Ch 2 - Cock Hungry Girls

He was alone. There were no other men to be seen, and all these women had suddenly fixed their gazes on him.

The inside of the pleasure house matched the outside, meaning there was nothing like it that Emmet had ever seen before. It was like some sort of opulent fantasy sex palace. Colorful surfaces in some kind of glass material. It was as if he had stepped through a magic portal to an erotic fairytale.

Voluptuous Norwegian girls pranced around with their big booty swinging back and forth and their oversized breasts wobbling. Emmet reveled at the joy of seeing these wonderful creatures up close in their natural habitat.

But the exhilaration of ogling these Nordic sex goddesses quickly got replaced by the distinct feeling of being prey. He was alone. There were no other men to be seen, and all these women had suddenly fixed their gazes on him. They looked hungry. Like cat creatures, they advanced towards him from all directions.

It was both exhilarating and terrifying. These girls were bigger than him and looked like they were at their physical peak. One didn't get bubble butts like that without a heavy workout routine, Emmet imagined. Or did Norwegian Neo Nordics need to work out? He thought he had read something about them naturally growing muscle without training.

"What is your name?" a blonde girl with braids asked him. Her protruding breasts pointed right at him. She bit her lips, before saying in a sultry voice "I am Vigdis."

Vigdis saying hi to Emmet

"E-Emmet," he stammered. He wanted to be strong and tough. Show these sluts what a man he was, but he knew he wasn't a man. He was a scrawny 18 year old boy who had never been with a girl before and who spent his time in his room alone watching porn. He was pathetic. Here was his big chance, but his body told him to run away and hide. Except that was too late. The girls had corned him.

Now, they were rubbing their half-naked bodies up against his body. He felt his cock hardening. His palms sweating. "You are new here, aren't you?" another girl with cyan colored hair said.

"Y-Yes," he stammered.

Another girl put her hands behinds his legs to feel the bulging in his pants. "Looks like willy here is very excited to meet us," she chuckled.

"Do you like sex, Emmet?" Vigdis said straight out.

Emmet struggled with answering. He found it embarrassing to open his mouth and say "yes," so he just nodded eagerly.

Vigdis smiled, "Of course you do!"

Emmet felt like he was some little, helpless rabbit caught between a flock of wolves. He was reminded of his resentment towards women. The weaker sex they said. They didn't seem so weak to him, and he didn't feel very strong.

"I-I should go I think…." he stammered.

One of the girls laughed. He felt like she was mocking him. "But you just arrived!"

"I don't think this is right for me," Emmet said. It wasn't. He was not prepared to have sex for the first time in an opulent whorehouse surrounded by these busty women. It just made him feel more insecure and embarrassed about himself.

He felt insecurity about his body. Would they smirk and laugh at his scrawny body and odd shaped dick. Or was it odd? He didn't know. He just didn't feel comfortable showing his very ordinary body to these picture-perfect Nordic sex goddesses.

But Emmet also found it embarrassing to try to resist the girls who were pushing him along. He knew that ultimately he could not break free from them if they decided to hold him. They were bigger and much stronger and better trained than him. Resisting would make him seem even more pathetic, so he let them nudge and push him along to the reception.

At the reception was a woman named Frid Tengesdal, judging by the name plate. One of the girls had already fished his walled out of his pocket and pulled out a £50 note and put it on the table in front of Frid.

"Emmet here wants a day pass at the club," a green-haired girl said. Emmet tried to protest, but Vigdis squeezed his mouth and said, "Don't be a chicken, Emmet. You know you want this!"

She touched the bulge, in his pants. "Willy, here, definitely wants to stay here for the day." Emmet felt he was in a catch-22 situation. He was afraid of staying and wanted to leave, but he was also too embarrassed to visibly struggle and attempt to escape by force.

Thus, he reluctantly allowed Frid to take his £50 bill. Frid gave him a little speech about all the house rules, but Emmet could scarcely pay attention. It was something about the need to change. Wearing your regular clothes within the club was apparently not permitted. But Emmet had not needed to actually hear all the details because the mob of girls surrounding him pushed and dragged him along to the changing room.

Changing room at the Soria Moria House of Pleasures

In the changing room, the girls giggled and laughed as they tucked and pulled on his clothes to strip him naked. He felt humiliated when he stood there in naked with his scrawny body. He tried to cover himself, but the girls laughed and pulled his hands away from his dick, "Let us see your dick Emmet!"

His erect penis was standing straight for all the girls to see. Emmet flushed red of embarrassment. The girls giggled like excited schools girls when they saw it. "Oh my God, that thin boy is packing some real heath!" One of the girls exclaimed. The others laughed. "Look at that girt!" another said, stroking it lightly.