Ch 28 — Pimping Hucows

Idun had developed an obsession with growing large, healthy milk udders afterward. He could not talk her out of it.

Summer had come to Georgia, Neo Dixie at the Daryl Evans hucow farm. Vieregg sat in the little office Daryl had given him in the main house. It was an actual nice house, unlike the industrial monster Carter Evans and his boys lived in. Vieregg peered through the window out at the picturesque green rolling hills outside with trees and little ponds. The hucows roamed around naked with their cowbells around their neck ringing and large milk heavy boobs flopping around.

They were all getting big bellies. What was it now? Five months already? There was Idun lying in the hillside catching some sun. She had to be careful as a redhead. She easily got sunburned. It was difficult to recognize her now. She had gotten so big. Why had he made those stupid remarks about Alvdis' breast milk? Idun had developed an obsession with growing large, healthy milk udders afterward. He could not talk her out of it.

At the county faire, Idun had won a reward as a prize cow. She had been so proud. That had disturbed Vieregg. Months earlier, she would never have subjugated herself to something like that, but she had become so needy. It didn't matter how much he said he loved her. He wanted Vieregg to think she had the best milk and as the most attractive hucow. If only he had managed to hide his attraction to hucows better. The fact that Idun had seen him ogle hucows so much had made her slightly obsessed with being an ideal hucow.

That time on the Carter Evans farm must have messed up her brain in some way Vieregg had concluded. It was not like her. In fact, many of the girls did not seem like themselves. Idun wasn't the only one who had gotten too eager with the whole hucow thing. Even crazy Nora, who was so eager to shoot dead hucow farmers was into it now.

But looking at Heather made him most sad. She had been a fairly slim average girl. But now she had just ballooned. Poor girl. But at least she had Maya. The two of them could not be separated. Always touching each other. What love birds. They loved caressing each other's pregnant bellies and suck milk from each other's boobs.

Ring. "Ah damn a customer calling," Vieregg thought. He put on his headset. This was one of the jobs he had to do on the farm. He managed appointments for the girls. He could not sugarcoat what he was doing. It was pimping. "Hey, this is the Daryl Evan's farm, how may I help you sir?"

"Yo man! This is Anton. I've been up at your farm before. I tasted the pussy of a hot redhead before. I like her again man!" the guy rambled at the other end. Vieregg thought he sounded like he had a couple of beers.

"Sir, we have several redheads on the farm. Which one did you have in mind?" Vieregg asked politely.

"Hmm let me see. This one had really big fat titties. Nice big ass. Like the kind you just need to give a good slap. Know what I mean?" Anton rambled.

Vieregg said, "yeah...." hesitantly in response.

"This hoe was feisty. She don't like you slappin her ass. She gets fired up. I loved that! I want to give that redhead bitch some good ass slaps, and ram my dick into that tight pussy." Anton rambled loudly. Definitely drunk.

Vieregg understood that he was undoubtedly talking about his girlfriend Idun. He hated listening to guys talking about her that way. If only he could punch them in the face, but that was bad for business. "That would be our hucow Idun Amalie Wang. She is known to have a bit of a temperament. We got two openings tomorrow and you can join a gang bag for a discount on Friday."

"Nah, me and my brother Julius wanna have some fun with this hoe together. My homie is turning 18 man. He got to get a taste of some nice white pussy," Anton continued.

"Okay, I'll put you up for a 10:00 appointment tomorrow. Would you like any of the extras?" Vieregg asked while quenching his anger over how the man objectified and dehumanized his girlfriend.

"Extras? What you got man? I forget." Anton answered puzzled. Vieregg tried to forget how much he hated this job. What was worse, he pondered. Taking appointment like this or editing porn video recordings of Idun that they distributed online for extra income? Hucow porn was very popular abroad. After scheduling appointment, he had a video of Idun, and one of Maya and Heather to finish editing.

"If you want to perform milking with pumps or suck milk out of her boobs you need to pay extra for that," Vieregg replied matter-of-factly.

"What? I got to pay extra to suck milk out of her fat udders?" Anton replied upset. Vieregg rolled his eyes in response to the entitlement.

"If you suck milk out of her breasts, we will have less milk to sell. So it costs us extra. Hence, it costs $25 extra." Vieregg explained.

"Alright! Sign me up. I want to suck on them titties," Anton announced enthusiastically. Vieregg made the appointment on Idun's calendar and hung up, letting of air from his mouth and letting his fist loosen up.

It was back to editing hucow porn. Vieregg was zooming and cropping a shot of a big black cock going into Idun's pussy. It was a closeup. Her pale skin made a strong contrast with the thick dark-skinned cock coated in cum going in and out of her pussy slowly. Her pussy lips were caked with cum from several guys that had already dumped their load into her. He hated doing these edits. Seeing another man use his girlfriend's pussy like that. But the worst was that it made his dick hard. He would rather not get hard seeing other people fucking Idun. It was humiliating.

He replayed footage to see how it looked. It played until the dick went out and Idun's pussy started burping out cum. Thick cum oozing out and pouring down her inner thigh. Cum from numerous men that had used his girl's pussy. He knew she had never exactly been a virgin but it was hard to not feel awkward having intercourse with her knowing how many had been inside her.

He was interrupted again. Another caller. Vieregg greeted the caller. A certain Deshawn. "Yo I had that package last week to fuck five of your hoes on discount. Sweet deal. Anyway I liked the doll face one with them big titties. Crazy bitch. All into domination and stuff. Know who I am talking about?"

Vieregg put Deshawn on mute and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, who could he possibly be talking about?" Occasionally, he worried they were all going to end up back at Carter Evan's farm because Nora ends up murdering one of the clients. Now they made money on Nora's slightly psychotic behavior. Some guys wanted a crazy, dominating girl. Wild eyed killer doll Nora was just the right one for them. They didn't need know she had previously murdered everyone at the Jackson farm.

"Hmmm, tough one, I think you might be talking about Nora," Vieregg replies. Secretly he wished Nora did murder the guy.

"That is her. Yeah, now I remember. Nora, that was her name. Yeah, I need her riding my cock again. That was a wild fucking ride right there," Deshawn replied enthusiastically.

"Alright Deshawn, you are lucky, I can slot you in at 12:30 tomorrow. Sounds good?" Vieregg replied matter-of-factly.

"Tight! Peace man," Deshawn replied, hanging up.

Vieregg was back to his porn editing. The Idun video was ready to go. Maya and Heather were next. It was lesbian porn. He had not expected it would do so well, but there were probably a hundred times more guys than lesbians who watched it. It felt so wrong that the genuine love between Maya and Heather was being put out for guys to jerk to. They had performances at the farm. Guys would stand jerking off while Heather and Maya sucked each other's tits and fingered each other. It had been a form of compromise. The union had negotiated it with Daryl. They tried to look after their members. Heather being lesbian naturally didn't want to be fucked by guys daily.

At the same time, Heather knew she had to contribute somehow to the earnings so their debt could be paid down and more hucows bought from the Carter Evans farm. Lesbian freakout shows had been the solution. Guys loved watching those. Poor Heather Vieregg thought. She was a little bit shy, and then she had to do all these performances with guys jerking off and making comments.

Still, he had noticed Heather was not doing that bad. The difficulty of the hucow situation was outweighed considerably by falling in love with Maya. She actually wanted to spend all day touching and fucking Maya. Now that was basically a requirement. They would also take care of putting milking equipment on each other.

In the video Vieregg as editing there was a closeup of Maya's hands rubbing oil into Heather's big tits hanging down dangling. Next, one can see the glass cups of the milking machine getting attached.

Vieregg made the video split so that the viewers in one half could see Maya licking Heather's pussy, while the left half showed Heathers puffy nipples squirting milk into the glass cups as the pumps sucked and released. In the background, they could hear Heather making "moo" sounds. It was pretty silly, but somehow Heather had perfected a very sexy, but slightly silly "moo" sound. Increasingly, guys requested that sound. It had become a signature thing she had to do in almost every video they made.

When he got closed to finish his editing, he started hearing large moaning sounds from outside his window. He looked out and saw two black guys with Idun. One was rubbing her pussy and the other fondling her breasts. Her pussy got so wet that the other guy used it as a sort of oil to rub in on her belly and tits. Vieregg hated watching Idun being fucked by others but still could not look away. Those crazy guys kept extracting pussy juices and rubbing it all over her. She was left glistening in pussy juice in the strong sunlight.

Vieregg shocked his heads, thinking, "There is always somebody with some perverted idea I haven't even thought of." Next she was down on her knees sucking dick and getting pounded doggy style. Her boobs flopped around each time the guy thrusted into her. While he felt an urge to punch them both in the face, he could see Idun enjoying herself. The anger was more about his own envy than anger over them hurting his girlfriend. It was a far cry from the horror of Carter Evan's farm.

That evening, Vieregg went to bed with Alvdis and Idun. The space was getting tighter with their ever larger pregnant bellies. Vieregg touched their big bubbles. "I feel they are moving inside now," Idun said. "Isn't it crazy that both me and Alvdis are having twins? Four girls. Maya and Heather are having a boy each. Nora is having a girl. You will be father to seven little ones Vieregg!"

