Ch 27 — The Friendly Hucow Farmer
Idun woke up in a soft bed feeling rested. But what was that feeling on her boobs? Wet. Someone was sucking on her boobs!
Idun woke up in a soft bed feeling rested. But what was that feeling on her boobs? Wet. Someone was sucking on her boobs! Idun was about to push the bastard away, but it was Alvdis. She was still sleeping but sucking on Idun's boob like a little baby. "Poor Alvdis," Idun thought. "She needed the comfort of a warm soft boob with sweet milk after the horror they had been through."
She had wanted to resent Alvdis a long time, but she had tried to come back and save her. Only a human. In Alvdis, Idun could see the same fear she had felt. The same need for human warmth and love. In the cruel world of Carter Evans, the girls had tried to stick together and comfort each other. Any past competition or slights were put aside. Idun put her arm around Alvdis and felt her soft skin against her hand while Alvdis suckled on Idun's teat in her sleep. "I cannot wake her up now. She looks so peaceful and happy at my breast," Idun thought.
The sucking had the side effect of making Idun horny. She snuck a hand between her legs. It was quite wet. She wanted someone to touch her. Idun carefully moved Alvdis's right hand up between her legs and placed it on her wet pussy. Nothing happened. Her hand laid there resting on her wet pussy. It was frustrating. She so wanted that hand to come alive and begin doing naughty things to her pussy. That those little fingers would crawl in and explore her wet little cave. Maybe Alvdis needed some helping? Idun snuck her own hand between Alvdis's legs. She began probing and prodding. First, one little finger found its way to some fleshy parts that needed rubbing.
Alvdis started making little pleasure sounds while sucking more eagerly on Idun's tit. Now she had to hold back laughter. Alvdis looked very silly sucking her like a little baby. Her pussy started getting wetter. Now her body was pushing against Idun's fingers. It wanted more.
Just then Alvdis woke up from her slumber. She let go of Idun's boob with a very surprised face. "Oh was I sucking your boob?!"
"You were so adorable," Idun teased.
Alvdis was about to say "hey, fuck you," but it got replaced by a moan when she felt Idun's hand playing with her pussy. It made Alvdis eager, and she started rubbing Idun's pussy just as she had hoped.
At that point Vieregg walked in. "Are you girls ready to get —" he began saying before going, "Oh!?"
Idun laughed. "Look how horny Vieregg got!" She continued to giggle when an eager Vieregg rushed over to their bed tearing off his shirt.
"You have no idea how overjoyed I am to see you happy and giggle Idun!" Vieregg exclaimed with the most endearing face. "The way you look at Carter Evans. All life sucked out of you. It was torture," he said while pulling off his pants.
"Yes Vieregg! Jump in!" Alvdis laughed. "You got two very cock hungry girls here. Just be careful, we got pretty roughed up at the Carter farm."
Vieregg was not hard to ask. Soon he found himself in a soft bed with a voluptuous blonde and redhead smothering him with their big soft milky boobs. Idun started sucking his cock while Alvdis was rubbing her boobs against his chest. "What kind of place is this Vieregg? This Daryl seems nice. Will he let us leave and go home?"
"Nah, this is still a hucow farm. Just not the horror show of Carter Evan's farm. I am not kidding you, the hucows here have a labour union," Vieregg said.
Idun let go of Vieregg's cock looking up at Vieregg, "You are kidding me? Daryl's hucows have a labour union? How exactly does that work?"
"I signed up girls up. You got a hucow union representative whom you can bring up complaints and issues, and she will take it up with Daryl. The union got pushed through these nice modern stalls, apparently. Or living units. Whatever you call them," Vieregg explained.
Idun thought it all sounded too strange to be real, but she was too horny to continue asking, so she continued sucking Vieregg's dick until it got hard. Before she could straddle Vieregg and stuff her pussy with dick, Alvdis was already sitting on Vieregg's face and getting eaten out. While she cared for Alvdis, she could not help put feeling jealousy and annoyance with her. Why did she have to moan so loud? She acted like such a fake porn star. Couldn't Vieregg see how fake she was? Oh, now he is sucking her boobs. By Freya, that moaning is so fake! Why is he looking at her that way while sucking her boobs dry?
"He should be looking at me that way," Idun thinks and leans over to push her boobs up in Vieregg's face. Alvdis's and Idun's boobs start competing for attention. Idun squashed her boobs against Alvdis boobs. Vieregg tries licking and sucking both.
The girls get increasingly competitive. Alvdis asks Vieregg, "How do you like the taste of my milk, Vieregg?" Alvdis asks.
"Hmmm, it is so tasty and sweet," Vieregg replies. Idun feels a stinging envy. Alvdis has developed more milk production than her and Vieregg is so enjoying her milk. Idun push her boobs towards Vieregg's mouth.
"What about my milk?" Idun asks with insecurity. She wants Vieregg to love her milk the most.
