The Muckerman

The Muckerman nightmare is the psychotic evil that stalks women in the world of Imperial Norway. An english gentleman with a wide sick grin.

The Muckerman
The infamous Muckerman grin that puts everyone at unease

An unrepentant sociopath who get's off on the thrill and torture of helpless captive women.

  • Name: Clarence Stewart
  • Nationality: British
  • Occupation: Head of a British crime syndicate engaging in trafficking of women globally.


The Muckerman has the appearance of twister British aristocrat. As he is described in the Imperial Norway 2053 novel:

Idun could not make sense of what it meant. Before she got to reflect more, she saw a man coming walking towards them that look completely out of place. Polished shoes. Expensive looking colorful suit. He was the caricature of a British gentleman. Impeccable in every way. A handsome man with a certain smug arrogance. The most noticeable was his grin. He smiled in a way that look looked wrong. Like the smile was too wide.
"That is the Muckerman, Mr. Clarence Stewart," Jill whispered with a tremble.


The Muckerman can be deceptive as he does not speak using harsh words of manners. Rather he acts like a posh English gentleman with good manners and a jolly disposition. However he is also a complete sadistic pervert who cannot get sexual satisfaction without degrading, terrorizing or torturing women.


The Muckerman seeks power and money while having an insatiable appetite for using and abusing women.


While the Muckerman can have almost any woman, he has a form of love of Ellen Hartley, that no other woman can offer him. In his mind Ellen should feel honored that she is his object of desire. That tormenting and humiliating her bring him more joy than anything else.

When she escapes him it exposes his weakness. The rich powerful man struggles with depression and gaining a sense of meaning in his life. He craves waking up to Ellen's body bound and gagged next to him. He his lost in nostalgia about his evenings in the basement torturing Ellen's body.

He misses her enough that he lives to just call her and hear her cuss him out. The Muckerman is unable to take Ellen's angry insults and attacks on him serious. He views them as endearments. In his twisted mind Ellen is showing him affection by telling him what a sick twisted pervert he is.

The Muckerman is far more cunning than Carter Evans, but also significantly more detached from reality.

Background Story

Not much is known about the Muckerman. Where he comes from, his family and friends. What is known is that he runs a large global trafficking operations. He has a long list of rich perverted clients who collect women to be used as sexual objects.

The Muckerman is known for preparing and moulding women into what the clients desire. He will use for instance his connections with the Carter Evans hucow farm to develop unusually large breasts in the women he traffics.

The Muckerman buys or kidnaps women all over the world and ship them to clients wherever they are desired after he has transformed the girls to something his clients desire.

The Muckerman sees himself as a form of good guy. Somebody who is helping clients enjoy their deepest desires. He is unable to consider the hurt he brings on the women he abuses. In his mind they are simply fulfilling their purpose. He is making sure women are used the way they were meant to be used.

Author Note

The Muckerman is actually based off Deviant Art user of the same name:

The Muckerman background story and person is based off conversations with the muckerman. His actual name, Clarence Stewart, for instance was one of his suggestions. Thus Muckerman is based off Deviant Art users just like AJ and Chris Pyd.

Muckerman is actually a reason why Daphny Bjerke exists as a character. She was first featured in a post that many found somewhat revolting. She was just a pair of tits attached to machinery. That was actually never intentional. My prompts and settings for my AI model just didn't work very well and produced a series of nightmarish images. For one of them I just decided to go with the flow.

muckerman was one of my followers that was intrigued by this image and wanted to know more about Daphny, so she got developed as a character.

For paying members I will maintain here a small gallery of the women the Muckerman has kidnapped and how he has them abused.