Ch 31 — AJ in Bed with the Sisters

"Lisa and Gina what the fuck are you doing? AJ is my husband. You cannot keep sucking his dick every time I am away!"

AJ is lying in bed watching Gina and Lisa licking his erect cock, dragging their wet tongues along the length of his shaft. It was rock hard and glistening with saliva.

Donna comes into the bedroom. "Hey girls remember to leave something for your mom. Last time there was no cum left in AJ's cock for your mother. What did I teach you girls about sharing?"

Both women peek their heads up. "But mom you can join! There is space for you in bed!" Lisa protests.

"Girls, somebody has to make dinner for all of you. All I am asking you is that you only have one squirt each. Don't use up all of AJ's cum. Leave something for your mom," Donna says shaking her head, while holding her hands on her hips.

"Okay mom," Gina replies slightly annoyed. Donna leaves, while Gina and Lisa continue liking AJ's cock with a pout face. Their bad mood spills into an argument about who gets to ride AJ's cock first.

Right then, AJ's OmniSight goggles on the night stand next to their wide bed starts ringing. AJ grabs the goggles and puts them on. Unfortunately, he forgets to tun off the camera pointing right at his dick getting serviced by twins Gina and Lisa.

It is Claire, and she is not happy about what she says. "AJ! Do I need to remind you that you are my husband! Put me on speaker!"

AJ puts Claire on speaker so Gina and Lisa can hear her. "Lisa and Gina what the fuck are you doing? AJ is my husband. You cannot keep sucking his dick every time I am away!"

Both women stop licking AJ's dick and look like very guilty girls who got caught stealing candy from the candy box at the top shelf in the kitchen. "But mom said it was okay! She gave us permission," Gina excused herself.

"Claire, AJ cannot save up his cum until you come home, Claire. It will just go to waste if we don't swallow his cum," Lisa excused herself.

Claire was getting worked up. "Seriously! That is your excuse!?"