Ch - 20 Will I become a Hucow?
Horror movies and nightmares. Idun remembered one of the first horror movies she saw on a sleepover with a friend. The nightmares she had several nights later. Her mind try to make sense of where she was but it felt like being stuck in a horror movie from her childhood.
Horror movies and nightmares. Idun remembered one of the first horror movies she saw on a sleepover with a friend. The nightmares she had several nights later. Her mind try to make sense of where she was but it felt like being stuck in a horror movie from her childhood.
In the nightmares, you are alone. There is no escape. There is nowhere to hide. They are coming for you. At first, she had felt fury and anger. She had fought them. Knocked several down. Broke the nose of one of them by head-butting him. For a few glorious moments, she had been a ferocious shield maiden of the North. A warrior from Imperial Norway. Now she was reduced to a scared little girl. A time machine back to her childhood when monsters lurked under her bed.
Except at Carter Evans farm, the monsters were not a figment of your imagination. They were men made of flesh and blood. They had names. The biggest and meanest monster was Carter himself. He had two sons, Caleb and Mordell Evans. Childhood, Idun hid under a blanket covered in cars of different colors. Even as a toddler she had loved cars and her mother had gotten her a duvet cover with car prints.
In the dark world of Carter Evans, there was nowhere to hide. No blanket. No pajamas even. She was stripped naked and exposed. Curling up and protecting herself wasn't possible. Instead, her arms and legs were spread far apart, exposing every vulnerable part of her naked body. Resistance was futile. The thick steel shackles securing her wrists and ankles could not be defeated. Instead, they kept her legs behind her shoulder, causing her vagina to get max exposure.
The monsters could do whatever they wanted to her. She could not hide, run or protect herself. Vieregg thought she was so brave because she had beat up all those guys at the first hucow farm. But she wasn't. She was just angry and not thinking. Now she wasn't even angry. Now she was just scared.
For a while, she had held on hope for a rescue. Then Maya and Heather burst through the door like two commandos. Idun swelled with pride and hope that her fellow squad mates had come for her. But they ambushed them. They had learned from earlier that using guns was not that effective against Imperial amor.
Idun watched in despair as they knocked Maya and Heather to the ground with thick steel pipes. The amor took the worst blows, but it still looked painful. Carter had lost several men on this, but he had too many brought. Idun had gunned down two guys outside before she got overwhelmed on the inside in a fist fight.
From what they yelled, it was clear that Heather and Maya had gunned down at least three guys outside. That meant that, as they had been with Idun, they were angry and ready for revenge.
Maya and Heather were both getting manhandled. Armor thorn off viciously. Idun had known that if somebody was going to come save her it was going to be Maya and Heather. With both of them out, her hope was thin. Alvdis and Trude? Those traitors were not going to risk anything to save her.
Who did it leave? Hildegunn? Going alone would be too risky. Vieregg? She loved Vieregg and knew he would do anything for her, but he was not cut out for a rescue mission against these brutal thugs. If she was going to get rescued, it would require reinforcements. But Haldis, a power matriarch, had to spend her resources to setup a rescue mission for her daughter.
She could not watch how Maya and Heather was getting handled. It was brutal. The thugs were yelling and bashing their head into the ground. The helmets to tackle a lot of that, but it would still be felt.
A hucow shackled across her looked with big eyes at the commotion. Very young. Still early twenties. Pretty and cute with brown hair. She had introduced herself as Jill. A bit chubby with enormous breasts. Idun had always thought she had far too big breasts, but Jill had much bigger. Poor girl.
Idun had not known much about hucows and their lives. But she had a chance to speak to Jill. It was clear that Jill did not know very much at all about the wider world. Idun was an alien to Jill. That a white girl could wear armor had confused her. Apparently, Jill and the other hucows thought every white girl in the whole world was a hucow.
At first, Idun had explained she was a soldier from the Imperial Matriarchy Army of Norway. Jill had never heard about Imperial Norway before. Idun had tried to ask if she had heard about Sweden. But Jill didn't know about that either. Then she said she came from across the ocean. But poor Jill didn't know anything about the ocean either.
"Didn't you go to school and learn any of this?" Idun had asked.
Jill had laughed. "No, white girls are too stupid. We cannot go to school. We wouldn't understand. Only milking and sucking dick is what we are good for. Master has told us."
