The Rise of Neo Dixie
The history of Neo Dixie, comprising of the Southern United States in 2053.

In this issue of Punchback magazine, we will cover the history of Neo Dixie. Many young people in the Northern United States today do not know the important story of how the country south of our border, Neo Dixie, arose. In the media, Neo Dixie is often depicted as a violent gangland ruled by warlords in a feudal society. But how did Neo Dixie come to be ruled by a hierarchy of warlords and street gangs?
Let us start at the beginning.
Neo Dixie has a complicated backstory shaped by numerous world events. There are those who use Neo Dixie as an example of what will happen when black people are given political power, even calling for black people to be stripped of voting rights.
But as we shall see in this story, Neo Dixie, is precisely a warning about what happens when a large minority is oppressed and abused. Few people today care to educate themselves about the backstory of Neo Dixie. To look at how horrible the regime is today without asking how it got that way.
Others are in denial about the problems in Neo Dixie, claiming it is racist white propaganda, by people who don't want to see black people having success. Both views are problematic. Neo Dixie is a dictatorship, ruled by violent gangs. It is not a place empowering black people. In fact, we have many black dissenters here in the Northern United States who fled it and advocate against it.
The oppression and dysfunction of Neo Dixie cannot be understood without understanding and knowing the racist white supremacist apartheid regime, that preceded it and a bitter and bloody civil war that brought it down. Thus, we first need to understand how the New Confederacy, often called NewCon, came into existence.
2020 — The Biden Trump Election
The American presidential election in 2020 involves one of the most controversial sitting presidents in American history, Donald J. Trump. His supporters praised him like a Messiah, while to his opponents he was the anti-Christ. Despite what his followers believed, Joe Biden emerged victorious in the election, but President Trump and his followers would not accept the outcome.
A long drawn out process protesting the elections, calling it rigged and manipulated, got drawn out. Eventually, the establishment confirmed Joe Biden as the next president, but Trump fled to the South where renegade states pledged allegiance to Trump and declared him the true winner. The Southern States rejected Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.
For years, debates and arguments about who actually won ensued. President Biden chose a de-escalation tactic to bring Southern Governors into the fold. But in time it became clear to everyone that the North and the South were no longer one country, and had not been for a while. Reality had to be accepted and the New Confederacy was declared, often simply referred to as NewCon.
Some try to make parallels between the civil war of the Union and the Confederacy raging in the years 1861 to 1865, but we would caution to compare such widely different historical periods. President Donald Trump had secured nuclear launch codes when he fled South. NewCon thus had a large nuclear arsenal which made everyone reluctant to an armed conflict. Not to mention, there was many in the North who were all too happy to see the South leave the Union.
Making matters worse was Russia under the leadership of Vladimir Putin recognized Donald Trump as the true winner of the elections. In fact Russian ships moved to the American coastline while Putin pledged to aid the New Confederacy in any armed conflict with the Northern United States.
2022 - The New Confederacy is Formally Declared
The actual formal declaration of the New Confederacy cause major chaos. Street fights broke out in the North and South between supporters of either president. In the South, this quickly resulted in a political shift towards an ever more autocratic regime, as president Trump started cracking down on demonstrators and people opposing his regime with a heavy hand. Those without the outmost loyalty to Trump within the Republican Party got ousted.
Liberals started fleeing the South. Meanwhile, Joe Biden failed to establish order as he was not willing to put in armed forces to keep control. Violence towards conservatives carried out by left-wing extremists caused a major migration of conservative families towards the South.
To outsiders, it looked like the great American superpower was imploding on itself. Russia (the country we know as Novi Soviet today) used the chaos to launch an attack on Ukraine, and in Asia, China launched an attack on Taiwan. Without American leadership, European NATO allies were thrown into disarray, not knowing how to respond to these world events.
The 2020s were chaotic times, especially since a major pandemic was raging across the world at the same time. Eventually, Americans accepted the new arrangement. Nobody wanted a civil war, and Joe Biden was concerned about chaos erupting in the rest of the world without his leadership. Taiwan was about to fall to China and Ukraine to Russia. While Joe Biden was busy trying to put out fires in the rest of the world, Donald Trump established himself as an absolute ruler, all but in name. Under the advice of his right-hand Steve Bannon, an Apartheid state and patriarchy was gradually developed.
2024 — Bannon and White Supremacist Takeover
It is believed that at this point, Donald Trump isn't really leading the confederacy. Rather, he is the public face. Instead of a complex, white supremacist network is spun by Steve Bannon, who pulls in various white supremacist groups to infiltrate and seize power at all levels of government. White supremacist rallies become more prevalent and Bannon and his cohorts use protests and violence against these rallies as a pretext to install ever more dictatorial power, drumming up fear of Antifa and BLM. BLM was a protest movement for African Americans against police violence. This becomes the tactic Bannon uses to create actual apartheid laws targeting African Americans. Officially, the laws are to target what he calls BLM terrorists, but are really just a way to recreate an Apartheid state.
