Ch 9 – Vilde and Zoey have been Practicing!!
Vilde and Zoey have started scheming

AJ: Alright, what are you two up to?
Vilde: Good morning Daddy!!!
Zoey: Good morning, Father.
AJ: Yeah, Good morning and all that. Now, What are you two up to?
Zoey: I'm not sure you should be accusing us of anything with out proof Father!! I am just getting real familiar with my little sister Vilde!! She has been telling me all about herself and her relationship with her dear old dad, you know the one that I never had.
AJ: Look sweetie you know the reason why I could see you!! Daddy was locked up for the longest time. he couldn't just come and go as he please. You know this!! It's not easy going through a regime change.

Catchup with the story from the start. Full chapters overview.
Zoey: Yeah I'm calling B.S. on that!! You have become a bit of a celebrity over their. Fighting and slaying your way through so many vaginas. Leaving behind your many gifts. The Alpha male AJ is one every body lips. I am not complaining. it's cause a bit rise in sales surprisingly. It's caused me to do a bit of maneuvering and many with Second Amendment were using you're newfound celebrity status and influence to progress themselves within the company. Yours truly included. Granddad wanted me to be the power behind the scenes by becoming the joint chief of staffs to the many branches and cells within the company. The vice president would have taken over a long time ago if i didn't keep her slutty pussy in check. And you've shown you can handle her well enough. that little trollup is always looking for some cheap carnal release but as for you dear father you have helped well enough even if you weren't here. Mommy is through the roof again. She 's overjoyed that she can see you and Auntie Claire again. Just don't break her heart!! Or I will use the most creative ways of vengeance to take you down!!
AJ: Gee thanks for for the threatening response. Dad get's to be called Granddad. Aunt Claire is Auntie. Lisa is Mommy. But you refer to your der old dad as "father?" Can you give your old man another chance?
Vilde: Don't worry Daddy. We are doing just that. Zoey has been teaching all about the business among other things?? So when can I get my gun?
AJ: When I'm dead and buried!!
Vilde: Oh Don't be such a rusty old crank Dad!! Zoey has been teaching me while you've been away. Mom has teaching me how to operate the gunship and take down targets. I even got to use the tranquilzer gun. my favorite is the smith and wesson MODEL 629 DELUXE 3" BARREL.
AJ: Considering that that is a powerful revolver, I really do hope you had to torture someone in order for you to get your hands that type of gun.
Zoey: She didn't torture me and she's a good beginner. With practice she will be close to as proficient as I am. I practice with guns since I was eleven. Granddaddy taught me many things. Especially when using a hunting rifle. You trained with guns at an early age as well. A lot earlier than I ever did.
AJ: I just don't need her getting hurt over some weapon.
Zoey: We have your blood in us. We are naturals. She won't die under my watch. We are taking all the necessary precautions Father!!
AJ: Fine. So back to the original question, what are you two up to?
Vilde: We're going to capture some wild males.
AJ: As is wild boars or horses.
Vilde: Don't be silly daddy!! We mean boys!! We are going to capture some boys and force them to serve us. We will shoot their knee caps if they don't comply!!
AJ: Vilde!! You will do no such thing!! You need to gain their trust first!
Vilde: Ugh!! That takes a while. Why not claim what is rightfully yours now? they need to know their place. Only those of the Drakon bloodline get to be alphas and rule. That's what mommy says anyway!
Zoey: And my mom as well! Although I am not as draconian. And Vilde oversimplifies. We are going to join the exchange program. Although I am not a student and a full fledge adult and Vilde is only a couple months away from graduating. We can still get in on the action. I've personally made sure that the vice- president's son will be joining.
AJ: The vice-president has kids.
Zoey: Surely you aren't surprised Father!! As much as she's been whoring herself out. She was bound to have some parasites infect her belly and grow in to snot nosed arrogant brats. Time to teach them their place. I have this doll3 trait slowly awakening inside me! and I need to make him submit to my control. He will have no where to run. But I have to get him nice and comfortable. I have been sating my lust on the incels that fled matriarch regime. they were easy to dominate. And now I will take care of him. Vilde and I will be plotting our targets. She's been telling all about Vieregg as well.
AJ: That's a huge no no!! He is off limits!! Let the man live in peace. He has a enough trouble with his other girls and wife. Man, and here I though you would have trouble adapting to a new environment. Seems like I misjudged you on that part. And I take it that the cages are a part of the plan as well
Vilde: Naturally Daddy. Better to starve them for a while to make them severely open to suggestion rather than them constantly resisting.
AJ: You got to be kidding!! You only going to make the situation worse! And what if you end up getting dominated by a fake alpha boy like Alex? Or an unknown alpha wth sick twisted fantasies? What then?
Vilde: Only the strong shall rule daddy. A woman only respects strength. If I am dominated by a worthy male then that is what it'll be. Until then I will dominate and pratice on all the males who are deemed worthy of my time. We only have a couple of days left before leaving so we are preparing until then.
AJ: So you'll know. Don't bring any trouble back to the family. It's somewhat normal now and you about to be swimming in a sea of highly virile and fertile testosterone.
Zoey: Don't worry about us father. You just worry about pumping that slut vice president. She will learn her place soon enough. Crush her ambition by making her legs turn to jello as you nail her mercilessly. She will surrender soon enough and her son will under my foot as well.
AJ: Oh I give up...for now!! I'll try to talk some sense into you guys later!! (Leaves the Room)
Zoey....................... he gone???
Zoey: I believe so?
Vilde: So are giving up going after Vieregg?
Zoey: Pfft!! Of course not!! So one needs to cure that hopeless prude. Daddy can't do it. Auntie Claire tried to do it but she ultimately failed. We may need Idun. It is Idun, right?
Vilde: That's right!! Idun is his wife. Always calling him a sexist asshole but he seems all to nice!! Tucks me in whenever i go to bed. But you're right he is a prude.
Zoey: Then he'll be one of our targets. just need to keep it away from our dear old father. We'll pitch our plan to her.