The Soria Moria House of Pleasure
A brothel run by voluptuous busy sex addicted ladies who have defected from fascist Imperial Norway.

The Soria Moria House of Pleasure is a form of brothel full of busty Norwegian bimbos located in Knightsbridge, London, England.
It is part of my Imperial Norway 2053 fictional universe. Technically speaking, there are Soria Moria pleasure houses all over the world, as they are locations for the exile community from Imperial Norway. In this universe, Norwegian girls have all been transformed to busty sex addicts due to DNA altering experiments carried out in the years 2028-2035 by a fascist dictatorship often just referred to as the Patriarchy or NewCon. The transformation was carried out through the use of the DOLL-3 retrovirus. Such viruses are used to perform modification of DNA. The virus does not persist in the body.
The body alteration caused by infection by DOLL-3 is referred to as the Fosse-Enger syndrome, named after the researchers studying the phenomena.

This pleasure house serves as the setting for various stories. The main story is about the relationship developing between a cynical gold digging prostitute at the Soria Moria house of pleasure named Alvdis and a toxic incel named Emmet, who used to watch videos recorded of Alvdis while she was getting sexually abused and tortured as a POW in Neo Dixie (another fictional country made up of the southern states in the US).

The story of how prostitute Alvdis and bitter incel Emmet made a relationship
Another story line is about the triplets Gyro, Disa and Ragne, These are young busty Norwegian school girls starting 6th form college in Knightsbridge college in Emmet's class. This causes some cultural crash as these girls grew up in Imperial Norway and also suffer the Fosse-Enger syndrome, meaning they are all essentially slutty bimbos. The teacher is not thrilled. Emmet get pulled into this story as well since he is made to fuck all three girls every day before school to ensure they can concentrate in class. The Fosse-Enger syndrome means girls get concentration problems and brain fog if too long time been sexual intercourse transpires.
Somewhat related is the story of Eden Club, a night club with exiles from Neo Dixie, the enemy of Imperial Norway. In this setting, a character named Albert becomes a sex slave to the black girls running Eden club.
History of the Pleasure House
In the late 2040s and early 2050s, an increasing number of women living in the fascist Matriarchy regime of Imperial Norway begin to resent their lives. They resent living in a militarized society where everyone must spend the best years of their lives serving in the matriarchy army trying to keep together an empire with constant rebellions in occupied territories.
Many want a normal life with a husband and children. Normal family life and not the life of a soldier. But the widespread oppression of men in Imperial Norway has led many to flee, making it increasingly hard for women in Norway to find a soul partner to share their life. And a more pressing concern is the constant desire for sex caused by the Fosse-Enger syndrome, affecting all women in Norway. It is a genetic disorder, which was originally induced by the DOLL-3 retrovirus by the former patriarchy that ruled Norway.
The genetic disorder is inherited and expressed by all girls born in Imperial Norway, and there is no known cure. The women suffering under it are often referred to as Neo Nordic. Many find it impossible to live with the condition in Norway, given the difficulty of obtaining sex with a man. Many managed okay using sex toys or girl on girl sex. But studies show a declining mental health and unhappiness in Imperial Norway among women.
Many simply don't believe in the fascist ideology, either. This has led many women to flee from Imperial Norway and find their luck elsewhere. This is how the Soria Moria clubs started getting established around the world. They formed expat communities for women from Imperial Norway. But they also evolved into brothels because Neo Nordic women found it very hard to hold down a normal job due to the Fosse-Enger syndrome (caused by DOLL-3 retrovirus).
Many suffered stigmatization from their sex addiction, getting dismissed as dirty hoes or sluts. The syndrome which also causes abnormal muscle growth and tendency for higher level of aggression also contributes to the reputation of Neo Nordic girls as dangerous. Much of this is from the fact that Imperial Norway was a feared country around the world.
With military training since childhood, the average Neo Nordic woman is highly lethal and dangerous. Many men have learned the hard way that sexual harassment of a Neo Nordic could lead to a prolonged hospital stay.
The end result is that normal work-life has proved impossible for Neo Nordic women abroad, and the majority have drifted into prostitution. Prostitution solves several problems: It provides opportunity for frequent sex, which most Neo Nordic women require, and it gives a source of income.
In fact, the Soria Moria pleasure houses proved immensely popular. Few ordinary girls could match Neo Nordic women in terms of looks and sex appeal with their thick, busty well sculpted bodies and insatiable hunger for sex. Soria Moria pleasure houses established themselves as playgrounds for the rich elite, which has made Neo Nordic women abroad affluent in many places.
Consequently, the Soria Moria clubs have evolved into something that looks increasingly like opulent palaces. Many Neo Nordic girls believe they are living a dream life doing the activity they enjoy the most while making lots of money.
This attracted ever more girls to pour out of Norway, seeking the new dream life. The pleasure houses started getting crowded, and it became a buyer's market. Customers started demanding ever more degrading acts. Entitled customers started treating Neo Nordic girls badly and that is when things went down hill. Neo Nordics aren't pushovers, and those customers quickly learned that. Some ended up in the hospital. Once again Neo Nordics sealed their reputation and crazy Nazi bitches and the high society clientele which has supported their lavish lifestyle increasingly withdrew.
Thus in 2053 getting customers gets ever harder and girls get more desperate. The pleasure houses remain but they evolve into something more complex. Women have to hustle. Several drift into organized crime. Due to their military background, super quick reflexes and quick aim, some end up as hired muscle and hitmen for the underground.
Others enter the drug trade. In some places Neo Nordic crime syndicates evolve. Girls enjoy some advantage on using an obscure little known language, Norwegian, when interacting with other crime organizations.