Ch 2 — The Breast Reduction Threat

Idun gets enough of sexism at Vieregg Industries

The engineers at Vieregg Industries had never felt so good about their job and their workplace. CEO Vieregg felt a smug self-satisfaction that he had had the fortitude to hire Idun Amalie Wang.

Vieregg was visiting his parents and his old man Carl Vieregg looked at the company results and statistics. His dad struggled to understand how all the numbers could have improved so dramatically in short time. Expenses to sick leave was near rock bottom. Practically nobody was away from work anymore. The internal surveys showed work environment and happiness was through the roof. Engineers were delivering their best work. They had acquired the most talented engineers from competitors, and they were even willing to take a salary hit to work at Vieregg Industries.

"Son, I have no idea how you managed to so radically transform our company," his stern father Carl Vieregg said. He was sitting on the couch. They had just had a family dinner. "I honestly thought something was wrong with the numbers. But there is no denying this is real. Son, I am truly sorry I so thoroughly underestimated your leadership skills. The way you managed to transform the company is nothing short of genius."

Vieregg was basking in the praise from his father. He had been the family black sheep whom his father had reluctantly had to make CEO after his far more promising younger sister, Petra, had made unsavory life choices. But we don't talk about her anymore. In the Vieregg family, Petra is a taboo topic. She doesn't exist. Vieregg had been too coward to challenge his parents on this. He had merely accepted their decision. Gone with the program.

It was good times for Vieregg, but there was one big problem with the whole official narrative. He knew very well that he had not been a genius. The company performance had gone up for one very specific reason: He had hired Idun Amalie Wang.

His little army of technically competent geek engineers who had lived in a world entirely devoid of female contact and presence had suddenly gotten to work up close to a woman who was the sexual fantasy of every engineer at the company. Coming to work and seeing her big ass sway side to side as she walked down the lab, while those big boobs wobbled and bounced around with every step of her high-heeled shoes, gave life a new meaning. And some of the development of different female outfits and amor had required a bit more hands on approach involving Idun which had made the job very attractive for many employees.

Many of the engineers had developed the misguided idea that if they excelled at their job Idun would take particular interest in them.

They were geeks, and in their world excellence and technical smarts is what gave status. Because that is how they rated each other, they assumed it would be how Idun rated them. They eagerly showed Idun their latest technical accomplishments, and Idun always seemed thrilled to talk it over. A girl with an interest in technology!? It was heaven.

Vieregg had come to learn more about Idun. She apparently grew up in the Eastfold as a tomboy petrol head fixing cars and doing races. Her broad Eastfold dialect had given away that she was no dress-up bimbo, despite looking like one. She didn't talk like a bimbo. She was a lot like the boys, which is probably why she became so beloved at the company.

A few dozen engineer who had believed they faced a lonely future had suddenly entered into a delusional state where they each thought they could be Idun's future husband. Vieregg had realized this was a very useful delusion he had to maintain. The Idun factor was immense, but Vieregg did not dare tell his father about it. How could he tell his proud father that the reason they were doing so well was due to a pair of massive, beautifully sculpted boobs belonging to a Miss Idun Amalie Wang?

Instead, he had to come up with contorted and vague explanations. It made him sound like a genius. In reality, of course, he had only hired Idun because she made him very horny, that day when she walked in for her job interview.

The performance of the company had gotten authorities in Imperial Norway more interested. "Son, I spoke with some of my old connections. The Matriarchs over in Imperial Norway want us to build up a large facility in Oslo."

"Wow really? We talked about that for years!" Vieregg responded excited.

"My unofficial channels say they are very pleased with what you have been doing with the subsea atmospheric suite. But more importantly, they love the work we have done on armor and gauss guns. They are ready to put in a lot of money into this. And I mean a lot," Carl says, putting down his glass of Swedish apple cider. The old man loved his apple cider.

"Very cool dad! What do we need to do to make this happen?" Vieregg asks.

"Ever heard of imperial towers?"

"No, not really," Vieregg responds.

"You will see them if you head over to Imperial Norway. They are these massive black towers dotted with red signaling lights to help guide Imperial Airships coming in for docking. Think Berlin WW2 flak towers. They are built in layers of granite, reinforced concrete and composite materials. These things can take a massive beating."

"So they are anti-aircraft structures?" Vieregg asks. He knew the Nazi Germany flak towers had been used for air defense. But due to their sturdiness, they had functioned as medieval castles when Berlin got invaded. The Red Army could not knock them out, but had to move around them.

"Yes, they have rocket launchers and particle accelerators. Immense firepower. They can knock out almost anything approaching. They built small modular reactors under these towers that help power particle accelerators and underground weapons factories," Carl explains while taking another sip of cider.

"Paranoid much?" Vieregg smiles.

"Novi Soviets. They never want to live through that occupation again. Anyway, that gives us an opportunity. They want an arms factory in one of the Oslo towers, making our armor and gauss guns. Actually, they want the whole lab and development happen over there. They want to have that competency domestically," Carl explained.