Listening to Jill made Idun angry. Normally, she hated how quickly she got angry, but this time it was good to forget the fear, if only for a moment. The anger only grew when Jill explain her life at the farm. But the anger mixed with fear as she realized this was the life that awaited her. The nightmare of the Carter Evans human milking cow farm.
Idun watched the naked bodies of Maya and Heather get dragged across the floor. Two big black guys put their knees in their backs and cuffed their wrists on their back.
Further away, Idun could see hucows getting milked. A brutal affair. They attached high-powered pumps onto their breasts, and some big brutes began pounding them from behind. The pumps sucked violently at their huge tits causing them to flop around. It did not look pleasurable. The hucows were moaning in pain or crying. Some got slapped and told to shut up. No trace of empathy or care in how anyone got treated. Only a mix of brutality and sadism.
Idun was stunned and in disbelief at how brutally they got treated. "I cannot be here. How am I going to survive this? I am not cut out for this!"
The Evan's boys Mordell and Caleb came hauling with Maya and Heather. Both get dumped on metal benches next to Idun. Or rather Heather gets a spot next to Idun and Maya is placed opposite. They both looked bruised. Mordell and Caleb are rough when they bend their legs backwards and lock the into their steel shackles.
Idun looks right at Maya's pussy between her spread legs. How humiliating. The Evan's boys laugh, "Doesn't look like your rescue mission worked out so well Idun."
Caleb puts his face up close to Idun, "Oh hoho look at that sad face. Now are a stuck here. No hope."
Caleb turns his head towards Mordell. "Bitch didn't have much to say to that. Mordell gave Maya a slap on the thigh, "Daymn these are some real solid bitches. Look at the thighs on this blonde!"
"Just like ginger here. You girls will make great cows," Caleb laughs while giving Idun's thigh a couple of slaps. Then they heard heavy boots. An imposing figure approaches. Carter Evan's himself. A bulk black man in his late fifties with short salt and pepper hair. A face that doesn't look like it smiles very often.
He pauses and takes a quick glance and all three of the girls. "Good boys you got them shackled up properly. Listen. These are not regular hucow girl. Never forget that. These girls are hard core soldiers from the Imperial Norwegian army. You saw how many men they killed or injured. Unshackled they are extremely dangerous," Carter said sternly.
In some strange way Idun felt some comfort around the idea that they thought she was so dangerous. In another way that could mean she would be in irons all the time. That was not something she wanted to think about.
"We got a report from the Jackson farm not long ago," Carter said.
"Yeah right, those guys have one of those Norwegian girls already. I remember we saw her. Daymn she was smokin hot. Remember that girl Mordell? Doll face one. Shit. What was her name again. Something on N. Ah yeah, Nora. Nora as the name," Caleb said excited.
"Listen boys, that 'cute girl' killed a whole squad. Alone. These Norwegian bitches look sexy. But you boy never forget you are dealing with straight out killing machines. No guns around them. Fools that came to watch Nora carried a gun. These girls have lightening reflexes. She pulled his sidearm away before he knew it," Carter said looking sternly at Caleb and Mordell.
"D-Dad S-should be really keep them around? Why don't put em down. Seriously they killed several of our muscle. Why are they even alive still?" Mordell stuttered nervously. Idun noticed a small smile on Maya's face. They both smiled. There was a minor satisfaction hearing the brutish brothers being nervous.
Carter Evan's looked at both of his boys annoyed for a few seconds. Studied their faces. "Are you stupid? You have any idea what these girls fetch on the market? There are very few Neo Nordic girls on the market. They are exotic. People pay a lot for them. And boys we got Clarence coming over later today. As you know he has deep pocket."
"Shit! Fucking Muckerman. That white dude creeps the hell out of me. He coming over there today?" Caleb complains.
"For real dad. Why we got to deal with that creep? Something wrong in the head of that motherfucker dad?" Mordell joined in.
"Shut up, you two. You think I like whitey? Doesn't matter. Clarence Stewart has a lot of important connections, and he might take these girls off our hands. Pay a real good price. He is bringing a shipment of weapons for the Brass gang."
"They aint gonna need half those guns. Coz half them motherfuckers dead thanks to these bitches," Mordell says, pointing at Idun, Maya, and Heather. Idun was guessing the muscle he had brought in was from a gang named the Brass gang.
