Fjordvangen Manor House
Residence of Haldis Nyborg and her daughter Nora Nyborg

The residence of Haldis Nyborg, the co-founder of the Matriarchy Nationalist Party (MNP) in Imperial Norway. This house is featured in various stories. For instance in the Imperial Norway 2053 novel the rescue team going to Neo Dixie meet here for briefings.
In much later events AJ Drakon and Claire Adley end up here in relation to a coup d'état by commander Modgunn which leads Haldis Nyborg to become the new supreme leader.

About the house and architecture
The Nyborg family is old money. They live live in a large house, Fjordvangen Manor built in Norwegian Swiss style on the Bygdøy peninsula . It is an architectural style that differs from the Swiss style that inspired it in that it building on Norwegian wood working traditions and is thus known for very elaborate wood carvings in the facade.
It also features a tower which is a popular architectural element in Oslo on buildings from late 1800s and early 1900s.