Ch 25 — Pregnant Hucows

Caleb grinned at Vieregg., and brought out a fist pump. "Your girl Idun…. dauymn bro! That is the sweetest phat ass. She has a sweet pussy, doesn't she?"

Vieregg was sitting in a circle with some camping chairs in the middle of the Carter Evans dairy farm factory facility. It was him, Mordell, Caleb, Treyvon and Hakeem sitting around talking shit while drinking Bud Light cans of beer. Vieregg wasn't very fond of beer, but this American stuff didn't seem to taste much of beer anyway, so it was fine.

Mordell has asked him what he thought of American beer. He said it was the best beer he ever had. Technically, it wasn't a lie. He didn't like beer, and the more it tasted beer, the less he liked it. Since Bud Light tasted the least amount of beer, he thought it was the least awful.

It was a bizarre situation to sit around playing along with all their bullshit when he would have preferred to put a bullet through the head of every one of them. Vieregg had never seen himself as a very vindictive or violent man, but the way these guys treated the seventeen girls made to be hucows was beyond the pale.

A man with less control of his emotions would have physically attacked them by now, but Vieregg knew he had to play the long game with these sick psychopaths. He had assumed criminals would be smarter, but these guys weren't. Somehow they seemed to think he was almost one of their buddies, even though they employed him as a bull. In the minds of the Carter boys, this was a privilege. Men paid big money fuck their hucows, and they were letting Vieregg do it for free.

As far as they were concerned, all of them were just a gang of cool guys who enjoyed fucking and milking hucows together. A fun boy's club where they could drink beer and talk about how much they loved hucow pussy, ass, and tits.

"Hey, bro, I saw you took Ellen up to your room," Mordell said to Caleb.

Caleb blushed. "Nah man."

"Bro, I went up there to see what your ass was up to. Had a little peek inside," Mordell said, looking at Treyvon and Hakeem and laughed. "You should have been my brother. Yo he was getting all sweet and cuddly with her. I am telling you my brother got a weakness for his little English lady."

Caleb started getting worked up. "Yo brother, you better not tell dad any of that shit."

"Why would I do that? You think I want to stir up shit? You got to cut that bitch out tho. She not for you. That is Muckerman's lady," Mordell says scolding Caleb.

"Fuck that creepy cracker. What to you care?" Caleb shoots back.

"You brother is right dawg," Treyvon says. "That motherfucker aint right in the head. You don't mess with his things. You seen what he has done to some of those girls? That is a sick motherfucker."

"For real, when he is around, I stay the fuck away. He is all smiles and shit, but you know that is all bullshit. That cracker is a fucking sadistic psychopath," Hakeem commented.

Vieregg could not help but roll his eyes listening to their conversation. The Muckerman was sure next-level creep, but who were they to call anyone else sadistic psychopath? The nasty stuff they did to the girls while just laughing and thinking it was the most fun thing ever.

"I don't know why pa keep dealing with that cracker," Caleb complains.

"Coz he got connections, bro. Dad made some real fat stacks on selling hucows over in the Middle East, Africa. And those new girls. The Neonordic Norwegians, they sell for mad cash," Mordell explains.

Vieregg knew that included his girl Idun. He wanted to punch them in the face repeatedly for talking about his girl as property to be sold to perverts around the world. Instead, he sucked it up like countless times before.

Caleb grinned at Vieregg., and brought out a fist pump. "Your girl Idun…. dauymn bro! That is the sweetest phat ass. She has a sweet pussy, doesn't she?"

In his imagination, Vieregg pulls a gun from behind his back, aims it at that grinning face of Caleb, pulls the trigger and blows his ugly face away. Afterward, he blows the smoke of the barrel while saying "Don't ever talk about my girl that way."

Instead, he plays his role as a the spineless whitey. He gives Caleb a fist pump and says, "yeah she's nice."

"You know Vieregg, dad is down testing the girls if you managed to get em knocked up this time. If he comes back now tell us Idun is pregnant. Dauymn I'll be heading down there like a motherfucker. Seriously, I am not waiting a second more to tap that phat ginger ass," Caleb vexes.

