Ch 8 – Make Her your Bitch!!
Zoey scheming with daddy?

AJ and Zoey a preparing for their last day of work before heading home for Europe and Imperial Norway. They just have to make sure the vice president and her cronies stay very compliant.

Zoey: The Bitch should be in her office now. She's always having some kind of entertainment over in her workspace. She is a bona fide slut who constantly needs to be reminded of her place.
AJ: You really don't like her huh? What did she do to earn this impressive grudge?
Zoey: She is a complete and utter bitch and an unrepentant little slut. She just waves her pussy around thinking that every man is going to drop everything and do whatever she wants just for a whiff of her pussy. She thinks that she's safe because she can manipulate anyone or anything into doing whatever she wants. She hasn't even met my father though. You can teach her a painful lesson she will never forget. her and her minions will fall into line

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AJ: I rather make love than war. She has a banging body. Besides don't everybody think that about you!! You have a very strong forceful personality. A real go-getter. It makes everyone around you feel inadequate.
Zoey: That is their own shortcomings. If they can't keep up then that is their failings. Besides a lot of them have earned what they have with any merit- without any effort or work. They are unqualified thanks to our little tramp here father. So what are you going to do about it?
AJ: First off show her upmost respect. Don't show your hand. Never let anybody inside your head. She isn't worth all that effort. Keep her comfortable and orchestrate her own downfalls and then we manipulate from the shadows being sneaky and secretive. Always listen without reacting and without facial expressions. Keep them guessing and then strike when the iron is hot Listen and Look and follow my lead.
(AJ and Zoey walk into the Vice- President's office.)
AJ: Hey Monique, How are you this fine day?
Monica: I was fine before you two showed up. And I'm going stop you two right there. I know when I am about to be ganged up on. So save it with all the pointless small talk.
AJ: Look Monique, W-
Monica: It's Monica.
AJ: Yeah, whatever. Look My daughter has been talking about the strained relationship between you two. Undermining you efforts to see the company move forward. I've come to put an end to the hostilities and have my daughter apologize to you for her disrespect. No need for workplace violence within the workplace. And I've come with a request.
Monica: What are you up to Edward ?
AJ: Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing that you don't already know about me. So Zoey, apologize to Monique.
Zoey: It'll be a cold day in Hel- OWW!!! (AJ elbows his daughter's shoulder finally taking his meaning). I mean, yes I apologize for my harsh words. Sorry for being extremely rude and inconsiderate of your authority!! I hope we can work together under father's leadership.(muffled sounds "Bitch!")
Monica: I trust your father can keep your ass secure on your leash. You will speak only when spoken to in the future. I don't care if Daddy is here to protect you. I trust we'll work well together when you learn your proper place!
AJ: Don't worry about her. She has her own business to tend to now that I am here. She will still be my chief of staff and keeping up with my schedule. I will be working remote. So I will keeping and eye on things.

AJ: Alright Zoey, we will talk later. I have some business with Monique here.
Monica: (Sighs.)
(Zoey looks at her father angrily before she quietly leaves the room)
Monica: I see she has become a lot more obedient under you. Wish I had that same influence. I just wish that you will give permission to spank her behind all day for an entire week. Really make sure that I beat the insolence out of that snot nose brat
AJ: Does the thought of disciplining her excite your passions? Do you want me to loosen the restrictions so you will have a hands on approach to her? Severely spanking her to obedience? To beat the foolishness out of her while she begs you to end it while you give her no mercy or reprieve? As much as I will like to see you attempt that, I need you to start packing your things and come with me. You will also be working remote.
Monica: Wait, What?
AJ: Yes, that's right!! You will be working with me in Europe. You need a change of scenery and I need to keep an eye on you. I have many ambitious projects that I am working on and I need your help. Plus I need your body as stress relief.
Monica: What do I tell my Husband? That I need to leave all of a sudden to go to place full of pure evil and sick White racists who believes in all that fake superiority Aryan bloodline B.S.
AJ: First off that is pure propaganda. Secondly My wife is half black and she loves the attention from those "pure evil racists." Perhaps a little too much. They tend to project their high inadequacies on to her but they always end up being dominated and drained by her. My friend, my brother in arms is quite infatuated by her that they tend to sneak off behind my back for some secretive forbidden entertainment. I don't mind this because I have enough wives to entertain especially my Vorin and Nora. You will have no shortage of men to dominate. and no shortage to boys to manipulate and mold. Your husband will not mind. Your husband already cheats on you anyway just like you cheat on him. You don't need his money. You'll be making much more on the side than by solely relying on him. You will find your vice
Monica: I will only go if you stop calling me Monique!!
AJ : And I will only start calling you Monica when you stop resisting and come with me. I can not and will not leave you to your own devices. You are too crafty. Your ass is mine and I intend to use it early and often.
Monica..........Fine then.
AJ: Wow, so little resistance!! You must be looking forward to getting your hands on some 20 year old boys!!
Monica: Shut up and leave!!
AJ: HAHAHAHA!! Alright good talk! See you then Monica!! but I think I'll keep calling you Monique. Monique has a nice ring to it.
Monica: GET OUT NOW!!
AJ: HAHAHAHA! (AJ leaves the room and finds his daughter Zoey down the hall waiting on him
Zoey: I can't believe you made me apologize to that bitch!! You made me look weak!! She's incompetent !!
AJ: Yes I know . Sometimes you need to show a sign of weakness. To capitulate. And now you are in a position to slowly make her your bitch!! You will need to be patient for a little while and build up your sex experience.
Zoey: Are you trying to pimp me out father??
AJ: WHAT?!!! No!!! just hear me out. There is a Imperial Inquisition. Filled with all kinds of perverted and aggressive females looking to drain as many men as possible . I have made many contacts in there over the years. I guess you say that that was were all my stardom began. Don't worry!! they will treat you well. Besides it is about time you stop suppressing that maternal Doll-3 trait with in you and unleash yourself. You've got a good head on your shoulders so I am not too worried. Plus you will learn quickly. You will learn what it means to be a Matriarch. And you will be getting your hands on the Vice president's son and other exchange students so you will also have that experience as well. You'll love Europe and Imperial Norway. Give it a chance. now let's get something to eat.