Ch 3 — Idun's Sex Addiction Problem
Idun ready herself to go home to Imperial Norway.
There was a light drizzle and Idun wore a yellow raincoat while she walked through the trails of Slottskogen park in Gothenburg. She found walking alone in the rain often cleared her mind. A couple walked past her. They stared. People always stared here in Sweden. It was impossible to hide the curves on her body. The undersized raincoat hugged them tight. Everyone could see how abnormally large breasts she had.
It was worst when young guys walked past and made sexist remarks about her to each other and laughed. There was a reason she preferred walking outside in the rain. Fewer people to walk past.
She had come to Sweden hoping for a new different and better life. Her home country Imperial Norway was a fascist dictatorship ruled by the Matriarchy Nationalist Party (MNP), led by supreme leader Svanhild Hvidsten. Hundreds of thousands of men loyal to the former patriarchy had fled during and after the civil war which had ended the patriarchal puppet regime of Henrik Nyborg. His puppet masters, the foreigners from Novi Soviet and the New Confederacy had tried to save the regime till the end.
When it became clear that the regime would fall to the MNP rebels, hundreds of thousands of men who had propped up the regime and engaged in abuse and exploitation of women started fleeing. They knew very well that many of the women of the rebellion would want revenge for the dark years.
The male exodus had left her motherland in a chronic shortage of men. Finding a boyfriend or husband had become next to impossible. That would have been tolerable if it wasn't for the ever present incurable sex addiction. She knew how easy it was for men to take advantage of her for that reason. It was one of the dark legacies of the patriarchy which all women of Imperial Norway shared.
When Idun had started working for Vieregg Industries she had done everything she could to hide how addicted she was to sex. She didn't want anyone to know. She knew all too well how men would take advantage of her if they knew. Instead she had smuggled her vibrators and favorite dildos in her purse to work. Whenever she had a chance she would sneak into the bathroom to please herself. Just enough to get through the day. To stay focused and above all to avoid dropping down on her knees and start sucking the dick of any man who offered it to her.
It had happened before. Soon enough she was mocked as the company whore. An eager slut to be used, mocked and derided. They used her, and then fired her. "You are bad for our reputation," they said. But the guys who got rid of her made sure they did that after they enjoyed her body thoroughly. Hypocrites!
Her mother had scolded her. Called her weak for letting herself get exploited by men. Mother Tove Wang was an old school matriarch. High up in the power hierarchy as Director General of the Norwegian Directorate of Health. Her speciality was male anatomy and biology. Idun had always wanted to reject her mother's cynical view of men. She resented having to tell her mother how she had gotten used and getting lectured.
It was time to call mother again. She was return home to Norway.