Ch 4 — Welcome to Imperial Norway Male
Imperial Norway was not a place anyone visited for fun, especially not if you were a man. It was not merely an oppressive, militaristic fascist dictatorship. It was also a matriarchy.
A black train in heavy armor plating rolled into the platform at Gothenburg Central Station. Vieregg stood next to Idun, watching the train screech to a halt. The train's bulky appearance made it stand out from all the other sleek trains at the station, which looked like they had been cut from bars of soap and colored with friendly hues.
Thin lines of red lights pulsated on the scratched black steel surface of the train. There was a loud sound of air released as the heavy steel doors slid open and people streamed out. The people coming out looked just as out of place as the train itself. Platinum blonde men and women wearing uniforms colored in red, black, and white. They looked like caricatures of fascists, Vieregg thought.
Vieregg looked at Idun's face. She was at ease, smiling. Vieregg was not. The train, the people—everything sent shivers down his spine. There was a reason he had never been to Imperial Norway since he left as a toddler.
Imperial Norway was not a place anyone visited for fun, especially not if you were a man. It was not merely an oppressive, militaristic fascist dictatorship. It was also a matriarchy. As a man, Vieregg knew he would be a second-class citizen. Once he crossed the border, he would need to rely on Idun to pave the way for him. She understood this alien country, as she was a woman. That was crucial to doing serious business in Imperial Norway.
Vieregg stepped into the train. It felt more like stepping into a heavy industrial factory than a modern train.
Vieregg shook his head. "Seriously, Idun, this is like a caricature of fascism. Why does it need to look like this?"
"Psychology matters in war, Vieregg. When I walk on the street today, guys whistle at me. But when I donned the black matriarchal armor serving in occupied territories, I became a different person. People instantly fear you," Idun said dryly.
Vieregg swallowed. He remembered her absurdly quick reflexes that first time they met. "It looks totally ridiculous, this train. It's like something out of a dystopian movie," he said while examining its interior. Vieregg looked at Idun, "I didn't know you served as a soldier."
They sat down. At least the seats were comfortable. He had feared they would be some uncomfortable welded steel contraptions. The interior of the car itself wasn't that bad-looking, despite all the black and brushed steel. Fascism had a certain attractive aesthetic, despite its heavy militaristic look.
"Well, you didn't experience the brutal Novi Soviet invasion and occupation. Nor the rebellion against their allies, the New Confederates. You guys just yielded and made peace with those bastards. We never want to experience that again. You keep the peace by preparing for war," Idun said.
There was a heavy clinking as the steel doors shut. Shortly after, he could hear the whirr of electric motors powering the massive train forward. The large high-voltage capacitors dumping massive loads of current into the electric motors to get the heavy beast of a train moving caused a distinct hight pitched sound.
"Why would I not have served in the army, Vieregg? I am a woman. All women serve in Imperial Norway. I am not the big-boobed bimbo you think I am," Idun said sarcastically. "And I don't think we should sit across from each other if you are going to stare at my chest."
"I'm not looking," Vieregg lied. How could she tell every time?
"Yeah, you were. You aren't very good at lying, Vieregg!"
"Okay, whatever, so I look at your chest! Maybe you shouldn't wear such tight clothing showing so much cleavage then," Vieregg answered, agitated. He wanted to make Idun feel welcome at Vieregg Industries, but he was getting annoyed at her always letting him down and complaining. He was her boss; shouldn't he get some respect?
"Slut-shaming, now, are we?" Idun said, annoyed. The train had picked up full speed now and the Swedish countryside was passing by.
"Whatever. About the military, I just thought you had a professional army like us Swedes. Like normal countries," Vieregg said, intentionally needling Idun. He liked when she got agitated. Somehow it made her look hotter.
"You just like annoying me, don't you? You know I tried dressing properly, Vieregg. It doesn't work. It isn't my clothes that are the problem; it's my body. You guys will never not comment on it. You know what? I am not going to let a bunch of sexist chauvinists in the office shame me into dressing like a nun. I am not ashamed of my body. In Imperial Norway, we were taught to be proud of ourselves. But in Sweden, you do a bang-up job of making a woman feel ashamed of herself if she has a bit too strong curves, a bit too big ass and boobs," Idun shouted with indignation.
Now Vieregg got annoyed. He kept looking at the cute little red houses by the lake, pass by the windows. They were getting close to the Norwegian border. The whole conversation started reminding him of conversations he had had with his sister Petra. He missed her. They had argued a lot at the end, but he still loved her. Where was she now? Why could women never take responsibility for their actions?