"I like your milk too," Vieregg replies with a smile. But he notices on Idun's face that she gets disappointed by the reply and tries to put out a fire. "Idun, it is totally fine. Milk production develops differently. Yours is just a bit more thin and watered out because you started lactating later than Alvdis. That is why Alvdis has a thicker, creamier and sweeter milk."
Idun feels hurt well up inside her. After all that rape and humiliation at Carter Evan's farm and her own love calls her milk "thin and watered out!" She could have tolerated if only he hadn't refer to Alvdis milk as some kind of thick creamy sweet delicious awesomeness. It stung. Anger swelled up inside her. How would he insult her like that after everything she had been through? Why did Vieregg always have to be such an asshole?
Idun snapped and yelled at Vieregg ,"You as such an asshole Vieregg! You are so nasty to me! Everything I have been through, and you tell me my milk is thin and watered out."
Vieregg was taken aback and looked surprised. "I-I didn't know you cared. You don't want to be a hucow. Carter brutally pumped your tits every day. Why would you care or want to produce milk?"
Alvdis tried to calm Idun and defend Vieregg. "He didn't mean anything bad, Idun. Vieregg also had a hard time, and I let him feed on my tits to calm down." But it infuriated Idun only more. Alvdis had been comforting her boyfriend with milk behind her back.
Idun jumped on Alvdis and they started wrestling. Idun wanted to squeeze and hurt Alvdis' stupid milk boobs. Milk squirted out and hit her in the face. "Ouch, you are hurting my boobs Idun! Don't be envious because I have better milk boobs!"
They rolled around while Vieregg tried to make them stop. Eventually, Idun let go. She realized she had lost her temper and apologized before crying, "my boobs aren't any good at producing milk." Vieregg held around her and comforted her. Alvdis joined in. Idun squeezed her own tits, "stupid boobs!"
Vieregg tried to pull away her hands, "Don't hurt your boobs like that Idun. Your boobs are just fine as they are."
But a determination grew in Idun. Vieregg loved hucows. She had seen how he looked at their oversized milk laden udders and chubby asses. Idun decided she was going to be the best hucow. Vieregg would be enjoying the richest, thickest and sweetest milk from her udders. He would not want to touch another woman's boobs because their milk would be too inferior.
"I love the way you are Idun," Vieregg kept saying but in Idun's mind he was just being polite. He didn't want to tell her how she was nothing like the nice fat hucow he desired. But she was going to surprise him. Alvdis tried to comfort her as well but she wasn't sure if she was being fake.
Vieregg got dressed. They had to meet with Daryl. Idun felt envious that Vieregg could wear clothes. She wondered if Daryl would let her wear clothes. It was humiliating to always go around naked. It made her feel more like an animal but she wanted to feel like a human again.
Idun got to meet the other hucows on the farm Agnes Whitaker, Clara Winthrop, Elsie Farnsworth and Sadie Harper. "You are very lucky to come here," Agnes told Idun and Alvdis. "Daryl takes very good care of us. There is no better place to be a hucow than on the Daryl Evan's farm in all of Neo Dixie."
Daryl had them all gather in the dairy. It had many similarities to the Carter Evans diary factory. But Idun could see that the farmhands taking care of two of the hucows getting milked were far kinder. They were careful attaching the milk pumps. They were not getting the cups jammed into their boobs like on the Carter Evans farm. The farm hand that Daryl introduced as Amos Tucker was stroking and patting Elsie while telling her nice words.
"Listen girls, I brought you here to see how we work. It is still a hucow farm. I know this isn't what you hoped for. Nobody should have to be a hucow. I wanted to leave this whole business seeing how you girls get treated," Daryl explained why, gesticulating with his hands.
"But then I asked myself: How is this going to change anything? Girls will just get treated worse. Instead, I want to change the system through reform. I want to show that there is a kind way of doing hucow farming that is still profitable," he continued.
Idun pondered what kid of man he was. Hucow farming, even when done more kindly, was a vile business in her view. It was utterly degrading and dehumanizing.
"I wish I could just set you all free, but I borrowed a lot of money to buy you. To get you away from that horrible place. But I want to get the rest of your friends out. To manage that I need your help. You need to help make the money so I can pay down what I borrowed to get you out and for the bank to allow me to borrow more to get the other girls out."
Idun realized Daryl as putting them in a difficult situation. If they ran away, his whole operation would collapse, and it would be worse for all the remaining hucows. Remain, and they could help pioneer a more humane approach to hucow farming.
"I know some of you girls are dangerous and could kill me. This is an honor principle. I put my trust in you. I believe in free roaming hucows. If you run away, you will worsen it for those you leave behind. I will go bankrupt and my brother will get the rest of you back. You won't get far. There are no free white girls in Neo Dixie. They will spot you right away. Soldiers like the Brass gang will track you down and bring you back."
