Exploitation of White Women in Neo Dixie
White women got taken as loot after the civil war the gave rise to Neo Dixie. We look at their fate.

To be a white girl in Neo Dixie is to be a whore. The civil war in the New Confederacy from 2037 to 2039 brought a new brutal reality to white women who used to have a privileged position in the white supremacist New Confederacy.
In today's issue of Punchback magazine we are looking at the life of white girls in Neo Dixie.

For a black man to merely look at a white girl in the New Confederacy could have had dramatic consequences. Black people would be servants and holding the lowest jobs, catering to the whims of the privileged whites controlling all power in the New Confederacy.
The Caleb Taylor Greene government had sold this white apartheid regime as ending woke racism against white people. A rhetoric had been built up on the idea that white people were the real victims in society and that white people deserved recognition for their hard work and sacrifices.

The fate of black women in the New Confederacy
The authoritarian regime of Empress Monifa Russel in Neo Dixie has used a similar playbook to rationalize extreme oppression of white people. She has rationalized oppression on the grounds that they must prevent white supremacists from retaking power. Abuses again the white population has been dismissed as scattered occurrences which must be understood given years of abuse and oppression.

Learn more about the history of Neo Dixie
Here in Northern United States white women in Neo Dixie due to their previous privilege position and racism, have struggled to be heard. People would rather not listen to their stories of sexual abuse and exploitation. Instead, they want a simple story. The good guys, the oppressed, won against the oppressors. They don't want a story of one oppressive regime replacing another one.
Instead of a white apartheid regime, a black apartheid regime has evolved. This one in many ways more horrible than the regime it replaced. Neo Dixie is a place ruled by gangs and warlords. It is not a normal civil society. Brutal gangs plead allegiance to Empress Monifa Russel. In return for their support, she has looked the other way at their criminal enterprise. With large gangs fielding their own armies Monifa could not afford to challenge their power. Instead, a feudal society has emerged of gangs pleading allegiance to Empress Monifa Russel but whom otherwise run their turf as they see fit.

As the gangs rolled in with their soldiers and occupied New Confederacy towns and cities, the white population soon found themselves at the mercy of a vengeful force. Affluent white postcard families living in the suburbs would wake up to thugs knocking down their doors, dragging them out of bed. Terrified husbands watching their wives brutally gang raped by Neo Dixie soldiers while they would laugh and record it on camera. Next, they would get chased out of their homes, sometimes with minimal clothing. Homes either taken over by gang members or looted for all valuables. Sometimes houses would get burned to the ground.
White families would get herded together in refugee camps where men, women, young and old would get separated. Men and the older were the lucky ones. They would primarily get transported to the borders and let loose. Millions of refugees streaming across the border to our lands, in the Northern United States.
Young white women were less lucky. They were treated as war loot to be divided between gangs and their members. How many "white hoes" you owned became a new status symbol. The black men and women in the gangs controlling Neo Dixie gleefully enjoyed watching their old masters and superiors humiliated and brought low.

A typical story for a white woman in Neo Dixie
The most common fate for young white women was to get pimped out. Their bodies used to satisfy sexual urges for money. Numerous women tell stories of being injected with DOLL-2 serum causing growth development of wider hips, narrower waists, larger breasts and increased libido. The effects are however less pronounced than for DOLL-3. The latter gene therapy had been already used on black women, and DOLL-2 was left over from earlier experimentation as the New Confederates had abandoned it in favor of DOLL-3.
Daily Life for White Women in Neo Dixie
Through interviews with white women who escaped from Neo Dixie we have been able to piece together what reality most of these women live under. Their possessions, house, car or other valuable was taken away from them as New Confederacy towns got looted upon initial occupation by Neo Dixie forces.
Instead women live with black gang leaders and their house. Others live in large brothels. A significant number live on large farms as so called hucows. Hucow is a shorthand for human milking cows. We will get back to this strange and disturbing phenomenon so widespread in Neo Dixie
Women in brothels typically get a debt to work off before they are free. Many of the women who have come here to the Northern United States are former prostitutes who worked off their debt. They were mislead to believe this could be achieved before turning 30 but most could not accomplish before well into their 40s. The gangs would always find clever ways to add to their debt. Fines for breaking rules. Medical care. Breast upgrades, contraceptives or any number of things they themselves did not necessarily chose but which go pushed upon them.
The Evolution of Hucow Farming
One of the more unique and grotesque practices widespread in Neo Dixie today is what is called hucow farming. It involves women milked and treated as farm animals. Why is this practice so common in Neo Dixie and how did it arise?
Research shows that it began as what was called "breeding farms". It was a place to impregnate white women using white men, so called studs, to create children, (called calves in the industry) which could be sold to adoption agencies or raised to be the next generation of white prostitutes in Neo Dixie, when they came of age.

Once impregnated they would take normal black customers for sexual services. As many became mothers it became challenging to work as a prostitute while raising children. The solution was that individual hucows would take turns watching the children of multiple other hucows. The mothers would get their tits pumped while fucked to get milk for their children to be served in bottles by their minders.
However the industry took another turn when many hucow farmers discovered that with DOLL-2 serum injections it was possible through repeated breast stimulation and pumping to increase milk yields considerably. Increased milk production allowed individual child minders to breast feed 4-12 children through the day.
Pumped milk from others then got sold instead as natural milk substitute for milk formula. Breast milk became poplar among black women to buy as replacement for baby formula and soon enough Neo Dixie even started exporting breast milk.
A fully developed hucow can produce about 400 to 600 ounces of milk per day. Breast milk sells for about $2.5 on the market today. Thus a fully developed hucow is generating 365,000 to 547,500 dollars per year from milking alone. This is comparable to around 584,000 dollars for sexual services per year. Thus a hucow makes over 1 million dollars of revenue per year. In addition comes money earned from adoption of children. Thus the hucow business has expanded rapidly in Neo Dixie.
Why has Neo Dixie not Been Sanctioned?
The situation of white women in Neo Dixie has frequently been brought up internationally in front of the UN. Neo Dixie government has argued that they do not have full control over the country and that they rely on warlords to keep the peace and stability. They claim that abuse of women is like sexual crimes in any other country and they should not be singled out for it. Further they have managed to get many allies in Africa with the argument that the negative characterization of Neo Dixie is driven by white racism.
Many liberals in the West are sensitive to the accusation and afraid to push the issue fearing it will be seen as racist. Especially given how racist the former New Confederacy was towards black people. The fear is to be seen as hypocrites with a double standard.
Victim organizations for Neo Dixie women get harassed and accused of being privileged white women crying "white women tears" to gain unearned sympathy. They are accused of lying and exaggerating to foment racism against black people.
Yet, there are former black sex slaves from the New Confederacy days which have come out openly supporting the women and their stories saying that "women should be listened to regardless of the color of their skin."
Thus a situation of paralysis has occurred where nobody is certain exactly what to believe.