Mathilde Drakon

AJ and Vorin's daughter

Mathilde Drakon
Mathilde Drakon, younger sister to Vilde

The motherly daughter of AJ and Vorin.

  • Parents: Edward AJ Drakon, Vorin Adlerkrantz
  • Sisters: Vilde, Sylvia (half sister)
  • Nickname: The motherly daughter, Europe's #1 bachelorlette, The Gentle Princess
  • Likes: Foodie, Cute things like babies, Her family (especially her big sister Vilde) sleeping, cooking and cleaning,
    Dislikes: Her family's silly antics, her big boobs, arrogance, boys poking fun of her body, bullying
  • Interests: Keeping her sister and father out of trouble, taking care of her family, learning about sex


A Beautiful well endowed body blessed by God and the Heavens.


A sweet and gentle heiress who looks to serve everyone around her. She handles all the day to day essentials around the house despite being surrounded by multiple servants. This ingratiated her to all who are around her and has earned her quite a few male admirers. Mathilde has a very motherly side always seeking to taking care of her parents, sisters and brothers whenever they are around and keeping them out of trouble whenever she sees that they are about to start trouble. She hates her well endowed boobs irrationally saying that all the foods she eats is store there.

Background Story

Mathilde Drakon is sort of an anomaly. Normally a child is highly influence by their parents antics or their personality traits. From an early age Mathilde has had her own personality. She didn't inherit her mother's arrogance or her father's cocky confident uncouth personality. Rather she would spend time hanging out and playing with her older sister Vilde sleeping and eating and helping out with the chores. To which her sister called her a strange sibling incapable of getting into trouble. Vilde would often take Mathilde with her to see her Uncle Vieregg and to see Vilde flirt and make a fool of herself when trying to seduce him. While she doesn't follow in her sister's footsteps, Mathilde for her part will always try to feed Vieregg some delicious food. But sometimes it can be a little too much and then she will try to stuff her sister (and anyone within her reach) with food. She will also try to feed her father as well with a lot of sweets. While initially successful AJ initially will run off to keep himself from his food repeating and to avoid getting fat. She loves too eat but also likes to exercise to burn off any excess fat in order to maintain her sexy figure

Having inherited the MAMMO-GEN+ genetic profile from her mother Vorin (introduced by the DOLL-3 retrovirus based gene therapy), she likes sex as much as the next woman. But her body was blessed from an early age. But her body growth developed at an even greater than than Vilde's. Her boobs, larger than most girls (and some matriarchs) have attracted a great deal of horny boys and many potential suitors who want nothing more than to bed and impregnate the fertile well endowed blessed beauty. However she hates her boobs saying that they cause her a multitude of issues. When she not playing kids and babies, or feeding others, she spends her time eating and sleeping throughout the day.