Hildegunn Norheim

Staff Sergeant in an Imperial Norwegian infantry battalion

Hildegunn Norheim
Portrait of staff sergeant Hildegunn Norheim

Staff Sergeant in an Imperial Norwegian infantry battalion. Hildegunn is part of several stories leading squads.

  • Name: Hildegunn Norheim
  • Born 3rd January 2017
  • Age: 37 years in 2054
  • Nationality: Norwegian from the Nordland province
  • Job: Staff Sergeant in Imperial Norwegian infantry battalion
  • Husband: Todd Hardiman
  • Children: Ella 


Hildegunn has a short platinum blonde faux hawk haircut and looks like a busty sexy milf with a kind of military demeanor. 


Typical Northern Norwegian military type. Speaks in a blunt straightforward manner. Cuts to the chase, no bullshits. Not very formal. Set in her ways but trying to change. Assertive and lacking in nuance. Tough cookie. 


A normal life with a husband and children. Hildegunn wants to put her military life behind her, but isn't sure if she can adapt to civilian life.


Hildegunn has been in the military all her adult life and doesn't know much else. 


At 11 years old, before going through puberty, she got infected by the retrovirus created by the New Confederacy patriarchy. Thus, like all other Norwegian women, she did not go through a normal puberty but had accelerated breast growth and developed of enhanced libido which caused her many problems growing up. Boys exploited her sex addiction, and the patriarchy abused Hildegunn like many other women. She was determined to fight back and at 18 joined the Matriarchy Nationalist Party and their military wing, the Valkyries. Like other girls infected by the retrovirus, she had also developer superior intelligence, strength, and stamina.

At 19, she was fighting in the revolution which ended the patriarchy. At 21, she fought against forces invaded Norway. That war created the Empire. The rest of her life involved fighting many insurgencies in the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland.