Ch 4 - Emmet is Devoured

He was pinned down. Her legs were on his arms and Trude was holding him down while sucking on his dick and balls

Emmet felt like he was going to have a claustrophobic attack. Alvdis was sitting on his face. He felt her inner thighs against the side of is face and her wet pussy getting rubbed into his face. "Come on Emmet, lick me!" Alvdis demanded. He was getting pussy juice smeared all over his face. She was so wet. Emmet was reluctant. He thought it was a bit yucky to lick pussy. How many dicks had been inside Alvdis' pussy? That wasn't a thought he enjoyed.

But she was so insistent that he found no other choice. He was pinned down. Her legs were on his arms and Trude was holding him down while sucking on his dick and balls, trying to get him stiff again. Emmet tried to speak to get her off, but trying to speak while having a wet pussy shoved into his mouth didn't work very well. It became gargled.

"I cannot hear what you are saying, Emmet," Alvdis said. "Come on, Emmet, show me your tongue work!"

How did people do this, he wondered. He put his tongue into Alvdis and licked but got so much pussy juice in his mouth. Was he supposed to swallow or spit it out? They never told you that in porn movies? Emmet spit it out. He would rather not swallow Alvdis' bodily fluids.

Alvdis started moaning loudly of pleasure as he licked. Emmet felt something that had never occurred to him while jerking off to videos of Alvdis getting gang raped in Ylanda's dungeon. It turned him on that Alvdis was enjoying herself. It turned him on that what he was doing to her was causing her to feel pleasure.

The load moans mixed with some kind of strange puppy sounds made Emmet so turned on that his dick started hardening again. He could hear how excited that made Trude. She was literally beside herself.

Within seconds, Trude plopped on top of him. Her vagina felt different from that of Alvdis. Her moves too. Not only did Trude have more muscular arms, but it felt like her vagina muscles were stronger too. The way she squeezed his dick felt uncomfortable. She began riding him, but she was too rough. It was a mix of pain and pleasure.

Emmet tried to shout, but his words got gargled by Alvdis' wet pussy shoved into his mouth. He felt he was panicking. It was getting very hot and thin with air with his head jammed between her sweaty thighs and wet puffy pussy. "Oh no, I am going to choke on pussy," he thought.

Emmets thin arms began flailing around. But the girls didn't seem to pay any attention. Instead, they appeared to be giggling interspersed with loud moaning. He could hear Trude shouting, "Oh fuck, Oh God, Oh fuck, this is so good!"

Emmet wanted them to stop. It all felt good, painful and humiliating at the same time. The word "rape," entered his mind. He didn't want to admit it to himself. He didn't like the thought of being a rape victim. But that was what this was. They were fucking him against his will and they were hurting him.