"I am excited and worried sick," Vieregg replied. "Birth here at the farm. I cannot believe we are still here. That this is actually the future." For a long time, he had thought a rescue mission would get them. But now the months had passed and nobody was showing up. Hucow life started to look like a permanent arrangement.

Idun caressed her belly and smiled, "Daryl promises or children will be taken good care of. Notice how he has been building play rooms and child facilities."

"Maybe Idun is right? Perhaps this is the best life for Neonordic girls? You have no idea how hard life was for us. Always the desperate hunt for a man to have sex with. All the time with your head in a fog thinking about when you could get sex next," Alvdis said in a thoughtful tone. Vieregg felt alarmed at how they were starting to normalize the extreme situation they were all in.

"These African-American men. In school, we learned they were savage sub-humans. They did not tell us what nice fat cocks they have, or how good they are at fucking women. I never felt so much pleasure as here on the Daryl Evans farm. Our daughters will not have to grow with the sexual frustrations we had. They will get all their sexual needs satisfied," Alvdis reflected. It caused Vieregg's heart to race. He started wondering if all of them were starting to think like this now. How will they get out of this damn farm if all the women started thinking like Alvdis?

Then Alvdis started touching Vieregg dick. Stroking it. "And here I get to share you with Idun. I love that we will have a child together and can enjoy each other's bodies. Back how I would never have had a chance with you. I was so envious of Idun. Now we both get to share bed with you. That makes me so happy," Alvdis told Vieregg with love in her eyes.

Vieregg's alarm bells were going inside his head. "Don't let yourself get pulled into this madness as well! But those dreamy eyes. That sexy plump bimbo lips." He knew he was lying to himself if he said he didn't enjoy sharing bed with both of them.

"But, But you are both pimped out whores here Alvdis. That is what this is. This is a fetish whore house. You are milked, bred and pimped out. How is this a life?" Vieregg said agitated.

"That is such a crude way of putting it Vieregg. You are being so prudish now," Idun said slightly annoyed.

"Maybe we were meant to be whores? We tried to deny our own DNA for too long. At home in Norway we work as scientists, engineers, soldiers, economists, marketers and what not. But are we happy? Maybe happiness is to lye naked in the sunlight out in the meadows while two three black studs suck on your milky tits, and fill your holes with their delicious fat cocks," Alvdis said with dreamy eyes. Vieregg felt disgusted. Is this what this proud nation would collapse into? Dumb milking hoes for black studs in Neo Dixie. Ironic given all the racism they indoctrinated children with in Imperial Norway. They had been told that Neonordic women were the master race. Yet, all those ideas seemed to vanish quickly once they tasted enough black cock. Vieregg felt inadequate, but understood some of it.

Vieregg could not deny that many of the black women of Neo Dixie were like gorgeous queens. Daryl had started renting him out to the ladies. It had been a mix of humiliation and sexual pleasures.

Vieregg's thought got interrupted suddenly. Alvdis pulled her hand away from his cock. Sirens wailed loudly. Through the windows of the stall red lights flooded the unit. Air raid alarm. They all jumped out of bed. Vieregg hurried on some minimal of clothing and they ran out in the dairy factory hall. The sound of the alarm was defeating. Red lights flashing and across the walls. A chaos of naked hucows scrambling out with farm hands entering.

Amos and Silas was there yelling to the girls, "Hucows follow us to the air raid shelter!"

"What is going on?" Heather called out. They could hear deep rumbling sounds almost like thunder outside.

"Imperial Airships are incoming!" Amos yelled out. When they got out of the dairy farm, they notice the darkness from long shadows cast by enormous black beasts shaped like threatening sharks blotting the setting sun. Red lights pulsating and blinking on their enormous bodies. Large numbers of Raven and Crow drones flying out from the ships scouting for threats. The ground would shake from explosions. Smoke was rising on the horizons. Scattered about the could see fires burning.

Suddenly his own side appeared like a dark menacing alien craft. The hucows born in Neo Dixie Clara, Sadie, Agnes and Elsie looked absolutely terrified. Vieregg could understand why. They were absolutely enormous and imposing. It would be hard to convince them that they were the good guys. The airships were bombing indiscriminately. Large fountains of dirt would the thrown up in the air from the massive explosions.

The more distant airship was bombing small housing clusters. Vieregg could see them completely shatter. Agnes was crying, "Are we going to die!?"

"This is fucking commander Vorin. She must be carrying out Modgunn's terror bombing campaign," Alvdis yelled. "All about terrorizing Neo Dixie into surrender."

Silas had opened the door to the shelter leading underground. Vieregg felt a terror watching pregnant Idun running. She could not trip and fall on her stomach. He had numerous big bellies to worry about with his unborn children.