Jill Evans
Friendly former hucow Jill Evans

Jill is a hucow (human milking cow) in Neo Dixie who got rescued by soldiers from Imperial Norway and brought to the capital of Imperial Norway, Oslo.
- Name: Jill Evans
- Education: Elementary school
- Age: 21 (2053)
- Born: 20 March 2032
- Nationality: Georgia, Neo Dixie
- Foster parents: Samuel Coleman and Tessa Coleman
- Step sisters: Cadence Coleman and Debbie Evans
- Step brother: Jayden Coleman
- Biological parents: Spencer and Clara Odengaard (found by Hank Tappert)
- Job: Ice cream parlor business owner
Cute busty voluptuous girl with dark brown hair. Looks younger than her age. Often wears sporting gear and hoodies.

Jill from both some happy and unhappy days of her life. Jill did not like being a hucow on the Carter farm.
Jill is a bit of a naive and childish girl, but also someone with stubborn optimism and determination. Jill has a curious nature and is eager to learn and explore the world, but she also has low self-esteem. She is afraid of looking stupid to other people. Most people find Jill quite endearing, as she has a very big heart and is very friendly to everyone she meets.
Because of her own horrible experiences, she empathizes a lot with others is trouble or distress. Jill wants to pamper and care for those she loves.
Having long lived under the oppression of the Neo Dixie regime and people tell her she is a stupid cow and will never amount to anything but a stupid milking cow, Jill is very eager to prove that she is a proper human and can learn things and do complicated things beyond being milked. Jill is unfortunately not entirely convinced of this herself. Coming into the real world without many skills, she often feels she comes up short and the words of Carter Evans that she is nothing but a dumb cow echo in the back of her head. But Jill is no quitter and keeps pushing to prove herself. All Jill wants is to have a normal life and be treated as a normal, intelligent woman.
Jill is naive and lack much formal education, making her unknowledgeable about most things normal people would know. This combined with being raised by people constantly telling her that she is a stupid cow has led to Jill having very poor self-esteem. Jill is very sensitive towards being called stupid, an animal or a cow.