Ch 32 — Home in Norway
He would be sharing the house with Idun and two other pregnant former hucows had not been his plan. Somehow he had managed to impregnate Vicky, Dolly, after they had gotten liberated
It was a rainy and dark October in Oslo, Imperial Norway. Vieregg looked out the window at the heavy rain and waves on the Oslo fjord. "It is a good thing I got a large house when I moved here," Vieregg thought.
That he would be sharing the house with Idun and two other pregnant former hucows had not been his plan. Somehow he had managed to impregnate Vicky, Dolly, after they had gotten liberated. They were having his children, and yet they acted much like children themselves. The neglect of hucows had left them rather naive and stupid about everything.
Because he had been part of the liberation and nice to them, they had become very attached to Vieregg and didn't want to be anywhere besides where he was. Vieregg could not crawl up in bed to have some quality time with Idun, with Dolly and Vicky eagerly following. It felt like the smell of sweet breast milk was always in the air.
It made it harder to forget the whole hucow horror show they had lived through at the Carter Evans farm. How ironic. They had kept waiting for Hildegunn to come back and liberate them, and instead it was women from a black gang called the Steel Rose Collective led by Claire Adley which had saved them.
It had been a bitter pill for Nora to experience being liberated by the people she viewed as subhumans. Nora has tried to explain it away by the fact that Claire and her sister Shay were both half-white. According to Nora that is what made them have any sense of morality and decency.
Haldis Nyborg had demanded that the fact that a black gang had liberated them had to be covered up. She said that "such information would only serve to confuse their soldiers. They need ideological clarity" In fact the whole Neo Dixie abolition movement was ordered to be covered up in Imperial Norwegian media. Citizens had to be served a simple narrative where the poor hucows of Neo Dixie were saved by soldiers from Imperial Norway.
Trude realized she had to flee Imperial Norway or risk her treason getting exposed. She managed to convince Alvdis that she had to leave as well. Rumor has it that they now live in London.
Vieregg had repeatedly been at Ullevål hospital, where doctors and surgeons did a remarkable job of putting Daphny and Debbie together again. It was all nightmarish but they had all gone to special therapy treatments with some heavy drug cocktails which had helped suppress some of the worst memories. The therapist had suggested that plenty of sex was one of the best treatments. Vieregg hard started to think this was almost a running joke in Imperial Norway. The seemed to advice more sex for every possible ailment.
Jill, Daphny and Debbie who had been so close to each moved in together in an apartment and started a titty milk ice-cream story in downtown Oslo called "Wholesome Hucow Ice Creamery."
Delores, Mildred, Nellie and many of the other hucows from the Carter Evans farm began delivering milk to the creamery as well.
This is admittedly not a great chapter. But as I have written before, the novel is meant to be completed as a series of iterations. My focus has been on getting the overall story right. I want to get the sequence of events and facts right. Sometimes that means not every chapter on this first iteration will be very entertaining.
It comes down to inspiration. I lack the inspiration to make a good chapter, but I also didn't want to leave it open ended. Rather I wanted the novel to be complete.
Why was this important? I see this novel as the foundation of the world. It introduces most of my characters and describe how they are related. From this foundation I can write various short stories.
I realize that I am probably better at writing shorter stories. Keeping focus an motivation up for a whole novel is quite difficult. My hat off to the authors that pull this off.