Ch 18 - What are you doing here?
Alex has a very no good very bad day. Pussy greed got the better of him.

Vieregg has been on cloud nine ever since his unexpected sexual encounter with Zoey. Zoey hard at work on the job setting up weekly meetings and partnerships with different companies coordinating back and forth with her father. Secretly she has been plotting a little bit of retribution. She listens quietly and waits carefully until certain events come to pass. One of those events is about to happen inside her very office.
AJ: Hey sweetie., Good job today. Everything is more streamline and it is a good start to our business here in Imperial Norway.
Zoey: Thanks father. Are you sure you are going to be alright.
AJ: Oh boy, Sweetie, I am not made of glass. Your Auntie Claire has been doing a great job helping me recover. Just like you did with Vieregg. Speaking of which, what did you do to him. He has been on cloud nine for a while now. Even Idun called him a sexist asshole and that didn't even faze him.
Zoey: I just made him more of an honest man now. And Idun is not helping her case by calling him that. All she need to do is to unzip pull out and suck while he plays his game. Maybe she can play some while he blows out her back. But being hot headed and name calling is never the answer.
AJ: Well what about the Vice President?
Zoey: Ha! The jokes on you dad. She claims that she's going to be your corporate wife because of some agreement between you and her. The less said about her the better.
Zoey: Well, I don't care either way. She's not married to me. I could care less about her.
Alex bursts in the room.
Alex: What does he got that I don't have?
AJ: Oh hey Alex. What are you bellyaching about now? Shouldn't you off to bang one of my wives and then calling my phone to brag about it.
Alex:.............................. they love me better than you and they know it!!
AJ: (Mocks)Pfft. Of course they do. But what are you doing here right now?
Alex: Vilde said that you gave Vieregg the best blowjob ever.
AJ: I didn't "Blow" Vieregg. My daughter did. She helped recover him and restore him back to full health.
Alex: Where's my recovery?
AJ: You are too greedy. Don't think I don't realize who took you home early this morning aboard a certain airship. I am all to aware you recovered quite nicely with all that pussy flowing in your face.
Alex: That's old pussy. I can get that anytime I want. Besides I don't want your leftovers.
AJ: So you want another go at the Vice president?
Alex: Well, yes that too. I was talking about your daughter.
AJ: You are very bold and brazen to say that with a straight face. I will let Vilde know you are interested.
Alex: Not her you bastard. I meant Zoey
AJ: HAHHAHAHAHA!!! Wait, you are envious of Vieregg because Zoey gave him simple blowjob while you got major pussy from Vorin and her crew? You crying about having the rarest pot of gold while you friend has the one single shiny polished gold coin you don't have? Holy crap man! You are one hundred percent a scavenger and not an alpha predator. You are nowhere near ready to run with the wolves. But perhaps we can play this audio back to Vorin. See what she thinks of your words.
Alex: Wait, what?
AJ: Yeah her "old" pussy means nothing to you. You can tap that any time you want to right? Same goes for Nora and Claire and especially Haldis right? That means you'll stop pursuing old pussy right?

Alex: Wha- Well I wouldn't put it like that.
AJ: What is it then? I'm all ears.
Alex: Well Vieregg got the honor meeting your daughter and get a blowjob from her. What does he have that I don't?
AJ: Well a humbled personality for one. His coyness is one of his biggest traits. It's a huge turn on for women. While you do nothing but call me to brag about banging my wives and running off before I can come home catch you. Clearly Osmine has done a poor job training you to respect another man's women. But I am not a heartless man. I will give you permission to date my daughter if you promise to stay away from my wives and daughters. No contact whatsoever.
Alex: Yeah whatever. we have a deal.
AJ: Good Let's have you sign this contract then.
Alex: Fine Let's get this over with.
AJ: Let me draft up a e-contract letter.
Zoey: Congratulations we are going to have so much fun together. We should get to know each other better.
Alex: Oh, I agree
AJ: Here we go, sign this.
(Alex signs the e-contract letter)
AJ: Alright congrats! She's all yours!! treat her right! Alright sweetie, I am about to head home.
Zoey: Take care daddy.
(AJ heads home leaving Alex with Zoey. Alex is smiling triumphantly from ear to ear.)
Zoey: Well then before we get started I am going to need you to wear this. Its a chastity belt.
Alex: Pfft!! there is no way I am going to wear that you bitch! I am an alpha. I dominate women. They don't order me around. Your ass is mine!! I like to take my payment now.
Zoey: Interesting, well it seems that daddy was right about you. you don't respect women. How are we going to have a proper relationship if we don't trust each other off the bat? Or you just call me derogatory names?
Alex: I am not letting you put that belt on me as if I'm your pet.
Zoey: You didn't seem to have a problem with Monica dominating you. So what's the problem.
Alex: She tricked me. She poisoned my food and I was tied up and bound. and had her way with me. But I will pay her back!
Zoey: I'm glad to hear this. But for now, wear this belt. You can put on yourself or I can put it on for you.
Alex: Listen I told you that I am not letting you put that on me bitch. ( he snatches it from her hand and cuts it up.)
Zoey: Hey!! that was gift from daddy.
Alex: Daddy is not here. You are mine now so get you ass over here so that I can fuck you mercilessly.
Zoey: Well could you at very least eat me out first? You can do that much right?
Alex: Yeah, I can do that. Fine if it will get you to shut up.
Zoey: I like 69. We both can enjoy that position.
Alex: Ohhh good Idea. I've been wanting to get a great blowjob from you. That idiot Vieregg has been smiling from ear to ear ever since you gave him his.
(They proceed to get into position and begin to go down on each other. Alex is no slouch to the pussy game and Zoey is highly impress with his eating habits she sucks his dick for while. He's completely within a trance. As soon as she sees this she strikes leg-locking his head in a gorilla grip cutting off his oxygen.)
Zoey: Time to go to sleep darling!! Don't struggle. It will only make the agony much worse. Don't resist me. That's it. Rest up now.
(Zoey then proceeds to finish him off. he unconsciously ejaculates uncontrollably on the floor. She then proceeds to to get another chastity belt from her desk drawer and put it on her unsuspecting boyfriend. When he finally wakes up he doesn't suspect anything yet.)
Zoey: Sorry I got a little rough there.
Alex: What the heck woman you tried to kill me.
Zoey: I would do no such thing!!
Alex: You bitch!! I will pay you back you know.
Zoey: You will do no such thing darling!! The roles have been reversed!!
Alex:.......!!!!!!!! What did you do to me? And why am I tied up again?
Zoey: Let's shut your mouth once and for all. You clearly didn't read the contract. If you did without prematurely signing it you would have notice that you are my property now. You are officially a cuckold. My slave. My boy toy. My bitch!! This "Osmine" clearly didn't do a good job training you. But it doesn't have to be a burden to you. I have a proposition for you. You are going to help me weed out all the undesirables within our company. That means weeding out all these unqualified sluts you see roaming around in these high positions. I will train you on your focus and endurance. So you will be my eyes and ears with the company sniffing out all types of corruption. You can build your own harem by manipulating these scum into submission. It won't be easy. but do a good job and any corrupted slut you catch in the act will be yours to conquer. Aren't I good girlfriend?
Zoey: Oh and another thing. hands off my family. No calling them bitches or sluts or anything derogatory. Save that kind of talk for the women around here. Oh sorry you needed to say something? (Rips the tape off his mouth.)
Alex: oww! you bit- I mean sorry but how long am I going to be like this?
Zoey: 42 days
Alex: 42 days!!! I won't survive that long!!
Zoey: Oh suck it up princess!! You will do just fine