Any other time, Idun would have revolted and told Daryl to fuck himself, but now she just felt immensely grateful that her nightmare at the Carte farm was over. That she was with a man who cared. Maybe it would not be so bad? He walked them around the different facilities. They all got collars with cowbells and fake horns. She would still be needed to bend over while getting milked and fucked. The difference was that Daryl's men showed care and consideration. It wasn't a brutal gang rape like at the Carter farm where they fucked your brains out.
His farmhand Silas Wheeler was even engaging in foreplay to ready Clara. She was not simply getting dicks rammed into her brutally. Silas took it slowly and even asked how she felt and made sure she enjoyed it when he fucked her. After weeks with Carter, that was almost shocking to see. Carter's men did not care if Idun or any of the other girls hurt. In fact, they seemed to enjoy it more.
Idun peered over at Nora. She was worried Nora would straight out murder Daryl in cold blood. They had to talk to Nora and make sure she didn't do anything crazy.
It was what happened later that did a lot to change Nora's mind. Daryl let them all soak in a nice warm mineral bath. Daryl's wife Zoe game with clean white fluffy towels for them to dry themselves. After weeks of being treated like animals left scratched, dirty and feeling beaten to pulp, the bath was like floating on a cloud. Idun horrified herself thinking "maybe I will actually like staying here?"
Her sex addicted brain started giving her lots of reasons to stay. Living in Imperial Norway meant always being starved of sex and even with a boyfriend like Vieregg she might not get enough. Here there were plenty of men who could give her all the sex she needed while treating her well. Maybe being a hucow wasn't so bad? Her rational mind was horrified. "Are you insane, Idun? Stop thinking with your pussy!"
Maybe she wasn't the only one having those thoughts. She could see Maya and Heather in the hot tub kissing each other and hugging like two silly lovebirds. They looked so overjoyed soaking themselves in the hot steamy water. Nora was splashing water like a child. Idun really wondered what was going around in Nora's head sometimes. There was always that risk that she would be laughing and smiling like a child only to suddenly pull a gun out of the water and shoot everyone dead with some insanely quick hand movements.
The hot mineral water was only the beginning. Zoe had made real food for all of them. Instead of eating from the floor some goo that tasted and looked like cum get got home cooked beef. Daryl was a hunter. He had caught a nice steer that had been butchered, clean, seasoned and thoroughly cooked. After weeks with cum in her mouth Idun felt like she was in heaven when she put juicy piece of meat into her mouth. And potatoes. Roasted in the oven with carrots. Did Daryl know Norwegians just loved potatoes? To top it off they got apple cider that tasted like pure molten gold.
Idun thought that if Daryl and Zoe kept this up, sergeant Hildegunn Norheim would have to drag her out of there by her feet.
Later that day, Idun got to join a union negotiation between the hucows and the farm management consisting of Daryl and Zoe. Sadie Harper was the union representative for the hucows leading the negotiations.
Sadie started, "Daryl man of us girls think anal is yucky. We don't like doing it. Girls want to be able to opt out."
Daryl sighed. "Yes, I know girls anal can hurt and it isn't pleasant. I understand your concern, but anal is bringing in good money. Without it we will have a hard time breaking even. We talked about this before."
Sadie looked determined when responding, "We know, which is why we are proposing a solution. We agreed to let you fatten us up more and make our udders bigger so you can increase milk production. We also suggest that we can have sex with two men instead of one on Fridays and Wednesdays."
Idun listened dumbfound to Daryl and Sadie going back and forth discussing number details and profit. It was an absurd discussion, but they reached an agreement and both seemed happy. Idun felt pleased. It meant that even if it wasn't the greatest job, they had a say. Daryl would take them serious and listen.
When they walked away from the meeting, Vieregg said, "He looks a bit like Carter if he had a warm smile. But seriously, how can they be so different? Imagine family dinner with Carter and Daryl?"
Idun didn't answer. Carter was too cruel and evil for her to joke about. But it was Vieregg, and he had a way of saying inappropriate things.
The rest of the day, they got to experience part of the hucow experience. They ran around in the grass fields outside, then got milked by Amos and Silas in the dairy factory. When Amos was going to detach the milk pumps, Idun asked to be pumped a bit longer. She wanted so bad to have the same rich, creamy milk that Alvdis had. If it meant some extra discomfort, it was worth it when Vieregg tasted her. He wanted to see his face bright up while he lavished her with complements about how rich, tasty and sweet her milk was.
She was surprised to see she was not the only one eager to become a more developed milk producer. Heather was also eager about the milking. Idun had to ask her. Heather shyly admitted that she enjoyed so much Maya nursing on her breasts. She wanted Maya to enjoy a rich creamy fresh milk from her tits. Maybe we are going a bit crazy here Idun wondered. A hucow milk brain fog?
That evening, Idun lay down in her bed with Vieregg sandwiched between her and Alvdis. She fell asleep with a smile on her face, dreaming of milk.