Characters of Neo Dixie
Zoey Adley Drakon
AJ and Lisa's hardworking daughter
The former Southern United States now known as Neo Dixie.
Characters of Neo Dixie
AJ and Lisa's hardworking daughter
Characters of Neo Dixie
Blonde English girl who is the little sister of Ellen Hartley.
Characters of Neo Dixie
Vice President of Second Amendment Ind.
Characters of Neo Dixie
The Muckerman nightmare is the psychotic evil that stalks women in the world of Imperial Norway. An english gentleman with a wide sick grin.
Characters of Neo Dixie
Slightly trashy, naive and posh English girl who is the Muckerman's big love.
Characters of Neo Dixie
Claire's half sister. White slave soldier in Neo Dixie. Treated as cannon fodder and sex toy.
Characters of Neo Dixie
Claire's white half sister working at the Ivory strip club and whore house.
Cute feisty hucow at the Carter Evans farm
Jill's stepsister and hucow at the Carter Evans farm
Characters of Neo Dixie
American beefake alpha male known to impregnate a lot of women.
Characters of Neo Dixie
Evil Neo Dixie hucow farmer Carter Evans
Hucow abolitionist in Neo Dixie. Member of the Steel Rose Collective