Overachiever, Competitive Queen, The Smug Bitch (called by Monica), Alastair's Favorite, The Unexpected Prodigy.
  • Parents: Edward "AJ" Drakon, Lisa Adley
  • Hair Color: Naturally Brunette (changes between blonde to brunette depending on her mood)
  • Occupation: Chief of Staff Officer at Second Amendment
  • Interests: Acquiring knowledge and wisdom, Crushing the Vice President's schemes, Starting a family, Seeing her father's company flourish, Seeing her mother happy, keeping her father out of trouble
  • Dislikes: Monica the Vice President, Incompetence, misinformation, cheating, gaining promotion without merit, inefficiency, Disgusting Political maneuvering and schemes.


Zoey has partially blonde hair and a busty hourglass figure.

Adult Zoey Adley Drakon (brunette alt)

Background Story

Zoey is the illegitimate daughter of Edward AJ Drakon and Lisa Adley. But that was only a minor inconvenience in her eyes. She has seen what rock bottom look like and vowed never to experienced such a life again. Her mother was a sex slave in Neo Dixie during the height of despot Queen Monifa's rule. Born in the southern coastal town Of Savannah, Georgia, Lisa initially enjoyed a peaceful innocent carefree existence with here family. Getting into trouble, going to school and playing pranks on her sisters, going to the best parties were the order of the day. But that blissful life came crashing down with the rise of the Neo Dixie government.

Background story is still a bit work in progress as the whole Adley family had a different origin story that got reworked to fit with new developments.