"Chill brother," Mordell replies. "Everyone wants in on that ass. Remember dad? He said we'd all do her together. Bring Vieregg along," Mordell says, chuckling while looking at Vieregg. "You'll get sloppy seconds, buddy. Once we pumped your girl full you can have a go at her."

Vieregg imagined that if he was in a cartoon, he would have steam out of his ears by now. How many cruel taunts did a man have to endure?

"Speaking of the devil!" Caleb utters, as they all see the large frame of Carter Evans, the man himself approach their seating arrangement.

Carter did something he didn't normally do. He smiled. "Good job Vieregg, you got all the cows knocked up. Nine months from now, we are going to have six new little calves on the farm." Then a deep rumbling laughter so characteristic of Carter Evans followed.

Vieregg got pale. Six kids with six different women: Idun, Heather, Maya, Alvdis, Nora and Jill. That was serious business but just fun and games to these sick psychos.

He had hoped that Carter Evans had other important business to take care of, but no luck there. Vieregg found himself looking at a terrified Idun getting unshackled from her post, while the men stripped down naked. Idun looked both terrified and fascinated by the big black cocks dangling between the legs of Caleb, Mordell and Carter Evans. She knew well what was in store for her.

Carter Evans slapped Idun's face, "Down on your knees, bitch. Show us how a Norwegian hoe sucks dick."

Vieregg noticed anger flash across Idun's face. Her fist tightened. She was about to punch Carter Evans. Vieregg did rapid gestures to kill the idea. The corner of Idun's eyes must have caught his movements. Her fist eased, before Carter gave her another slap across the face. "Now bitch!"

It must have stung hard. Idun bit her lips defiantly and got down on her knees. It had to have hurt her pride. Carter took his big tick and rubbed it into her face, teasing her with it. "Big black cock. You like that huh bitch?"

He rubbed it against her lips prodding her to lick it. She reluctantly began to lick his cock. Carter grabbed the back of her hair. "Come on now bitch you can do better than that. Long wet strokes. Get your heart into it."

Idun began licking long strokes along his dick. Vieregg could see how Carters cock was glistening wet with spit. "Get your dick out Vieregg. Everyone should gather around Idun and let her lick and rub your dicks hard."

Vieregg felt a deep shame as he stood around his girl Idun together with the Carter boys. She was alternating between rubbing, licking and sucking everyone's dick. "So nice of you to share your girl with us Vieregg," Caleb laughs while Idun sucks his dick.

"Your girl has good talent for this. She was meant to suck dick for sure. Definitely hoe material," Mordell chuckles. Vieregg was not sure how much was their genuine opinion or just to spite him.

Next, Idun was violently thrown down on the floor. "This bitch likes it rough, I can tell," Carter says laughing. He bends her arms behind her back, giving Idun no support in front. Her large breasts get squashed against the factory floor. "Ah my boobs! You are hurting my boob!" But she is interrupted and let out a gasp when Carter smash his massive cock into Idun's pussy and starts pounding her.

Idun made a grimacing face causing Caleb and Mordell chuckle, "Hehehe oh I don't think your girl likes it that much Vieregg. She takes it like a champ though!"

Vieregg is imagining pulling a Krag-22 from behind his back, aiming it at their heads in turn, pulling the trigger and watching their heads blow out. He horrifies himself about his intense desire for imposing extreme violence on the Carter family.

Carter Evans delivers his load into Idun with a roar. Vieregg could not help but think that Carter reminded him more of a beast than a human. He was monstrously large and vicious. Caleb took his place while Carter began shoving his dick into Idun's mouth. While Caleb was pounding Idun from behind he shouted out to Vieregg, "Your girl has the most awesome pussy! I think she must have my most favorite pussy ever. Hmmm Neonordic girls are something else."

Vieregg looked in horror has Idun as gettin spit roasted by Carter Evans and Caleb Evans. Carter grabbed Idun behind the head and shoved his dick down her throat. Holding her head he started thrusting his cock, face fucking her. It looked brutal. Tears ran down Idun's cheeks. More extreme imagery of violence entered Vieregg's head. This time he was beat Carter Evan's with and iron rod. That man could not be hurt enough.

