Ch 6 – Vilde is her Daddy's little girl
AJ and Vorin have an argument over their naughty daughter Vilde

AJ and Vorin have an argument about their children
Vorin: This is all your fault you know
AJ: Great, What did I do this time?
Vorin: Vilde is starting to pick up some of your bad habits.
AJ: She seems like a normal girl, Nothing out of the ordinary. Except for stalking Vieregg. For what reason I do not know.
Vorin: She has her mother's genes with that one. It's a matriarchal trait we possessed. Surely you know it by now. We were design to--made to hunt, dominate and mate with males we find attractive. Although my trait seems to be defective because you aren't being submissive to me. Instead you are cocky, loud, obnoxious, untamed, ill-mannered like your father. It's all very frustrating.
AJ: And liberating. Besides, your body was built for sin. It was made to be dominated. To be devoured!! You always shake that booty in front in front of me and it's like a switch going off in the mind. Like I have to animal instinct to mate with you. It's all your fault. I am surprised my father didn't make a pass at you. The old horndog knows how to slay a fine piece of ass. And what does Vilde have to do with all of this?
Vorin: She's starting to torturing Vieregg. She's far too aggressive. Asking whether or not he is capable of plugging her holes. She tends to spike his drinks when he's not looking. Strap him to the bed to keep him from resisting and ride him all night long. She and screams throughout the house while poor Vieregg is dominated. And she lets Mathilde watch what she does to him.
AJ: I don't know what to tell you. Sound like you are describing mostly yourself there. All I can say is kudos to her. She knows her body, cocky to a fault. but she is developing some nice skills. Not sure how to feel about Vieregg being her favorite toy though. Maybe I will set her up with one of those exchange students once we get back home. Give my friend a break. That ought to put a smile on his face.