Gangs of Neo Dixie

Overview over the more famous gangs in Neo Dixie

Gangs of Neo Dixie
Girls from the Brass Gang

In my stories and images there are references to different streets gangs in Neo Dixie, that I want to cover here. The gangs are part of a feudal hierarchy under Empress Monifa Russel. To understand more of the actual organization and power structure of Neo Dixie gangs, read this:

Neo Dixie Power Hierarchies
Explanation of the power structures of Neo Dixie. In particular a look at Neo Dixie gangs.

The gangs are not very well fleshed out at this point so, I open to all sorts of suggestions.

Logo of the Steel Rose Collective gang

The Steel Rose Collective

Claire and her sister Shay Adley are part of the Steel Rose Collective. This gang is quite unique in that is opposed Hucow farms (human milking cows). To be specific they impose the sexual enslavement of white women. In Neo Dixie they are referred to as Hucow abolitionists.

Logo of the Chroma Jackals gang

The Chrome Jackals

The Chrome Jackals operate out of Savannah, Georgia. They were responsible for rounding up Claire's half-sisters Lisa and Gina, as well as their mother Donna. They sell Lisa, Gina and Donna to the Iron Revenants.

Logo of the Iron Revenants gang

The Iron Revenants

The Iron Revenants operate in Louisville, Kentucky. The pimp Velvet Slim running Moonlit Veil club where he pimps out Donna and her daughters is answers to the Iron Revenants. This is also the gang that does deals with AJ from Northern United States. AJ Drakon is a gun runner working for Nordic Unmanned.

Logo of the Brass Gang

The Brass Gang

A large gang that runs the town of Talis and has several hucow farms answering to them, including that of Carter Evans.

Carter Evans Hucow Farm
A place of nightmares, where women are kept naked like animals, impregnated and milked.

The squad led by Sgt. Hildegunn Norheim in the Imperial Norway 2053 novel has several fights with the Brass gang.

Daryl Evans Hucow Farm
The humane hucow far of Carter’s brother Daryl.