Ch 5 - Drakon-Adley relations

Getting to know the rest of the family

Ch 5 - Drakon-Adley relations
Idun Amalie Wang

AJ: Angel!!! my beautiful sweet Angel. How is the vacation going? It's been a while since you saw Lisa.

Claire: It's like a weight has been lifted off and another weight has been back on. It been a long time since I hugged her again. Your family is nothing but trouble.

Dirty Daughters
We are in the 2070s AJ’s daughters with Nora, Lisa, Haldis, Vorin and Claire have grown up. And they aren’t very well behaved…

Go to full chapter overview.

AJ: Pot calling the kettle Black!! And what do you mean by "my family!" Don't you mean "our family" I had to pry you of Nora because you kept seeing her as "inferior White Aryan trash" and she thought of you as "murderous subhuman scum". She kept beating your ass from pillar to post initially because she was smaller and quicker than you. But then you discovered her weakness and then it all over from there. Every time she saw me, she hid behind me like daddy's little girl to protect her from the mean old lady.

Claire: I am not old!! And that spoiled rich bitch had it coming!!! "Devil Doll" doesn't mean crap if you are weak in the breasts and in the butt. I took my time spanking that big baby booty of that bitch. Slapping her breasts, pinching her nipples, while I kept edging her pussy until her body finally surrendered to her superior "subhuman" counterpart.

AJ: The sex afterwards was legendary. I never seen you so dominant before.

Claire: The whole house had to be aired out for days. I've been telling Lisa all about our exploits over there and the new additions to our family. Including our sweet baby girl Charlotte.

Charlotte Adley Drakon

Claire: While we have a moment. We need to talk

AJ: Uh-Oh

Claire: Yeah, Uh-oh. Sorry to spring this up on you but it's time to rip the band-aid off. Tell me how you really feel about me and Vieregg.

AJ: If I am being honest, I don't like it. I don't like it at all. You are my Angel after all but I only have myself to blame for this. I paraded you in front of Vieregg because I was tired of his ridiculous "prude" status. Idun was getting frustrated with one another. And I got tired of spending money on getting him drunk just to break him out of his shell. And once we did....well let's just say it's hard seeing someone else enjoy what was once yours. You are important to me Claire and I am sorry I dragged you into this. Have to keep you safe.

Claire: You are the most important person to me and I love you deeply as well despite our unique relationship. We've made our bed and now we have to lie in it. Some of these boys are extremely cute but it isn't the same when I met this one nervous white boy on that train in Savannah. Despite all that has happened to you and me, you still consider me your number one.

AJ: Always. And I will not deny your relationship with Vieregg. He may never say it but he loves you deeply. We cannot abandoned him. Or Idun.

Claire: And I won't deny you Idun, Ever since Vorin kidnapped you and scheduled your upgrade. She's been hogging you all to herself. She just wanted your attention. She loves the fact that she ride you to completion and you still have plenty left over. And Idun has been taken full advantage of your cock. She's a lot like Lisa in many ways. A helpless little nympho who needs pure raw animalistic sex to survive. Our situation is unique. Hopefully with all of the new blood coming to Norway will give you more free time to spend with us. Just don't forget that I am your number one and I too have needs. And I need more loving from my beloved husband early and often. Oh and Lisa is coming with us back to Norway.

AJ: Yes that lecherous old Man made that clear. Not that I was going reject Lisa anyway. My biggest worry is Zoey. She will fit right it in. And I think I need a gun a massive rifle. Vilde is trouble enough but Zoey is a huge unknown. Not to mention all of the horny little rabbits waiting to pounce on my little snow bunny.

My Angel Claire

Claire: Lisa says that she's and independent woman and can easily defend herself. Which remains to be seen.

AJ: It won't be long before Vieregg is sniffing her backside as well .

Claire: Edward!!! Be Nice!!

AJ: What?? I told no lies, My innocent Vilde is corrupted.

Claire: You mean the corruptor!!

AJ: Lies and Slander!! Don't believe the rumors!! Vilde is sweet and innocent and destined for greatness!!

Claire: Just like her mother right?

AJ: What is that supposed to mean?

Claire: It means that you and Vieregg are much more alike than you care to admit. Especially when it comes to women. Vorin has you wrapped around her little finger!! One look at her thick sexy body and you go nuts. Vorin always call to say that you are spending the night there after you sneak out. You may dominate her physically and mentally but her body has your mind whipped. You are hopelessly attracted to her!! Just like you are to Idun huge cow tits. Just like Vieregg is to Vilde and Me. I am just made you don't let me join you! I've always wanted to see how you dominated that arrogant matriarch!!

AJ: She's not arrogant, Well not anymore!

Claire: Correction: She's not arrogant to you anymore. She knows she can control your mind with her body. She loves the fact that she can whistle your name and you arrive on cue like the helpless little dog you are. You can keep your hand off of her. You, Your father and all of your brothers are nothing more than walking pools of raging testosterone.

AJ: That's hurtful. I am not helpless horny ape looking pound and break every innocent female I see.

Claire: Why don't we test that theory! I have my old Neo Dixie Uniforms. We'll see how long you last. Excuse me I will be right back.

(Vorin walks in a few moments later)

Vorin: Hi sweetheart, Are you enjoying your old country again. Vilde and I did a little bit of shopping. It's kind of dangerous without any gunships patrolling around. I just got through talking with your father. I can see where you get your untamed bad manners from. It's no wonder why you cannot learn to submit. You and your brothers are too wild.

AJ: (Looking longingly and lustfully at Vorin)

Vorin and AJ on the Airship by Vieregg

Vorin AJ Alone time

Vorin: Beloved?? Are you ok? You are just staring. You usually say something ridiculous the moment I walk in the house.

AJ: (Sighs, Dammit Claire!!) Look Sweetie, I need to borrow you for a moment. I need to uh.....release some tension and you have tempted me with your body long enough.

Vorin: What the heck are you talking about?? I haven't done anything to you. At least not yet.

AJ: (Picks Vorin Up and proceeds to his bedroom)

(Claire and Lisa come back a few moments later. They hear the sounds of flesh slapping upon flesh.)

Claire: (smiling triumphantly) I knew he couldn't resist.

Lisa: Wow, He's really giving it to her good. She can't even keep her moans down.

Claire: It's his upgrade. Let's just say that our dear sweet AJ needs a constant release.

Lisa: Is his friend the same way. Vieregg, wasn't it?

Claire: He is, but to a slightly lesser extent but he has better impulse control. I will tell you all about him later.