Svanhild Hvidsten

Supreme leader of Imperial Norway and leader of the Matriarchy Nationalist Party (MNP)

Svanhild Hvidsten
Supreme leader Svanhild Hvidsten at her palace

Supreme leader Svanhild Hvidsten is the co-founder of the Matriarchy Nationalist Party (MNP). The other founder was Haldis Nyborg. Both came from prominent far-right families ruling Norway in the days of the Patriarchy.

  • Name: Svanhild Hvidsten
  • Born: 9th January 2011
  • Age: 42
  • Daughter: Else Hvidsten
  • Nationality: Norwegian
  • Job: Leader of the fascist Matriarchy Nationalist Party and supreme leader of Imperial Norway


She has short platinum blonde, nearly white undercut hair. Her piercing steel blue eyes are intimidating. Svanhild has the appearance of an ice queen.


Cold calculating and manipulative. Svanhild will sacrifice almost anybody if it ensures the survival of the regime and advance the interests of Imperial Norway. She is not beyond backstabbing her own if it has benefits. However Svanhild is also a pragmatist eager to improve the reputation of Imperial Norway abroad. 


Securing the permanent survival of the Norwegian empire and securing the future of the Aryan race and a spreading a matriarchy type of government to all other countries.


Svanhild has overconfidence in her own abilities. She thinks that Imperial Norway can be reformed and become a normal country. The establishment of a democratic Norway after the end of the Neo Dixie war is her crown achievement but proves short lived.

Stories Featuring Svanhild

Learn more about the character of Svanhild Hvidsten from the sort stories, novellas or novels she appears in.

Commander Modgunn summoned to the Supreme Leader
The imposing figure of Modgunn appears in the double door opening to the hall. Short matriarchy military haircut, broad-shoulders, and marching militantly forward

A selection of images of Svanhild. I update this gallery on occassion.