Neo Dixie Power Hierarchies

Explanation of the power structures of Neo Dixie. In particular a look at Neo Dixie gangs.

Neo Dixie Power Hierarchies
Full armor Neo Dixie Soldiers

Many have described Neo Dixie as a modern Feudal Society. That is because regions are divided up by what can best be described as gangs or warlords answering to the Empress Monifa Russell.

This is an article in the fictional Punchback magazine.

The Rise of Neo Dixie

In 2039 following the fall of the New Confederacy, a brutal white supremacist patriarchy, the southeastern region of what was once the United States underwent a radical transformation. The rebellion, fueled by decades of oppression and the desire for justice and equality, gave birth to a new order: Neo Dixie. While the oppressive regime was overthrown, the resulting power vacuum led to the emergence of powerful factions, often referred to as gangs or warlords, who now control the territories of Neo Dixie.

The Rise of Neo Dixie
The history of Neo Dixie, comprising of the Southern United States in 2053.

Hierarchical Power Structure

At the top of this intricate social structure is Empress Monifa Russell, the supreme leader who commands the allegiance of the various regional commanders. These commanders, known as Kingpins or Queenpins, oversee vast territories and enforce the Empress's rule while maintaining their own domains.

Gang Hierarchical Titles:

How power is subdivided in Neo Dixie and the titles of those ruling at different levels.

Supreme Leader (Empress):

  • Empress Monifa Russell, the ultimate authority in Neo Dixie, unites the diverse factions under her rule.

Regional Commanders (Kingpins/Queenpins):

  • Leaders of the major gangs who control different regions or cities. They manage their territories, collect revenues, and ensure loyalty to the Empress.

Faction Leaders (Shot Callers):

  • Oversee individual factions within the regions controlled by the Kingpins/Queenpins. They handle local governance, collect taxes, and enforce gang rules.

Enforcers (Lieutenants):

  • Trusted lieutenants who maintain law and order on the streets. They act as the police force, handle day-to-day enforcement, and protect the gang's interests.

Warriors (Foot Soldiers):

  • The main operational force within the gang, carrying out orders, engaging in combat, and protecting territory.

Initiates (Prospects/Youngbloods):

  • New recruits undergoing initiation and proving their loyalty to the gang. They handle less critical tasks and aspire to rise through the ranks.

Civilian Administration

A civilian administration much like in normal modern states still exists in Neo Dixie and tries to operate as normal. The gangs have replaced the police and military and work as a form of parasitic entity on top of the civilian administration.

The civilian administration does collect money from things like property taxes and sales tax when possible. Neo Dixie is generally a quite dysfunctional state. When needed the gangs often use their own revenue to fund civilian administration, partly so that things like roads, sewer, power, and water supply works in the cities.

Secret Police and State Terror

The Neo Dixie organization tasked with hunting down dissenters and insurgents is the Regulators. They specialize on investigations and interrogations. They report directly to Empress Monifa Russel

Regulators Leadership Titles:

  1. Grand Overseer: The top leader of The Regulators, overseeing all operations and maintaining control over the organization.
  2. Chief Regulator: The second-in-command, directly responsible for coordinating major operations and reporting to the Grand Overseer.

Investigation and Operations Titles:

  1. Lead Investigator: Senior officials responsible for managing and directing investigation teams.
  2. Field Operative: Agents who carry out covert and high-risk operations in the field.
  3. Surveillance Specialist: Experts in monitoring and gathering intelligence through surveillance.

Interrogation Titles:

  1. Interrogation Commander: Senior officials who oversee all interrogation activities and strategies.
  2. Interrogator: Specialists responsible for extracting information from suspects through interrogation.
  3. Psychological Analyst: Experts who assist in developing interrogation tactics and analyzing suspect behavior.

Field Arrest Titles:

  1. Suppression Captain: Leaders of field units responsible for arresting suspects and maintaining order during operations.
  2. Suppression Officer: Officers who carry out the actual arrests of suspects and ensure their secure transport.
  3. Peace Enforcer: Officers who maintain a visible presence on the streets, enforcing curfews, and apprehending minor offenders.

Interrogation Methods

The Regulators engage in a mix of sexualized torture both physical and mental. Threats of distribution of videos of depraved sexualized acts is common. This is primarily done towards white suspects. A whole industry exists to sell and distribute such content.

The Regulators are largely self funded through selling pornographic content. Another form of income is that members of the public can pay to rape suspects as part of the psychological breakdown.