"Is that smart, though? Give our technology to them?" Vieregg inquired.

"They got deep pockets. They will pay a ton of money for this. Believe me, it will be worth it.

To Vieregg it seemed like everything was going his way. Vieregg Industries under his leadership could go nowhere but up, up and further up. Or so thought. Then the problems started.

Sick leave was up. Deadlines missed. Mental health issues were growing. Anxiety at work. People suddenly bursting into angry arguments with each other. Vieregg was perplexed. What was going on? Was the Idun effect over? He had to get to the bottom of this.

Called in some of the guys from his different teams. Per Lundin from Subsea was present, Alfred Ek heading personal amor development and a couple of other guys.

"Guys, what is going on here? This company was going to the stars! Now I have no idea what is going on. The growth in sick leave is disturbing. Burnouts. People losing motivation," Vieregg asked.

They all looked down in the floor like school boys. All reluctant to talk until Alfred raised his head. "It is Idun boss."


"She has told some of the guys that she is planning a breast and butt reduction," Alfred said.

"Okay…" Vieregg answers, puzzled by the information he just received.

Now Per looked up. "It has really hit the guys hard, boss. I got to admit it, boss. It has been hard on me too. The thought of a beautiful young woman like Idun destroying those beautiful, most magnificent breasts that God has gifted her is beyond the pale."

Alfred jumps in. "Yes, I cannot think about. I start thinking about it, and it is just too much you know. It overwhelms you. You come in to the office every morning and what you look forward to is seeing Idun walk down the aisle with those big beautiful breasts wobbling with every step. Nothing brightens the day like that. And then that big beautiful butt walks past you, and you give it a nice, good slap."

Now Nisse, who was also present, spoke up. "How can she do this to us? Several of us have organized support groups. It is hitting many guys here hard."

"Support groups?" Vieregg asks. He is feeling an anxiety attack creeping in. He could certainly need one of those support groups now.

"Yes, we sit around, and we talk about how much Idun's boobs have meant to us, in our work life. We share stories of when some of us got to touch them. The transcendence of the experience. Mostly the guys working on fitting the armor. Or us in Subsea," Nisse said with the starry eyes of someone lost in love.

"Okay guys, I think I have heard enough," Vieregg responded. "Thanks for your frankness. These are indeed hard times. Definitely not an easy time for all of you. Listen, promise to get to the bottom of this. Talk to Idun and see what we can work out. I am sure there is a solution here and that Idun will understand how important her boobs are to the mental well-being of this company."

The engineers looked relieved. It was as if a big burden had been lifted off their shoulders. They gave Vieregg a path on the shoulder as they walked out. "Thanks boss! I really appreciate it boss. We love you man."

Vieregg regained some optimism. Now he understood what the issue was. This should not be difficult to fix.

Next day Idun is once again in Vieregg's office. Once again Vieregg's confidence is shattered. They are talking, but things just don't seem to work out as he had planned.

"You are such an unbelievable fucking sexist asshole!" Idun yells in his face. Vieregg feels he is getting a boner. Idun is just so sexy when she is angry and her breasts are pressing against his chest because she is yelling at him in the face.

"You are telling me, that me getting a breast reduction and butt reduction will cause psychological damage to fellow employees?" Idun asks with dripping sarcasm.

"Yeah, I mean, we have several support group. This breast reduction talk is really crushing the guys here. I don't think you understand how much your boobs means to men working here. It is something to look forward to each morning coming to work," Vieregg explains matter-of-factly. Vieregg figures that if he explains the issue with clear and logic, Idun will understand the issue.

But it doesn't seem to work. Instead, Idun pushes Vieregg away, rolls her eyes, look up in the ceiling shouting, "What the fuck is wrong with men!"

She makes several aborted attempts to articulate a response. Before saying, "Do you have no clue how incredibly objectifying you are? To all of you I am just a pair of boobs and butt in the office you like to look at. I got hired to be a mechanical engineer. I was not hired as a stripper. As a whore or whatever the fuck you think you hired me as."

"No, no you misunderstand Idun, we all love you very much here. Everyone loves you," Vieregg says trying to sound calming.

"No! You don't love me. You love my tits! If you love someone, you care about how they are doing. How they feel. All you sexist assholes in this company can think about is your own selfish desire to jerk off to my body. Has anyone of you ever asked me why I want a breast reduction? No! You didn't ask me Vieregg. You didn't care anything about why I wanted one. All you wanted to do was to tell me how negatively it affected all of you," Idun shouts. But she sounds like she is simmering down.

"Sorry, of course, I should have asked. Why Idun, why do you want to do this? Is your back hurting?" Vieregg asks.

"Because of how you have all been treating me here for months!" Idun says. Not angry anymore. Instead, her voice is cracking up. Is she about to cry?

"But we have been so welcoming and happy to have you here," Vieregg asks puzzled.