"You think you can look like that and men aren't going to notice? Aren't going to find you attractive?" Vieregg said, annoyed. He felt a need to stand up for men constantly belittled by Idun.
"Do you find me attractive, Vieregg?" Idun asked teasingly. "Do you find me sexy?"
Vieregg blushed. He thought about how she had such a tight dress in his office. Not very professional! She was an employee. He had to do better than that. But she had seduced him. How was he supposed to withstand somebody looking like her?
"I think we already established that," he answered, embarrassed and annoyed.
"Do you have sexual fantasies about me?" Idun continued to tease him.
"I think you are asking inappropriate questions. Do I need to remind you I am your boss?" Vieregg asked, agitated.
Looking out the windows, he noticed they were approaching the town of Halden. It was a picturesque small town by the Oslo fjord, colorful Norwegian wooden houses dotting the periphery. But the postcard look was punctuated by a black Imperial Tower looming above the city. He remembered his father talking about them. They stood in stark contrast to the core town they guarded. It was as if Norway were a country with two faces. One was the beautiful green landscapes with fjords, mountains, and cute little coastal towns. The other was the face of a militaristic, imposing regime.
"There's the hypocrisy, Vieregg. You guys can sexualize me, make crude comments and sexist remarks, but when I do it, it's not okay? Didn't anyone ever tell you that you are quite handsome?" Idun teased.
Vieregg was insecure about his looks. He wasn't sure if she was toying with him. Girls had said it before, but he never understood girls. In his own mind, he was quite ordinary. If he was handsome, why had he never had much luck with girls?
"Yeah…" he answered, letting the word hang in the air.
"You don't seem to believe it," Idun mocked him.
"I think you are getting too personal," Vieregg replied bothered.
"Yeah, let's talk about Idun's big juicy tits and fat ass instead," she replied with biting sarcasm.
Vieregg didn't answer. The train was picking up speed again, and the city of Halden disappeared from view.
Vieregg could tell he was no longer in Sweden. Even though this was one of the flatter parts of Norway, it was not as flat as the Swedish side. It was full of rolling hills, and houses were scattered about in the landscape. Norwegians lived spread out, unlike Swedes, who preferred to be clustered in towns. He could also tell it was a wealthier country, despite the destruction of invasion and civil war. The houses were bigger and fancier, more well-kept. It was not without reason he was setting up manufacturing in Oslo. The regime had deep pockets. It was oil money that had been accumulated over many decades. Oil has ceased to be important these days, but the accumulated oil wealth from the past was still there.
The conductor walked past again, checking tickets. She had passed them once before when they arrived in Halden. He could hear her before he saw her. The heavy armored boots against the steel floor. The conductor was a large blonde woman with a short haircut, in full black armor. Vieregg noticed she was armed. She carried a Krag 20 gauss pistol on her side. Vieregg knew they were collaborating with Kongsberg Defense to develop the followup model Krag 22.
"Armed conductors in Imperial Norway is utterly ridiculous," Vieregg said.
Idun looked displeased. "So I am a slut, and my home country is ridiculous? Easy for you to say. You don't have the Red Pill insurgents terrorizing Sweden."
Idun had talked about them before in disparaging terms. They were leftovers from the old patriarchal puppet regime led by Henrik Nyborg. They called themselves "male rights" activists, sometimes or "red-pilled men." The Red Pillers were a key reason Imperial Norway had martial law and heavy security according to Idun.
"The Red Pillers are so dangerous you need armed conductors?" Vieregg said, shaking his head.
"Yeah, they actually attack trains, Vieregg. Two years ago, a conductor got in a firefight with three male insurgents trying to hijack a train going to Bergen," Idun said.
"Really?" Vieregg said, surprised.
"Yes, really. You Swedes are so judgmental. A country of no patriotism. No pride. You judge us for loving our motherland" Idun said, crossing her arms defiantly.
She wasn't wrong. Norwegians had always been more patriotic than Swedes. Vieregg remembered growing up how his Norwegian mother spoke of Norway. How she would bring out Norwegian flags on the 17th of May, the Norwegian national celebration. She had tried to instill Norwegian pride in Vieregg, but he could never feel it. He remembered very little from his childhood in Norway. In Sweden, he had learned that nationalism and patriotism were terrible things.
"You know I am actually Norwegian, Idun. I was born there. My mother is Norwegian."
"You Swedes are such stuck-ups. I think you need to loosen up a bit," Idun said and placed her high-heeled platform shoe between his legs, pressing gently against his crotch.
"Idun, stop! That is inappropriate. I am your boss," Vieregg protested.