The circle of white supremacists around Steve Bannon are obsessed with creating a pure, superior white race and turning African Americans into obedient slaves. Unknown for a long time was that they began extensive medical and genetic experiments on the black population with the aim of understanding how to manipulate humans genetically to their desire.
But it would not be until the regime that followed Trump and Bannon that this really took a grotesque turn. An ever larger percent of the black population is incarcerated and convicts are exploited as slave labour to work in factories, farms, and mines.
2024 — Gene Therapy Retrovirus VIR-X9
In 2022, as Russia (precursor to Novi Soviet) struggles with the Ukraine invasion, they initiate a secret program to develop a gene therapy to alter the DNA of soldiers. The aim is to create super soldiers that can help them win the war. The development is centered of creating a retrovirus named VIR-X9 which when delivered through a syringe injection with the VIR-X9 vector serum release VIR-X9 retrovirus into the body.
A retro virus transform their single stranded RNA genome into a double-stranded DNA molecule that stably integrates into the target cell genome. This means that retroviral vectors permanently modify the host cell nuclear genome.
The first stages of development are carried out on animals. By 2024 the gene therapy is ready for human trials. At this point, Novi Soviet has established tight connections with the New Confederacy over their shared beliefs in traditional values.
Reluctant to test the gene therapy on white people, they agree that VIR-X9 should be tested out on the black population in the New Confederacy.
2024 — Gene Therapy Retrovirus DOLL-2
Through the 2020s and earlier the change of dating culture to online dating combined with modern feminism caused a collapse of the dating market for young men. Anger and resentment towards women develop and coalesce into the incel and redpill movement. These become powerful political factions within the New Confederacy. Key positions in the Steve Bannon controlled government are given to incel leaders.
The incel faction argues that evolution has made women too picky and restrictive towards sex in a way that hurts modern men. Rouge biologists who have worked with Novi Soviet to test VIR-X9 argues that the technology can be used to create a gene therapy to create more submissive and sexually active females.
Cooperation with the incel faction develops to create goals for this new gene therapy which becomes known as DOLL-1. The first trials on animals show promise. The incel faction argues that they do not want merely access to women but sexually attractive women. A decision is made to add gene changes to make the female phenotype adhere to male sexual fantasies. Genes are altered to increase hip to waist ratio and enhance breast growth in women. This becomes the DOLL-2 retrovirus based gene therapy.
As with VIR-X9 a decision is made to begin experimentation on the black female population. The injection is typically handled covertly as part of vaccination programs.
2025 — Gene Therapy Retrovirus DOLL-3
Initial human trials point to success with the DOLL-2 gene therapy. Based on lesson from the trials they create an improved version called DOLL-3 which gets injected into most of the black female population.
At the same time black men get permission to leave NewCon, but not women. A tactic to get rid of competition for the white incel faction for women. The other rational is that in their racist believes, a large exodus of black men to the North will cause a rise in crime and social problems.
Due to the clear oppression in NewCon millions of black men leave the country for the Northern United States. Much of their property and values get confiscated by whites who opportunistically take over abandoned houses and possessions enriching themselves.
2026 — Gene Therapy Viral Cocktail VIR-DOLL
Confident that the DOLL-3 and VIR-X9 retrovirus works based on experiments with black people in NeoCon, the Novi Soviets start testing these gene therapies on men and women in occupied Norway. They want to test combining the drugs and thus develop a gene therapy viral cocktail called VIR-DOLL.
Their idea is that a highly intelligent and physically fit but submissive and attractive female population would be a benefit to the Novi Soviet society.
A new strand of COVID19 has emerged and Novi Soviets decides to deliver VIR-DOLL together with COVID19 vaccine. However, due to mix of incompetence, corruption and bad luck the Novi Soviets end up distributing every vaccine targeted at women with VIR-DOLL as opposed to a few.
The bureaucrats making the mistake decide to cover it up to not face consequences from their leadership. At the same time VIR-X9 seems to cause problems in males that the leadership chose. The need to create super soldiers to win the war in Ukraine requires it. It has nearly succeeded but NATO has begun a counter-attack in Western Ukraine.
2027 — Novi Soviet Super soldiers Enter War
Because the New Confederacy cooperated extensively with Novi Soviet we find it important to cover some of its history.
With the arrival of super soldiers combined with new Novi Soviet war machines and an economy entirely built for War, the Novi Soviets the Novi Soviet bulldoze Poland. With lack of gas causing massive electricity shortages and economic collapse, Western Europe is in chaos and unable to withstand the Novi Soviet war machine rolling into Germany.
To conquer Germany, the Novi Soviet withdrew most of their troops in Norway to send them to Germany.
