Ch 5 — Vieregg Very Bad Day
Vieregg arrested by the Imperial Inquisition
"You are resisting arrest! Stop resisting!" One of the bulky blonde Inquisition officers barked at Vieregg. From What the other officer is saying, he determines she is called Trude.
"I am not resisting! I am complying!" Vieregg yells as he is being manhandled by the two Inquisition officers who have arrested him. They chucked him in the back of a large armored black truck.
"If you continue resisting, we got to strip you," Trude barked.
"But l am not resisting! I am complying," Vieregg yelled, more desperate.
The other officer, Ylva, said, "He could be carrying weapons or bombs. You never know win these Red Pillers. Best to strip him naked. "
"No, no you cannot do this! l am Vieregg! I am the CEO at Vieregg Industries. You are making a huge mistake!" Vieregg was yelling in panic.
It didn't stop the bulky Inquisition officers from violently stripping his clothes off. Vieregg was left sitting stark naked in the back of the Inquisition armored truck, with his arms held tight behind his back and cuffed. Vieregg was on the verge of panic. His mind was frenetically thinking of ways to get out of the mess.
What did they want from him?
"Calm down and stop resisting," Trude barked at him again,
Crazy bitches. He was sitting still. They had his ankles and wrists cuffed. How could he be resisting. How deranged were these Inquisition officers?
The cock squeezer and ball stretcher her will calm him down," officer Ylva said.
"I am calm! l am not resisting!" Vieregg screamed loud in panic.
"Hurry," Trude said, "this one is wild and uncontrollable. We need to get him, under control."
Ylva brought out some thick, heavy steel rings which she opened. Trude spread his legs and Ylva moved in with the crude steel implements.
"Stop! Stop. l am not resisting! What are you doing! I don't want that on my dick!" Vieregg yelled while jumping up and down on his seat, and tearing at his cuffs.
But it was to no avail, First a heavy, thick steel ring got placed around the base of his cock. Another at the base of his shaft, and a third around the base of his ball sack. It was very heavy, causing his balls to get stretched. It was painful.
"Please! | will be good! " Vieregg pleaded.
"He is still uncontrollable," Trude said. At this point, Vieregg shut his mouth and sat completely still. He did not want this to get any worse than it already was. Trude and Ylva smiled, "The Cock squeezer and ball stretcher always get hysterical men under control."
No wonder men feared this organization and revolted, Vieregg thought. These women are deranged and evil. Also, unfortunately, terribly hot. Despite the armor, it was clear they had abnormally large breasts. He could tell from the exposed cleavage on their armor too.
Getting a boner was the last thing he wanted in front of the crazy Inquisition officers. But he did.
"Look at that erection," Ylva said.
"God, could this day get any more embarrassing, "Vieregg thought,
Getting on erection was extra painful as it made the cock swell while wearing a tight steel cock ring.
"You got a nice fat cock. Do we tum you on pervert? " Trude asked.
Fortunately, for Vieregg, he never had to answer. The truck stopped, and the armored door slid to the side. Vieregg was led out. It was terrifying being led into the brutalist Inquisition. It was part of one of the Imperial Towers. It made a human feel very small.
Inside more armored blondes with big breasts and straight backs walked past. It was crushingly humiliating to be led to the holding cell start naked. Another man was sitting there. Same setup. Cuffed and with an erect penis with cock and ball steel rings.
"Is this stuff normal here?!" Vieregg asked looking at the other naked man.
"Swede? New here huh?" the other man said dryly. "I am Peter."
"Yeah, I just arrived. Worst welcome ever. Cannot believe this shit. Hopefully, they will realize this is a misunderstanding and let me go soon," Vieregg says, but he doesn't quite believe his own words.
The man shakes his head. "It isn't how it works here, man. The Inquisition is full of sexual deviants and perverts. It doesn't matter much whether you are innocent or guilty here. A handsome man like you. They are going to want to have a go at you for a while. The interrogators have some rather sadistic sexual tastes."
Vieregg swallowed nervously.
The man continued, "You will get out of here eventually when they have ruled out that you know anything. Until then, it is just to bite your teeth. Some with certain perverse sexual inclinations enjoy the interrogations here. They are not all equally bad. Perhaps you get lucky."
Vieregg felt his heart racing. In his head, all sorts of scenarios started playing out. "How can it be like this?"
The man shrugged. "It is a country in serious shortage of men, full of women with sex addiction. Many with traumas of abuse from the days of the patriarchy. Sexual predators and desperate woman seek the Inquisition. A way to get their hands on men, they cannot have, in other ways."
The man looked at the naked concrete wall in silence for a moment. "As long as the Inquisition is effective at rooting out the male insurgency, the regime turns a blind eye to their endemic sexual abuse of men in this country."
Vieregg was feeling a cold sweat. "I am so fucked, I am so fucked," he mumbled to himself when suddenly he heard the familiar sound of air escaping from the pneumatic system opening and closing the doors. The heavy steel doors slide to the side and suddenly a familiar face draped in ginger hair stood in the opening.
"Idun!" Vieregg exclaimed with overzealous joy. An armored female guard in armor stepped in. Short platinum blonde hair. Sometimes Vieregg thought they were all clones of each other.
"Release my fiancé!" Idun said with a resolute voice.
The guard walked over to Vieregg and began detaching the cock and ball squeezer, while Vieregg exclaimed puzzled, "fiancé!?"