"So is hanging up posters of me half-naked in the office. 'Boys just having a bit of fun,' you said. Well, this is Idun having a bit of fun," she teased, massaging his crotch gently with the front of her shoe.
He started getting aroused. Vieregg was incapable of deciding whether he should stop her or not.
There was no denying he was deeply attracted to Idun. He liked how shamelessly naughty she was. He grabbed her leg with the intention of pushing her away. Instead, he paused, holding her calf. Idun bit her lips in a teasing manner. "Oh Vieregg, I love how you touch me," she said in a voice that made her sound like a slutty bimbo. Her normal voice was more tomboyish, no-nonsense.
"This will end badly if I don't control myself," Vieregg thought.
"You know I am a sex addict, Vieregg. Don't you?" Idun said, putting an index finger at her lip, playing up the bimbo persona. Her left hand started fondling her left breast.
"Yes…" Vieregg replied hesitantly.
"You know what that means?"
"No, not really," Vieregg replied honestly. He didn't really understand how the sex addiction of Norwegian women worked.
"It means I need regular deep penetration," she said in a sultry voice. "Are you ready to give me that deep penetration, Mr. Vieregg?"
"Stop, Idun, just stop! This can't go on," Vieregg protested, but he felt his willpower ebbing. Part of him just wanted to give in to his desires.
"Boys will be boys, didn't you say that when your engineers sexually humiliated me? Well, slutty girls will be slutty girls. I can't help myself. I need some of that nice fat cock you have hidden in those pants," Idun continued in her teasing voice while rubbing his crotch with her shoe.
Vieregg couldn't decide what he wanted. Instead, he let Idun continue. "I think we should go to the fuck room Vieregg," Idun teased.
"Fuck room?" Vieregg said, puzzled.
"Hehe, you don't have those in Sweden. But in Imperial Norway, they are everywhere. There's a room next to the bathroom in this car," Idun said, laughing.
Vieregg didn't recall exactly the chain of events, but somehow he suddenly found himself in a fuck room on board an armored Norwegian train. Idun undressed him while he undressed her. Vieregg pressed against her, grabbing her buttocks. He loved feeling her naked body against his. Her breasts pressed against his chest. He kissed her, and suddenly, her tongue was deep inside his mouth while they played with each other's sex organs. Idun stroked his dick while he grabbed her pussy.
But then, right before he was about to lose control, his inner voice of reason spoiled it all—the voice sounded annoyingly like his old man, Carl Vieregg. A flashback of his father scolding his sister Petra played in his mind. Vieregg let go of Idun, grabbed his underwear, and hurried to get dressed.
"I can't do this, I can't do this," he repeated while getting dressed. Idun looked at Vieregg, puzzled. All she could say was, "Okay?"
As he exited the room, he could hear Idun behind him, "You are a boring stuck-up Swedish prude!"
"I thought I was a sexist asshole," he shot back.
"That too!" she yelled and threw one of her high-heeled shoes after him. It missed. He suspected the miss was intentional.
Perhaps it wasn't meant to be. The train just exited a tunnel, and the city of Oslo came into view. There at the end of the Oslo fjord was the capital of the Empire. From there supreme leader Svanhild Hvidsten ruled Norway, Germany, Poland, and the Netherlands. Formally they had some autonomy but every occupied territory had a so-called Imperial Prefect appointed by Imperial Norway. An Imperial Prefect had veto powers. And the Oversight Council in occupied territories made sure only parties friendly to Imperial Norway got elected. The Oversight Council was stacked with women loyal to Imperial Norway.
Formally these countries were not occupied, but rather they had formally asked for Imperial Norway to setup military bases to protect them. In practice, they functioned as an occupation. Insurrections were frequent, and Imperial troops were frequently involved in suppressing them.
People in the Nordics were less willing to admit the level of control Imperial Norway exerted. After all Nordic countries had a long and strong kinship with Norway. Yet, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland had Imperial Prefects and an Oversight Council. Imperial Norway had less influence in Sweden, as it had never been occupied by the Novi Soviets. Thus, a Norwegian liberation with subsequent installation of loyalists never happened. A certain resentment still existed in Norway that Sweden had yielded without keeping on the fight.
Vieregg found it unreasonable. Sweden knew there was no way of winning after Norway, Finland, and Denmark had been subjugated. Technically, Finland had never been fully conquered either, but the Novi Soviets had taken Helsinki, which had allowed Imperial Norway, upon liberating Helsinki, a lot of leverage.
It was not something he planned on ever discussing with Idun. He was certain they would nice see eye to eye on the issue. Don't speak ill of Imperial Norway, especially if you were Swedish. He had learned that lesson the hard way.