2028 — Novi Soviet Must Ask NewCon for Aid
Side effects from VIR-X9 gene therapy becomes evident. The Russian super soldiers start getting sick, many start dying. Covert operations finances by the Norwegian exile government begins sending weapons into Norway through the coastlines smuggled through merchant ships or submarines.
With fewer soldiers from Novi Soviet present in Norway a rebellion starts to mount. First sabotage happens such a blowing up important military installations.
Fearing a loss on their grip of power Novi Soviets ask for emergency aid from the New Confederates which send in troop to Norway.
2028 — Caleb Taylor Greene Becomes President of NewCon
Caleb Taylor Greene succeeds Donald Trump as President of the New Confederacy. The last years he has been little but a figurehead in front of Steve Bannon, who has held the real power. Taylor Greene assumes more actual power and continues a development of NewCon into an oppressive patriarchal fascist regime. Women get increasingly marginalized in the regime and the power of men expanded.
As Novi Soviet falters the occupation of Norway increasingly becomes a New Confederacy project. It fits well their ideology around creating a pure Aryan race. Norway is seen as the unadulterated Aryan people by the pseudo race science of the regime. Breeding facilities are setup and a fascist indoctrination campaign begun.
2032 — VIR-X9 Serum brought to Neo Dixie Training Camp
Operatives working for the Norwegian Matriarchy National Party through their spying observations find out about the VIR-X9 and DOLL-3 gene therapy. They locate a secret lab with the serums are stored which they raid. Through cooperation with the Norwegian exile government in the Northern United States they bring VIR-X9 over to the Norwegian exile government in the Northern United states. They have submarines and covert merchant ships used to bring numerous batches over.
In Northern United States there are military training camps setup for blacks, hispanics, asians and other minorities oppressed by the New Confederacy. The women there are given the VIR-X9 retrovirus based gene therapy. At this point they know that it is not safe to give to men.
Resistance soldier smuggles the serum across the border to give to resistance groups hiding inside the New Confederacy.
2036 — Establishment of the Norwegian Matriarchy
Svanhild Hvidsten seizes control in Norway and establishes the Norwegian matriarchy. Revenge against men for being complicit in the occupation and taking advantage of women ensues. The terror against men cause many to flee abroad. At the same time, Imperial Norway advanced into Sweden and Denmark to liberate those countries. Novi Soviet and New Confederate forces are forced to retreat as Imperial Norway starts terror against Novi Soviet and New Confederate cities using orbital strikes. Arms manufacture, ports and similar gets hit.
Imperial Norway also start coordinating attacks with the resistance in the New Confederacy organized by Black Lives Matter (BLM) which morphed into a resistance organization.
With the aid of Imperial Norway, the resistance movement start to make gains and attract followers. They start distributing VIR-X9 to women joining the resistance.
2037 — Imperial Norway Emerges
Norwegian matriarchy forces enter Germany, Poland and the Netherlands to liberate them from the Novi Soviet. Imperial Norway during occupation argues that due to the patriarchy puppet regimes that had ruled the Netherlands, Germany and Poland, it was necessary put in place safeguards against male dominance and a return of power to the patriarchs.
2037 - 2039 — The Rise of Neo Dixie
As Imperial Norway cements its power it eyes and opportunity to destroy the hated New Confederacy once and for all. Imperial Norway continues using Orbital Cannon to destroy military infrastructure and help rebel forces but stops when the New Confederacy makes it clear that further usage of Orbital Cannons will be viewed as an existential threat and cause for nuclear retaliation.
Instead efforts are performed to improve training of BLM fighters in Northern camps and provide weapons. The Northern United States claim they are large unaware of such based and try to stay out of the conflict.
Imperial Norway used amphibious vehicles and submarines to deliver troops along the coast. All of this is combined with mass demonstrations and strikes by the non-white population. The New Confederacy heavy beat downs only enrage people and fire up the resistance more.
Soon NewCon is seeing a bloody and devastating civil war causing many to flee to the North and Mexico as refugees. The predominantly advancing black BLM army wants revenge on the white supremacist government and the abuse they suffered. It becomes all too common to observe white women getting raped in front of their husbands as revenge.
2039 – Monifa Russel Become Empress of Neo Dixie
Monifa Russel, a former rap star, becomes leader of the newly established Neo Dixie. The need to prevent the overthrow of the regime by white supremacists is used as an excuse to assume dictatorial powers.
The new regime lets many white men and older white women flee but keeps younger white women as they see them as war booty. Neo Dixie does not evolve as clear into a matriarchy as Imperial Norway because far from the whole female population ever get the VIR-X9 gene therapy. Black and hispanic men are to a larger extent depended on in the army and running the country.
Black and hispanic women mainly get power and influence in Neo Dixie because they are a majority since during the New Confederacy days many black men were allowed to leave.