Nora Vs Claire
Nora and Claire have a complex relationship. Both are wives of AJ and fought on opposite sides of the war in Neo Dixie.

Nora: Gotcha!!!Your ass is mine, you little sexy mutt!!
Claire: MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
Nora: What's that you little slut? You can't handle a real woman? You constantly keep getting your ass handed to you. Once your Oxygen is shut off, you go limp. But I won't let you die! I love torturing you while you are weak and breathing. Plus our darling husband would be highly upset with me if something were to happen to you. But he didn't say that you couldn't be my bitch. Plus it's much better when you stop resisting and just accept your fate.
Nora: ............That's right!! That's what I thought!! You now know you place you slut. Beneath my ass!!
(Sylvia walks into the room)
Sylvia: Mom what are doing to Claire??
Nora: Just establishing the hierarchy??
Sylvia: She doesn't look so good. Is she going to make it??
Nora : Oh don't worry about her. She's just taking a nice long nap while I enjoy her delicious prone body. Now let your mommy have her fun time.
Sylvia: Oh alright, just try not to overdo it. (leaves the room).
(Nora opens up Claire's legs to eat out Claire's pussy.)
(AJ comes home from work to see his wives sexfighting)
AJ: Again Nora?? How many times are you going to attack Claire? You do realize she is going to tag your boobs once she gets up from this? Why are you always obsessed with her body?
Nora: I don't like her!!! I downright hate her because you love her more than the rest of us. Plus she has an sexy attractive body. She's just begging to get her ass kicked every time I see her ugly face. She just does---.....!!!!!!!
Claire: Doesn't know what, you crazy little white witch?!! Arrogant bitch always let her guard down!!
(Claire trapped Nora in between her legs. She's not going anywhere)
Claire: Let's get something straight between you and I. Your body belongs to me. Your boobs are my punching bags.Your ass is mine to spank and play with. I am going to enjoy watching you moan, scream and orgasm, helpless beneath my grip. Look I am not the one responsible for torturing you. If you want someone to torture we can get you a racist fanatical neo Dixie bitch. A person who you can torture daily without any consequences. It's bad enough you steal my husband. Now you want to torture me on a daily basis?
Nora: (Freeing Herself from Claire's powerful grip. Actually Claire lets her go) I don't want just "another Neo Dixie bitch". I want to torture you and only you. You are my rival. I need to show you that I can beat you and show you whose the top woman in our relationship.
Claire: AWWWWWWWWW!!!! I love you too sweetie!!(Nora placed in Claire's grip again.)
Nora: What????!!! Nooo!!!
Claire: What? You are afraid that I might leave you? Ohsweet Nora, you don't have to worry about that. I am going make sure you never be left alone again. Now say goodbye to AJ because you won't be getting any sleep for a while !!
Nora: gasps!!!!(Nora tries to run away but Claire grabs her leg and pulls her back towards her. She flips Nora over exposing her big beautiful breasts.)
Claire: Don't run away after confessing your feelings towards me Nora. You are obsess and attracted to my body. I can do no less than but to respond in kind. You knocked me out earlier. So I will do the same. Now these ungodly boobs of yours are going to get mercilessly fucked. Haha!! They are going to be swollen for days.
Nora:........Let me go!!!
Claire: No you need some loving and punishment for knocking me out earlier. Now take your medicine and suck it up princess.