But there was no justice. Instead, Caleb emptied his load into Idun, and Mordell took his place below Idun while Carter rammed his cock into Idun's anus, and Caleb began deep throating Idun. "Idun is amazing Vieregg! I think I could do this all day! You got to feel how wet she is. She is absolutely loving getting it rough."

Idun is crying, shaking and flailing. "No, please you are hurting her. She doesn't like it. Look she is crying and shaking!" Vieregg tries to protest.

"Her pussy tells a different story Vieregg!" Mordell call out below Idun. "She is loving this. So wet and slippery. White bitches like bad boys Vieregg."

The most dreaded moment was when Mordell emptied and got out. Mordell made a big grin, "Your time for sloppy fourth's Vieregg!"

"Nah man, it is fine. I think Idun had enough," Vieregg protested. He did not want to be part of a gang rape of his own girlfriend. But it didn't help what he wanted. The Carter boys were dead set and Carter Evans himself came and dragged him over.

"Get your dick into that pussy white boy!" he demanded. Vieregg looked at her pussy. It was filled to the brim with cum, leaking out of her. Disgusting, but they gave him no choice. Soon he found his dick inside Idun floating in sea of cum from the whole Carter family. It gave a sort of extra thick lubrication while he moves his dick in an out of Idun. It made him sick to his stomach. He wanted to puke. Self loathing swelled inside himself watching himself participating in the abuse of his beloved Idun.

Vieregg did not know if life could ever be the same again, but he had a very clear purpose to live. The Carter family had to go. Hucow farming was the most vile thing. Nora's deranged psychotic nature started to make sense to him. Suddenly, he found himself smiling. He was smiling at the thought of getting Nora a gun. Whatever he had to do. However, long time he needed. He was going to get a gun in her hand and then the Carter's would feel deeply sorry for everything they had done.

At the end Idun as lying like a wet cloth on the floor covered in cum. She looked like a wreck. The Carter boys gave her a kick in the side laughing, "You too that like a camp Idun! Ellen get over here and lick your hucow sister clean. You both got customers coming in twenty minutes. It has been so many waiting to try fuck a Neonordic."

Ellen hurried over to Idun and began licking cum off her face, then her tits and later her pussy and anus. "What an absolutely disgusting job," Vieregg thought. "The depravity of these men."

Vieregg walked up to Caleb, "You cannot be serious man. Idun is devastated. More fucking?"

"Don't worry about it man. I felt her. Strong woman. She can take a lot of fucking. And she needs to. The demand has been through the roof. We have to arrange it in groups of five to fit them in. Think there will be twelve groups today. Make sure your girl gets plenty of drinking and eating while her and Ellen clean each other up. It is a pretty tight schedule. We don't have any separate eating break slotted in. Figured they can do that during cleanup," Caleb said with a grin.

The rest of the day Vieregg felt like couch in the boxing ring prepping his boxing champion for another round in the ring. Except it was getting Idun ready for another round of gang rape. He held around her and tried to comfort her as best as he could. He stroked her hair, kissed her while she cried on his shoulder. But she wasn't the only want who required his support. Ellen as getting the same rough treatment and as a normal girl was even less able to handle it.

Vieregg had two girls crying on his shoulders, while he tried to invent any possible thing, he could tell them to make their future look brighter. "It won't be as bad tomorrow," he told them. "They just hand pent-up demand."

The raping continued until late at night. Towards the end, Idun was more passed out than awake, but the men didn't care. Vieregg made note of their faces. It was funny how Nora's murderous logic became ever more appealing. He wanted to cry as well, but he couldn't. The girls had nobody else to hold on to but him. It was a full-time job. When the thugs brutalized Ellen and Idun, Vieregg would go look after Maya, Heather, Nora and Alvdis.

While holding around Nora, she whispered into his ear exactly what he wanted to hear, "You can move freer than us here, Vieregg. Get me a gun and they will all be dead." That was the mission now. Figure out where the Evan's gang kept their guns and find a way to access them.