Emmet Vos

A posh, pathetic, cowardly, misogynist anti-hero living in Knightsbridge, London.

Emmet Vos
Emmet Vos inside the Soria Moria House of Pleasures

A posh, pathetic, cowardly, misogynist anti-hero living in Knightsbridge, London. Emmet evolves from a rather horrible person to a more empathic one over time.

  • Name: Emmet Vos
  • Age: 17 in 2053
  • Nationality: English
  • Parents: Laurence and Tess Vos
  • School: Knightsbridge College, a Sixth form college in Knightsbridge, London


Young scrawny teenage boy. 


Emmet is a pushover and a self-loathing misogynist, incel. He hates hot and sexy women and fantasize about abusing them and lording over them. He loves watching rape porn from Neo Dixie. However, his hatred towards women is primarily fueled by his own low-self esteem, self loathing and experience of rejection, bullying and watching too many videos by his social media idol Andy Hayter.


Emmet dreams of becoming a tough alpha male like his social media idol Andy Hayter. Like Hayter, he wants to have lots of "bitches" and dominate them. Emmet doesn't know that things like love and affection exist because Hayter has told him love isn't real and only invented by women to hold men down. The low self-esteem of Emmet makes him eat up every word that Andy Hayter serves him.

Women are to be subjugated to men and used by men, in Emmet's view. He also fantasizes about running a hucow farm like Carter Evans. He wants to be like Caleb and Mordell Evans.


Easily manipulated to hate women, due to his own bad experience with them.

Stories featuring Emmet

Emmet is first introduced as a character in the Story "The House of Pleasures," where he meets the porn start, Alvdis Collett, he has jerked off to countless times in his room.

The House of Pleasures
Emmet felt the smooth shape of a women’s breasts under his fingers. Not real ones, but delicately shaped in brass.

Author Note

Emmet may seem like a strange pick for protagonist. He was inspired by the protagonist Oskar in the Swedish novel "Låt den rätte komma in" called "Let the Right One In" in English. It was made into a Swedish movie. There is even a Hollywood remake (a rather lame retelling avoiding all the controversial and unpleasant aspects of the book).

Oskar is a bullied boy who is on a path to become a serial killer. He develops affection for a vampire named Eli. It is a very dark and provocative story with many taboo elements, but it made a lasting impact on me when I read the book and saw the movie many years ago.

There was something special about two broken people who found each other and made each other better. There are some parallels between the relation between Emmet and Alvdis. Emmet is a loser like Oskar and while Alvdis is not a vampire, she is an otherworldly character. Akin to a vampire, she has unusual strength and reflexes that set her apart from normal humans. Rather than a lust and need for blood, Alvdis has an insatiable lust and need for sex.

It is also inspired by redpill, manosphere, incel ideological movements. As you may have guessed, I am not much of a fan. While I cater a lot to sexual fantasies and fetishes in my writing, I am still very much a believer in loving relationships. Emmet in my stories is pursuing sexual satisfaction but doesn't actually realize he is missing out on the most important things, which is to love and be loved. 

It is also a character, I think, is somewhat relevant to the male "loneliness epidemic" and rising misogyny around the world. In fiction, we amplify traits to dramatize. There are many sources of inspiration here. I spent time learning the background stories of various porn stars. I noticed how many are derided and dismissed as sluts taking the easy way through life. Yet, when you learn their stories their life choice is anything but easy.

It is also a reflection on my own journey in life. While I was never remotely like Emmet, I understand some of the feelings some self-proclaimed incel ideologues have today. Even back in the 1990s, I had a tendency to view women as the privileged ones with the easy life. While struggling with dating, it is easy to become self-centered and only see life from the perspective of other fellow men. You are blind to the challenges of the women you desire.

Since then, I found the love of my life, married, had kids and have the ability to look back at life. Many of you will not share my perspective because you are still in that early difficult path in life where it is all still so difficult. Moreover, we all have entirely unique life experiences. I lived in many countries, but my values are still very much grounded in having grown up in a very progressive social democratic country like Norway. I don't expect people to understand quite what that is like.