Ch 19 - Waking Vieregg up

Vieregg learns that AJ's daughter Zoey has no limits.

Ch 19 - Waking Vieregg up
Zoey Drakon

As breakfast is being cooked in the early morning. Zoey is preparing to go to work but not before making a detour to see a certain with some delicious American food to eat. She lays right beside him looking at his sweet face while he sleeps. He slowly begins to feel her presence starts to stir. Once he sees her beautiful face lying right beside him, he starts to scream but as on cue Zoey covers his mouth and slightly smiles at him

Zoey: Sup!!!

Vieregg: (in total shock at her surprising strength holding his mouth shut)

Zoey: SHHHHH. Don't wake up Idun, Vieregg. Good thing that she is a heavy sleeper. Well that and Father seemed to have wore her out good during the night.

Vieregg: (Getting very annoyed) What the heck are you doing in my bed Zoey?? This is unacceptable behavior. You know that right?? I am a married man!!

Zoey: Don't be angry Vieregg. Besides sneaking into another man's bed is kind of our family's tradition. I understand that Auntie Claire would do the same thing and you seem to like it......a lot. Just like my mom Chloe did with my dear beloved father. Or should I also call him Uncle. He is married to my mom's sister after all. My aunt..... who you love to entertain.

Vieregg: Look Zoey I can't get involved with you!! And besides that was an accident. You father... You are my best friend's eldest daughter. How will it look if I'm further complicating our relationship with his daughters?

Zoey: I made you breakfast? Aren't you hungry??

Vieregg: Wait?? You are not going to answer my question??

Zoey: Oh Sorry. Um, no. ( getting his breakfast ready) Here you go.

Vieregg: Look I appreciate the gesture Zoey but can't be involved. I'm sorry!!

Zoey: Hmmmmm...... So I guess I will let Vilde know that she can't pursue you anymore. She'll be crushed after hearing this. She'll want to know this as soon as possible.

Vieregg: HEY!! LETS NOT GO CRAZY!!! I did not say all that!!

Idun: What the fuck Vieregg? Do you need to be so loud? I am trying to sleep here.

Zoey: Hey Auntie Idun!! Sorry for waking you up. Do you want some breakfast?

Idun: Hi Zoey, Good morning. That sounds great. Might as well since my husband was oh so very considerate.

Vieregg: Ouch, okay sorry Idun. I didn't mean to wake you.

Idun: Whatever

Vieregg: Hey, I said sorry!

Idun: (rolls eyes) okay hubby message received.

Vieregg: Hubby? Since when did we talk like that? Are you wifey now?

(Zoey fixes Idun some breakfast and bring it to her.)

Idun: (ignores Vieregg) Thank you so much!

Zoey: You are very welcome Auntie Idun!! (kissing her on the cheek)

( She moves her over to Vieregg's side of the bed)

Zoey: So?

Vieregg: So? So What?

Zoey: Should I let Vilde know that you are not interested in her?

Vieregg: I will not answer that. Especially with my wife beside me.

Idun: It is okay Vieregg. Maybe she can help cure your prudishness and help work out more stamina in bed. We barely get to an hour Zoey before he runs out of steam. Then he just leaves to play his stupid games, while I am lying in bed alone desperate for more attention.

Vieregg: Hey I like to do something besides fucking all day. We fuck four times a day. How is that not enough?

Idun: You aren't taking my sex addiction serious. I have needs! You are being such a selfish dick Vieregg! I feel so attractive Vieregg when you drop sex with me for silly video games. You don't get how offensive that is?

Vieregg: How about you try to get some treatment for your sex addiction? The amount of sex you demand is insane! Normal men cannot fuck that much!

Idun: By Freja you are suck a dick! AJ has no problems. He can go all night long. And this was after a long day of banging a roster of chicks. Besides you seem to have more than enough time for his angel, Claire.

Vieregg: Sigh.... here we go again. AJ, AJ, AJ. Maybe you should join one of those fan girl clubs of his. I am not that much with Claire. Just trying to be nice to her.

Idun: Hey fuck you!

Vieregg: AJ isn't normal. He sticks his dick in anything that has a pulse.

Zoey: Interesting, I must remember this. Claire said the first time you did it with her, you had her tied up and you took advantage of her.

Vieregg: It wasn't intentional. It was all an accident. I was just doing my job. Took zero pleasure in doing it. It was all very very professionally carried out.

Zoey: Would you like to tie me up?? Violate my body? make a mess of my face? Ball-gag me? Spank my body? Rape me mercilessly while i sleep to satisfy your passions.

Vieregg: What the -

Zoey: If I were to ask you if you wanted to sexually ravage either Sylvia, Vilde or myself? Who would you, choose? Or would you take your sweet time plowing through each of us? Or maybe you would like to invade my little sister Mathilde's body? With all the warm super juicy pussy flowing all throughout this house, it's not good to back yourself up. You'll need a release every now and then. Especially with your upgrade. But I will to table this conversation for another time. I really need to get going.

(Zoey full on kisses Vieregg on the lips. He tries his hardest not to enjoy the kiss with his wife in front of him. But she is enthralled. Zoey kisses Idun goodbye and leaves for work)

Idun: Sounds like she will be good for you (teasing)

Vieregg: What the fuck are you on about. You don't care that she kissed me? Normal wives would be a little disturbed if their husband fucked the daughter of their best friend.

Idun: By Odin, you are just such a prude. It is sex. It is good. You didn't throw her off of you, so you must have enjoyed it.

Vieregg: I was just trying to not hurt her feelings.

Idun: You are such a bad liar Vieregg.

Vieregg: (thinking to himself) Un-freaking-believable! I need to talk to AJ about how he raises his daughters and how they behave. They are out of control.