Mom and Hoe Misty

Snow Bunny magazine talks to mom and hoe Misty aka Lisa Adley

Mom and Hoe Misty
Lisa Adley aka Misty at the Ivory club in Neo Dixie

July 2052 Issue — Snow Bunny

Snow Bunny magazine went to the Ivory club in Savannah where we met Lisa Adley aka Misty among clients. Misty is Phat Ass White girl. We had some good times with her sweet ass. But then dayum we noticed that hoe was a momma. She had the sweetest lille girl named Zoey. Outside the hucow farms that is not so common, so we thought "dayum gotta talk to this white bitch."

Snow Bunny: We gotta start out Misty and ask why wanted to do this interview and why your pimp Darius agreed to it. Darius why don't you go first?

Darius: You know I care for my girls, and I know Misty always wanted the baby father to know he had a daughter and that Misty here was alive and well.

Snow Bunny: Is that why you wanted to do this?

Misty: Yeah, I was hoping there would be one way for Zoeys father, AJ Drakon, to read this interview. Maybe somebody who knows him would see this and tell him. And Darius said he'd let AJ write me. I want to hear how he is doing. Tell him about our daughter.

Snow Bunny: Aint that sweet! So tell us how did you meet this AJ?

Misty: He was a gun runner from the North. His was paired up with the Iron Revenants. They ran Louisville up in Kentucky. The Chrome Jackals gang had sold me, my mom and my sister Gina to them. They ran a fancy club called Moonlit Veil.

Snow Bunny: Oh yeah, we been there. That is a high-class place.

Misty: The Iron Revenants set up the smuggling operation. Some of the guys took him down here to be liquored up and fuck girls. He came here several days to watch me dance. My pimp back then, Velvet Slim, had me and my mom Donna do a threesome with him.

Snow Bunny: Bet he loved that!

Misty: Yes. He was so sweet. Never been with a hoe before, and I never met such a gentle man before. I had such a crush on him. He kept coming back whenever he was in town doing business. Velvet Slim took me off the pill. He wanted to get me bred.

Snow Bunny: Oh yeah, when you got a nice Phat Ass White hoe, you got to get her bred. My man Velvet knew the business for sure.

Misty: He did it with my mom too. We didn't even know anything until we started feeling nauseous and getting bumps in our belly. But it was bad for business, so Velvet Slim sold us to a hucow farmer. A real nasty man named Carter Evans.

Snow Bunny: Oh think I heard about him. Known to have a firm hand I hear.

Misty: It was a nightmare. We were so grateful that Darius found us and bought us. Brought us here to the Ivory club.

Snow Bunny: And here you are, a hoe, getting her sweet white ass of yours pounded good each day. Well, we are happy we got to play with that sweet phat ass of yours.

Darius: Yup that girl sure got a nice ass. Clients come asking for that.

Misty: Yes, I miss her, but Darius takes care of us. We get decent food. Zoey is happy and even has anther friend here to play with. She got some toys I got her from some of the money I could save up. Darius let me keep a little bit of what I make. Some clients donated toys.

Snow Bunny: How do you manage to look after Zoey and handle clients?

Misty: There is another mom here, Essence, who has a girl named Dina. She and some of the other girls help out watching Zoey when I am with clients. And well, Darius let her stay with his wife, Tina, sometimes.

Snow Bunny: How is that?

Misty: I am very grateful that Darius does that for us. It gives a Zoey a bit more normal upbringing. Spending time in a real house. But it is….

Darius: That is okay, Misty. You can tell them.

Misty: Like Zoey sees people dressing normally and living normally. She starts asking me my other moms are dressing in proper clothes and why her mommy is always nearly naked. She is of course just used to me dressed like a hoe. I don't think she thinks about it a lot. Well, not until she spent time in a normal house.

Snow Bunny: What do you tell her then?