"Every day, you are staring at my boobs and butt. Every day making dirty jokes behind my back. I try to be team player and help the different teams out. But whether it is Subsea or the Amor guys, they always end up having me squeeze into an outfit that is too small. I am not stupid. They deliberately make the bra part too small so my boobs get squeezed and my titty fat, you so love, spills out on all side. Then you can all make your lame sexist jokes about how you have no idea my boobs were so huge. Gosh, what a shock!"

"But your boobs are unusually large. It is an honest mistake," Vieregg tries to apologize.

"Not twenty times in a row Vieregg! Your engineers cannot keep making that same 'mistake'. You use every opportunity to rub into my face how huge my boobs are. Every day you make me feel like a freak. Every day a laugh at my expense. Boys will be boys, right?" Idun says while her eyes start getting wet.

"You know what makes this the biggest joke?" Idun says, looking up in the ceiling with despair.

"No," Vieregg replies. He tries to think about what to say. So far, he has been saying all the wrong things.

"I am a sex addict. Every woman in Norway is a sex addict, thanks to that fucking DOLL-3 retrovirus altering my DNA in childhood. Why I also have these damn huge boobs. But you know what I put all my will power into trying to be professional. I masturbate in my breaks here with the half a dozen sex toys I bring to the office to get me through the day. For me it is a physical need. I get brain-fog and sever concentration problems without regular sex," Idun says with despair in her face.

Vieregg couldn't hold it back anymore. The thought of this super sexy girl being a sex addict masturbating herself with giant dildos in the company bathrooms was just a turn on. He tried to hold back but couldn't help blowing his load into his pants.

"I just got you to cum in your pants didn't I?" Idun says, rolling her eyes.

Vieregg laughs nervously, "hahaha that is a good one. Very funny. Now why would I do that?"

"You guys do it all the time here! I should be disgusted by you all, but actually, I like to just suck you off. Why don't we pull those pants down. Show me your dick glazed with cum and let me lick it clean Vieregg," Idun says licking her lips.

"Oh, God," Vieregg manages to eke out barely audible before he shoots another load. Vieregg was not ready for the sudden change of tact.

"And there you just did it again," Idun says, with her hands on her hips rolling her eyes.

Vieregg blushes red. "Oh how embarrassing," he thinks.

"You know I have wanted to fuck you since I started here. You are kind of cute Vieregg. But you know what has kept me from doing it?" Idun says angrily.

Vieregg swallows nervously. "What? really? Uh no…."

"That you are such a sexist asshole! I want to tell myself I have some self-respect. That despite being sex addicted cum slut, I am not going to degrade myself with any man. I am only going to share my private moments with someone who respects me for who I am. Who loves me and not just my tits, ass, pussy or whatever is your favorite body part."

Vieregg feels his whole world exploding. "I had or have a chance with a girl like this? No, not any girl. I have a chance with Idun Amalie Wang, the hottest girl I ever met. But I blew it because I am a sexist asshole?"

"If I get a breast reduction. If I can look normal. Maybe people will judge me for who I am rather than how I look. Perhaps I can find someone who values me for who I am and not how big tits I have." Idun says, while starting to pull down Vieregg's pants.

"Stop, wait, what are you doing?!" Vieregg protests.

"I am cum addict and I know you got some for me," Idun laughs licking her lips eagerly.

"No, this is not appropriate. I am your boss!"

Too late. Idun has pulled his pants off. Vieregg is struggling to understand what is going on. He makes a half-hearted attempt of pushing Idun away, but the problem is that his dick wants this. His brain says it is wrong, but he is too horny now. Idun pulls down his boxer and his cum caked cock pops out.

"So you can sexualize, objectify me, talk dirty and jerk off to me for months, but me getting some dick once is going too far? You had yours. Now I want mine! I tried to be professional. But look where that got me!" Idun says with disdain, before suddenly Vieregg realize his cock is inside Idun's mouth.

"Oh, so this is what heaven feels like," Vieregg thinks as Idun sucks and licks his cock clean from cum. She continues with a sloppy blowjob that makes him cum a third time."

When Idun is done, she gets up and licks her mouth. "Don't think this means anything Vieregg. It is just a physical need. I had to have cum. You are still a total sexist asshole who proved why I need to get this breast surgery done."

"No please Idun, I can fix this. Don't have this surgery! Listen. I got an offer for you." Vieregg wasn't sure what he was going, but he was making a desperate move to save the situation.

"I am going to take you with me to Oslo. Back to your motherland, and we will build up a Vieregg Industries factory in Oslo. Imperial Norwegian law requires a woman to formally lead the project. That can be you," Vieregg says desperately.

It seems to have some effect because Idun is looking at Vieregg with surprise and intrigue.

"I will talk to the guys here about how they treat you. I am going to try to improve myself. Just give me a week. In a week we are off to Norway. You don't have to deal with these guys again," Vieregg pleads while his dick is hanging out of his pants in front of Idun.

Idun chuckles and shakes her head.

Vieregg tucks his dick into his pants, "Sorry, this will never happen again. I will be professional. We will be very professional."