"Show some respect, son. Without the Brass gang here, both of you would have been dead," Carter says annoyed. "And boys remember to say Mr. Stewart. He doesn't like to be called Muckerman. Mr. Stewart is going to want to look at the girls so you need to make the presentable. Oiled them up and fix the udders on that ginger."
"That is Heather, dad. Australian girl," Caleb replies.
"Give her some saline injection. You cannot show Clarence anemic little udders like that. That is just offensive."
Idun felt real bad for Heather. They stuck syringes in her poor boobs and injected them with salt water, bloating them up several sizes. Poor Heather whimpered through the whole process. Idun heard it worked like a short-term breast enhancement. But it wasn't something anyone ever talked about in Norway. Nobody ever needed that. She had heard about it when living in Gothenburg.
She wondered who this Muckerman was. The name didn't give pleasant associations. Her train of thought got interrupted when she felt Caleb and Mordell working her body over with the strong hands. Squeezing, massaging and spreading oil over her named body.
When they were done Mordell kept rubbing Idun's pussy. "Daymn this is some nice pussy. I want fuck that."
Caleb was rubbing Heather's pussy. "Na, na man this is where the action is. This is a tight little pussy. She is going to go 'oh yelp, stop, you are too big for my little white pussy'," Caleb laughed. "That little lily-white pussy aint been made for big black cock."
"You leave her alone!" Maya shouted. It causes both brothers to laugh and slap their thighs.
"Listen brother. Blondie, think she is in charge. Problem with them white bitches. Think they in charge even when chained up," Caleb mocked her.
Mordell squeezed her ass with his hand, "Don't worry blondie, we are going to get this phat white girl ass twerking in no time." It sounded like a rumble when he laughed.
When the Evan's boy's left, Idun and Maya were quick to ask Heather how she was doing. "It is okay, Idun and Maya. I don't feel any pain now. Just feel a bit bloated. It just hurt a bit and felt funny when they injected my boobs."
The cute hucow girl, Jill, that was chained up with them pitched in. "It is okay. It will be out by a day. Nasty master did it to me when I came here years ago."
"Yeah girl, this is Jill. I have talked a bit to her already. She has been here for three years," Idun says.
"Hi Jill!" the Australians replied. "How could you live here for three years," Heather exclaims. There is looking at the hucows at the far end getting milked, raped and whipped.
"I cannot choose. None of us can," Jill replies.
"But, but what is it like here?" Heather inquires.
"Master is mean to me every day. He likes hurting us. His penis gets very stiff when he hurts me. When it gets very hard, he liked to stick it into me. I don't like it very much. Daphny says master is a sadist. She said a sadist likes to hurt people. I don't understand why."
Idun was not surprised by how Jill talked. The other hucows they rescued had been similar. Quite ignorant of most things. Knowledge level similar to that of children. But that this Daphny knew what a sadist was intrigued Idun. She had to be different from the rest of them.
"Daphny sounds different," Idun asks.
Suddenly, Jill looks uncomfortable. "Yes. Daphny was the one that told me I could be a real girl. That I didn't need to be a hucow. I had kept telling Debbie, but Debbie never believed me. Debbie said white girls like us can only be milking cows. Daphny said there were white girls in the world doing all sorts of complicated jobs. That they even wear clothes. Silly me. You already know. You came with clothes, or amor. Maybe you already know Daphny?" Jill asks curious.
"No, sorry Jill," Idun replies. "There are countless white girls out in the world. There are millions and millions."
"What!?" Jill exclaims. "That is too many! I cannot believe it."
Idun thinks it is a sad how little Jill's world is. Those bastards never taught her anything.
"But Debbie said it was bad to listen to Daphny. Daphny was always uppity master said. He said she was a bad hucow. Master punished Daphny. He took everything from her. She is just udders getting milked now," Jill said, looking very sad.
Idun could not make sense of what it meant. Before she got to reflect more, she saw a man coming walking towards them that look completely out of place. Polished shoes. Expensive looking colorful suit. He was the caricature of a British gentleman. Impeccable in every way. A handsome man with a certain smug arrogance. The most noticeable was his grin. He smiled in a way that look looked wrong. Like the smile was too wide.
"That is the Muckerman, Mr. Clarence Stewart," Jill whispered with a tremble.