Vieregg was glued to the window looking at the city coming into view. Idun stood beside him looking out the window next to him. She had simmered down. "What do you think?" she asked.
Oslo was a study in contrasts. A beautiful fjord view, with green wooden hills surrounding the city. Colorful old buildings from the 1800s. But these old buildings were reduced to mere footnotes in the city scape by the monstrously large Imperial Towers.
The towers were monoliths of power, rising out of the urban sprawl like dark sentinels. Lines and dots of red lights traced their surfaces, pulsing rhythmically to guide the incoming Imperial Airships that docked at their summits. Vieregg spotted to immense black airship above the city approaching one of the taller towers.
He could spot three towers of different height and size. They looked like something out of a dystopian fever dream, their sheer scale overwhelming. They were covered in a matte black material that seemed to absorb the light, making the red LEDs stand out even more starkly. The air around them buzzed with the faint hum of energy, the sound of the airships’ engines a distant roar as they maneuvered to dock.
"It looks like a dystopian fever dream," Vieregg said turning towards Idun. It made him notice that when Idun pressed her face against the windows it caused her massive breasts to be squashed against the window as well. It was very hard to be in the vicinity of Idun without being constantly reminded of sex.
Letting go of her wonderful naked body pressed against his had been hard. It had required him to muster all his will power.
Idun looked at him annoyed. "You are such as asshole Vieregg. You just cannot say anything nice ever can you?"
"It is my superpower," Vieregg replied teasingly.
"Hahaha, you are so funny, Idun," replied dryly. But he could tell it gave her a faint smile.
The train came to a halt, and Povel stepped onto the platform. The cool air hit him. The noise of the city surged around him—the low rumble of engines, the distant wail of sirens, the constant murmur of a populace under surveillance. Above it all, the Imperial Towers stood, their red lights blinking methodically, a heartbeat in the city’s dark core.
As he and Idun made their way through the crowded station, Povel couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Cameras were everywhere, their lenses tracking movements, recording every detail. This was a city under constant scrutiny, its people living in the shadow of the regime’s omnipresent gaze.
Armored female security guards, police and soldiers with high powered rifles seemed to be everywhere. They all wore the sinister polished black armor so characteristic of Imperial Norway. He had seen them in numerous Hollywood movies before.
Idun knocked him, "keep your fucking gaze down Vieregg!" she whispered loudly. He was looking at a group of armored blonde women at a station check point. Their amor looked different. More elaborate.
They spotted him and came walking in his direction. He could hear Idun was angry. "You are a man. You are supposed to keep your head down. You were just staring at Inquisition officers. That is a very bad idea for a man to do. They are overzealous in arresting and interrogating men."
"What the fuck didn't you tell me anything?" Vieregg whispered back, annoyed at the corner of his mouth.
"I thought you did a minimal of research about how to behave in Norway. Like keeping your fucking head down and don't draw attention to yourself. A handsome guy like you should be extra careful," Idun whispered.
Two inquisition officers were getting closer. They signaled to him to halt.
"What the fuck does being handsome have to do with anything?" Vieregg asked perplexed.
"Did you forget we are all sex addicts here? In the Inquisition you find the worst deviants. They will use any excuse to interrogate an attractive looking man, such as yourself.
"I am the fucking CEO of a major industrial conglomerate in Sweden, with work in Norway. They can't do this!" Vieregg said with slight desperation in his voice.
"True," Idun said. "Just don't push your luck. Don't act like your usual sexist annoying self. Show some humility. No smartass responses. Make sure they know the important work you are doing here."
Two large chested, muscular blondes in black amor towered above Vieregg. "Papers!" they said. Vieregg pulled out his ID and entry visa.
Vieregg puffed himself to be important and confident. "I am Povel Vieregg, CEO of Vieregg Industries, on significant business here in Oslo," he said. In the corner of his eyes, he could see Idun roll her eyes.
"Did we tell you speak male?" one of the officers shot back.
"Please, honored officers of the inquisition, this man is in my care. He is unfamiliar with our ways," Idun pleaded. "He is here on important business for our government."
"Step aside miss, there has been a Redpill attack organized by the Manosphere network today at the Inquisition HQ. We are performing a broad sweep to catch suspects. Your male fits our profile. He needs to be interrogated," one of the inquisitors says in a harsh tone.
Vieregg sighs. "My old homeland is giving me such a warm welcome. Why would my parents have ever left such a warm and welcoming place?" he thinks with bitter sarcasm.
The inquisitor officers grabbed Vieregg and escorted him away. "Vieregg! Hang in there, I am going to get you out," Idun yelled from a distance as he got escorted to an awaiting black armored truck.