Ch 26 - A Hucow Nightmare Ends
When would it stop? Idun struggled to keep breathing through the nose and not gag from the large cock thrusting down her throat.
When would it stop? Idun struggled to keep breathing through the nose and not gag from the large cock thrusting down her throat. Dicks mashing into her pussy and asshole kept sending ripples through her body. Hands were all over her body, squeezing, and pinching. Greedy, eager hands that wanted to use every part of her. It was like being hammered relentlessly from all sides. There were brief moments when the men unloaded. Her pussy would feel bloated with cum, but before it could seep out another cock from a new man thrust into her.
It was the same with her throat. She gurgled and choked and spat when a man unloaded. But she could only catch her breath briefly before another man rammed his dick down her throat. She would pass out only to wake up with a feeding tube down her throat. It kept pumping her full of food. Or rather hucow feed which was indistinguishable from cum in taste and texture.
She could also feel someone pounding her pussy. Did they just continue fucking her while she was passed out, she wondered. There was a painful sensation in her breasts. Strong suction. Tugging at her nipples and titty flesh. They had attached milk pumps. It was to stimulate milk production. Small trickles of milk had started coming the last days.
The aching and pain. Always there as she got used like a rag doll. It was all a blur. Was it the next day already? The food tube was gone. She was a different place now. In her stall. How much time had passed? She didn't know. There was already men fucking her. It was a man slapping her in the face. He had been eager to get her awake so he could stuff is dick down her throat it seemed. Here we go again.
It felt like eternity. Cook going in and out of throat. Try to breathe. Try to stay calm. Don't panic. Don't choke. Tears down her chin. "Is this my life now? Is this every day?"
She passed out again. Suddenly awake again, lying spread across Ellen. Poor girl, she looked totally gone too. Covered in cum. She gave Ellen some light slap to the face to awake her. "Ellen, it is cleaning time. We got to lick each other," Idun said. She would rather not be failing to do so meant punishment. They both used their tiny storage of energy left to lick and suck cum off each other's tits. It felt like a dog when Ellen licked her face clean from cum with her tongue. Next was doing a 69 positions and licking cum out of each other's pussies. Cum taste. There was always the taste of cum in her mouth. Always feel so packed and bloated with food. When she felt her thighs, she noticed they had gotten thicker already. Her breasts had gotten heavier too. The baby was coming along too. A small bump on the stomach.
It was hard to keep track of time. It must have been several weeks now. Otherwise, why would she have a small bump like this? She wanted to talk to Ellen. But both of them were too tired. By the time she had licked Ellen clean the men were upon them both again. Every hole would get filled with big fat cocks. Another round of abuse and rape began.
The day blurred in an endless number of wet slapping sounds of dicks going into every hole of her sweat and cum soaked body. Next day came and nobody was sticking their dicks inside her. Nobody slapping her face. Instead she look up at Vieregg's face. "Idun, I am getting you out of here. We are leaving Carter Evan's farm."
"What? Why? Sergeant Hildegunn came back for us? We are liberated?" Idun asked puzzled.
"No, I am sorry to disappoint you. We are leaving for another farm. I think it will be a lot better there for you," Vieregg smiles cautiously.
"Another farm? How do you know that is better?" Idun says skeptical.
"Carter Evans is known as one of the worst in the industry. He has a bad reputation. You know that from our intel before we went in here. This is his brother with the next farm over. They may be brothers but are nothing alike. Daryl Evans is known as a reformer who be believes in animal welfare," Vieregg says encouragingly.
"Sigh… animals. That is right, we are just animals to them. Animals are treated better than us," Idun says with disdain. "But yeah, I think I might remember hearing about him during our briefing."
"Please don't get your hopes up too much. We cannot know exactly how he is."
Idun did not care. Anything but Carter Evans would do. But she did not understand why this was happening. "Why now? Why is this happening to us?"
"The Brass gang that Carter hired. They have wanted payment for being muscle and they want compensation for all the guys they lost defending his farm. I guess taking out a lot of their guys paid off," Vieregg chuckled. "Carter has been foaming. He hasn't been able to make payments, and they started making threats. He got his brother to bail him out by buying you and the rest of our squad. I am going with too. Thank Freya!"
"Thank Freya? Oh, getting Norwegian now Vieregg?" Idun teased.
Vieregg leaned over and kissed Idun's forehead. "I am all in with you. You are my future and so is Imperial Norway. We will get through this."
Idun sat up on looked at Vieregg. She needed him more than ever to get through this hell. He had been there the whole way trying to keep her spirit up when all she wanted to do was die. "So you are cheering on the fascist dictatorship now?" she teased. Idun felt a relief that she could still make a joke despite how bleak it all was. Despite how traumatized she were.
Mordell and Caleb looked at all of them leave with long faces. It gave Vieregg a sliver of joy. Beating them all with an iron rod would have given him more joy. But this was the day for smaller joys.
Daryl Evan's farm was like opposite land. It was rather cozy unlike the industrial hellhole look of Carter's farm. Daryl looked a lot like Carter but thinner. His mannerism was entirely different. Carter always looked like he was pissed off at something and spoke as if he was grump constantly.
Daryl had a beaming mild smile. It looked real, not like the psychotic facial expressions of the Muckerman. He gave them a very friendly welcome. "I am Daryl Evans. I know you have all had a hard time on my brother's farm. I want you to know I am not like my brother or approve of his ways. I promise you, things will be better for you here. You all look exhausted and worn out. Let me bring you to your stalls so you can get a good rest."
Daryl gestured for them to follow him. A smiling black woman stepped forward. "This is my wife Zoe, she will come attend to you and check if you have any injures or health concerns with need to treat."
"Hello everyone," she said with a smile. Idun immediately liked both of them. But then again, she wasn't sure if his standards had dropped like a stone because everyone at the Carter Evans farm were horrendous people.
At first, Idun had thought a stall meant what Carter Evans had given them: A harsh steel and concrete place with zero conveniences. Idun felt overjoyed when she saw that the stalls were small self-contained living units. It had a real bed with blankets and pillows. She had to share the bed with Alvdis. Normally, that would have pissed her off, but she didn't care. It was a real bed. It felt so nice and soft to lie down on.
Zoe came and started examining her and Alvdis. "Your vaginas are not looking in good shape. A lot of abuse here. You both need a week to heal. Only moderate, gentle sex meanwhile. Vieregg can take care of you."
Zoe examined the rest of their body. She was shaking her head. "Hmmm.... scratches and marking everywhere. I don't get how Daryl's brother can treat women like this. I am deeply sorry you have to experience our country like this girls."
Somebody who cared. A human with a gentle touch. Idun started crying. Zoe held around Idun, who buried her crying face in her shoulder. "I am sorry, I just haven't met a single kind person in weeks. It is all a bit emotional."
Zoe patted Idun on the shoulders while holding around her. "It is okay. The nightmare is over. You must rest now. I cannot promise you everything will be perfect here, but it will be better Idun. Tomorrow when you had a good rest Daryl will tell you everything about your new life on our farm."
Zoe tucked in Alvdis and Idun in their bed. Idun fell into sleep holding around Alvdis. Even though she had never liked how Alvdis had tried to steal Vieregg and backstabbed her, they were just two girls who had been together the worst horror. They needed each other. Alvdis had held tight around Idun as well. Idun cupped Alvdis resting her hands on her big soft boobs.
Idun dreamt she was on a cloud.