Idun's eyes widened, and she gave him a gesture to shut up. Vieregg was a bit slow on the uptake, but realized Idun had taken some liberties with the truth to get him out of there. "Honey, I am so glad to see you," Vieregg replied, playing along. Once Vieregg was un-cuffed Idun rushed forward to embrace Vieregg. "Oh my Freya, how are you doing honey?" The warm embrace, her smell. He did not think he had ever felt so happy about seeing someone. She came for him. The girl who had thrown a shoe after him and yelled "sexist asshole." Vieregg felt like he could stay in her embrace forever. Emotions overpowered him. Was this what love felt like?
Idun let go and look at him. Her dark green eyes looked some sweet and kind. Worried and concerned for him. He didn't deserve this. "Don't just sit there silly. Come with me," she said.
Vieregg walked out to some kind out waiting area. Idun whispered in his ear, "Listen Vieregg, you got to play along. Don't say anything stupid!"
Then she shoved some clothes against Vieregg's chest. "Honey, I got you some clothes. Put them on." The guard walked away.
Then they started walking out. Idun whispered to him from the corner of her mouth. "Look down. You are a man. Don't look anyone in the eyes. Follow me."
Vieregg paced along with Idun, who walked resolutely forward. He felt like he was in some crazy spy movie, where Idun was some kind of action hero rescuing him. Now they had to play their part to get past all the bad guys.
Once outside, he saw a flamboyant purple retro car. It looked totally out of place around the brutalist black Inquisition architecture. "Get in," Idun said.
They both got in. Idun was breathing heavily. She wiped her forehead. Her chest heaved up and down from heavy breathing. "Fuck, I thought I was going to get arrested too. I lied left and right to get you out of there. Said you were my boyfriend."
Idun turned a key and Vieregg could hear the roar of an engine. "What is this? You got an internal combustion engine car!?" Vieregg said amazed. He had never seen one before. He had only heard about them. His own car was a lithium-ion electric vehicle. They were quite expensive compared to the more common sodium-ion cars. Most common for the high-end models.
"Yup, internal combustion engine with super capacitors. The engine charges the capacitors that drive the electric motor. It is a Kambo Efje," Idun said proudly.
Then Vieregg was thrown back in his seat as from the acceleration as the car sped out from the side parking and Inquisition HQ started diminishing in the rear mirror.
"I am a petrol head, remember? I wasn't joking. Okay, it isn't running on petrol. Hard to get these days. It is running on Ethanol. And ethanol has 108 octane rating anyway," Idun laughs.
"108 octane rating?" Vieregg says puzzled.
"Just means it gives better performance than gasoline," Idun explains.
"Never seen a car like this," Vieregg responded.
"It was made in small series back in the Eastfold at a small car factory at a tiny place called Kambo. All hand assembled. Some of us car geeks had a thing for it. I restored and upgraded this one myself," Idun said proud.
Idun put a hand on Vieregg's leg, "Vieregg, how are you doing? I am sorry you had such a rough experience."
Vieregg instinctively touched her hand. He needed her. He was still shaken by the rough experience. It was good to feel her hand against his.
"Ah well, you know shit happens," Vieregg said cocky.
"Don't bullshit me, Vieregg," Idun said, slightly annoyed. "It is okay to be vulnerable, you know. I am not judging you. I know I called you a sexist asshole, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you."
Vieregg sighed. "I am embarrassed to talk about it. I really hit a low point. Seriously, I was loosing it. You have no idea how happy I got when I saw you come. It was like…. Okay, this will sound really cheesy… but it was like an angel walked in."
Idun's face changed. It was as if the words put her into some deep thought. She laughed nervously, before apparently switching topic completely.
"I managed to convince those rigid, stubborn officers at the Inquisition that you were, in fact, the CEO of Vieregg Industries. But the rules there are quite rigid, so I couldn't plead your case without any personal relationship. That is why I had to lie and say you were my fiancé," Idun said.
"Maybe you should —" Vieregg began before interrupting himself. He was about to suggest that Idun should be his fiancé. But as much as he fantasized about her, he knew it could not be a thing. His parents would implode if he brought a woman like Idun over to their house. Not to mention the judgement in his friend circle in Sweden.
They would all think he had married a stripper or hooker. Idun had been right. He knew very well how everyone would judge her, and it would not matter much how she dressed. People would stare at him in the streets of Gothenburg if he walked with her. "Disgusting horny pervert," they would think. No, he was not brave enough to get together with someone like Idun.
Ironically, he would have the freedom to hang out with Idun without judgement in this oppressive dictatorship. Most women in Norway looked like her. Massive breasts, narrow waist, wide hips and a well sculpted behind. The whole place looked like a bizarre sex fantasy. If somebody had made a movie about Imperial Norway, it would have been dismissed as totally unrealistic. Feminists would have railed against the sexist depiction of women. Sometimes reality was weirder than fiction.
"Maybe should what?" Idun asked with anticipation.
It occurred to Vieregg that based on the last experiences, it would be dangerous to navigate Imperial Norway as a man without an insider who knew how everything worked. He needed Idun close by his side.
"Maybe, you should be my personal assistant," Vieregg said. "I need someone close to me who can help me stay out of trouble here. I will triple your salary. I really need someone I can trust here. You aren't afraid to speak your mind," Vieregg said. He wasn't lying, but it wasn't what he had intended to say. He thought he could see in Idun's response that she knew that.
There was a brief moment of sadness and disappointment before she smiled teasingly, "Make that four times!"
"Okay, okay you know how to drive a hard bargain. Four times then, but then I need you to stay with me, close with me," Vieregg insisted.
"As close as a husband and wife?" Idun smiled mischievously.