The Queendom of Australia

Australia as it exists within the fictional world of Imperial Norway 2053

The Queendom of Australia

A civil war raged in Australia leading to the formation of the Queendom of Australia. This is a world created by staff writer Heather Reverie. It came out of a cooperation with me about making a fictional future Australia place in the same universe as Imperial Norway in the year 2053.

So this is just a placeholder text until Heather fills in a better introduction to the Queendom of Australia.


Some overview of the history of Queendom of Australia and links to articles.

Architecture and Places

Places that are important in the stories and images that gives a sense of what the physical world of Queendom of Australia looks like.


The main characters are Heather and Maya but there are many more.

Characters of Australian Queendom - Vieregg’s World
Characters found in stories set in a future Queendom of Australia. Part of the Imperial Norway 2053 world.

Heather I set you as author, so hopefully you can edit this text