Hedda Rosenkrantz

Hedda is the youngst member of the team of 42 Venusian women traveling to Earth in 2184.

Hedda Rosenkrantz
Portrait of Venus Spacing Girl Hedda Rosenkrantz

Hedda is the youngest member of the team of 42 Venusian women traveling to Earth in 2184.

  • Name: Hedda Rosenkrantz
  • Mother: Marie Holm
  • Born: 2166
  • Age: 18 years in 2184
  • Friends: Fleur and Adriana
  • Birthplace:  Fuller-9 aerostat habitat on Venus
  • Home Planet: Venus
  • Occupation: Medic onboard the Nacreous II
  • Earth Base: Nordika Syntharum


Small cute girl with short blonde hair. Often wished she was as big and strong as Fleur and Adriana.


Honest, kind, naive and somewhat insecure and clueless. Hedda is a bit of a push over.