Former Slave Soldier Gina

Punchback magazines interview Gina Adley about her life as a soldier and sex slave in Neo Dixie

Former Slave Soldier Gina
Gina in Neo Dixie as a slave soldier

June 2054 Issue — Punchback Magazine

One of the leading magazines in the Northern United States in covering the war south of the border raging between Neo Dixie and Imperial Norway is Punchback magazine. In today's issue they are covering a topic which been covered in various Hollywood movies. We are of course talking about the Neo Dixie White Slave Soldiers. This issue interviews, Gina Adley, a former Neo Dixie slave soldier.

Punchback: I want to get into your story. What happened to you. But first can you tell our readers exactly what a Neo Dixie slave soldier is?

Gina: You all heard about child soldiers in Africa right?

Punchback: Yes, sure.

Gina: It is a lot like that. They take you young. They were afraid of injecting themselves with VIR-X9. You know the super soldier gene therapy. Me and many other white girls were Guinea pigs. I was one of the unlucky ones to get DOLL-3 retrovirus injected. It turns you into a sex addict and they used that to control me.

Punchback: So that is how the Hollywood trope of sexy lustful slave soldier evolved?

Gina: I hate those movies. It makes it look like we chose it. Pimps have always gotten girls addicted to control them. Before it was heroin. We'll we got directly addicted to sex. Whether you want to our not you cannot control it. You need dick all the time. So they send you on a reckless mission. You risk your life and everything but you do it anyway. It is all about getting another chance to suck a cock.

Punchback: That crazy? I assume that is over now. The treated you and cured you?

Gina: Hehe no there is no cure. I still think about sex all the time. Any man I see. I just want to suck his dick and get him inside me.

Punchback: I am sure that is an exaggeration. You wouldn't be thinking about it now for instance while we talk?

Gina: Of course I do. Ever since you walked in to sit down talking to me, I started imagining what your dick is like. How it would be to suck.

Punchback: Hahaha oh that is a funny joke. I almost fell for it.

Gina: It is not a joke. I'll suck you right now if you want.

Punchback: Anyway.... moving along.... tell us how you got into this role. What is your story Gina.

Gina: I am sorry I made you uncomfortable.

Punchback: It is okay.

Gina: I was eleven and lived in Savannah with my twin sister Lisa and my two younger half sisters Claire and Shay. Monifa Russel had just declared herself empress of Neo Dixie. This was back in 2039. It was chaos in the streets. The militia in Savannah street to street but got eventually crushed by a gang called the Chrome Jackals. Their thugs went house to house looting and taking anything of value. Nothing but violent criminals and rapists. They let my step dad Denzel leave with Shay and Claire because they were black. Still took our house because they said my dad had been a race traitor.

Punchback: That must have been such a shock. Hard for people living here safe in the suburbs to imagine what that was like.

Gina: It was like the worst home invasions you see in movies. My mother got stripped naked and the men had their turns with her. Me and my sister were in shock and crying when they pulled us out. We got taken to the HQ of the Chrome Gang that they established. I don't want to talk about what happened there. It was just a few days before there was an auction. Me, Lisa and my mom got sold to a pimp named Velvet Slim up in Louisville running a club called Moonlit Veil.

Punchback: That must have been traumatizing!

Gina: It was but we didn't really have a chance to process it, because our days completely changed from the safe loving childhood I had known. Velvet wasn't the worst pimp but we had a mom who was suddenly always half naked in sexy lingerie. Having to watch strange men that wasn't our dad touch her.

Punchback: That is not a childhood for any child.

Gina: It wasn't. I couldn't deal with it. I was rebellious, and Velvet decided I was too much trouble. He gave Lisa DOLL-2 shot. It was cheaper, but he told me that I was too much trouble and so he had forked out extra to get hold of DOLL-3. Not a lot of it around. But he said he needed it to keep me in control.

Punchback: Did it work?

Gina: In a way, but I still tried to escape. Some of the soldiers from the Iron Revenants who visited said I had spark. That I would have made a good soldier. At that point Velvet Slim just wanted get rid of me, so it didn't matter if it was true or not. I cried when they took me away. Thought I would never see my mother or sister again. Twin sister. That is tight.

Punchback: But you did get to see your sister again?

Gina: I did! We all live together in Cincinnati now. My sister Claire, has a husband, AJ, who took us in. Such a kind man. I think it has helped me heal to be able to all be together as a family again. I love my sisters so much. But yeah we are a bit different from other normal families.

Punchback: In what way?

Gina: Well, we are a family of sex addicts. Poor AJ, I am not sure he understood what he got himself into when he let us all in. At first my sister Claire was very angry that we kept fucking her husband behind her back. And me and Lisa have felt ashamed about it. I know it is not good to fuck your sister's husband.

Punchback: No, that sounds quite crazy.

Gina: It changed a lot when Claire and Shay freed hucows at the Carter Evans hucow farm.

Punchback: Why was that?

Gina: My mom and sister had been there for a period. It really shocked Claire and Shay seen how white girls got treated there. They fatten up girls, impregnate them to get them to lactate and then just violent milk them with nasty machines while they get raped. It was a horror show. Claire was shell shocked seeing it. In a way it brought all of us sisters together. We just wanted to help each other out.

Punchback: And that meant letting you all fuck her husband AJ?

Gina: Yes, she understood how much it meant for us. When I am with my sister and mom fucking AJ I can feel happy again. It lets me forget my nightmares. I feel so comfortable sleeping in bed with my sister, mom and AJ.

Punchback: Oh lord, AJ sounds like the luckiest man alive.

Gina: Hahaha in a way, but poor AJ he had trouble keeping up with all of us girls at first. He is so kind hearted so he couldn't say no, but we were draining his dick non-stop every day. Hehehe I see you have a bulge on your pants there.... maybe you want to take me up on that offer?