Ch 19 — Save Your Soul or Idun
Her adorable face and pretty smile darkened. The face turned serious. Then sad. "Don't leave me behind. Save me Vieregg!"
Idun was looking down on him with her dark green eyes. Her ginger hair was in a big mess. The beautiful loving smile. She lowered her face slowly down to his. Her lips touched his. At the same time, he could feel her large soft breast pressing against his bare chest. Vieregg could stay in that kiss forever, but she let go. "No, please Idun! Don't let go."
Her adorable face and pretty smile darkened. The face turned serious. Then sad. "Don't leave me behind. Save me Vieregg!" she says, before she fades, and he is right back in the old worn out warehouse. It wasn't Idun kissing him. It was hucow Dolly. He would rather not be back in reality. Why could he not stay with Idun just a little longer?
"Save me, you fucking asshole!" a voice echoed in his head. Typical Idun. Oh, how he wanted her there yelling at him about something stupid he had done. There was no booze to drown his sorrows in, but there were plenty of boobs, milk and pussy.
His brain was on an endless loop of trying to make it so that Idun was not captured. Somehow there would be something he could think of and it would undo the current reality. It was as if the problem-solving mechanism in his brain could not stop searching for a solution, although none existed.
The hucows did their best to comfort Vieregg, burying him in soft boobs, but it didn't help. He made the mistake of asking them about life as a hucow. Pointed questions to figure out what kind of life actually awaited his beloved Idun. Bad mistake. Somehow it was all worse than he had imagined.
The childish behavior of the hucows was deceptive. Their lives had been hell. He thought their brains had somehow just caved in to deal with it. Everything about the existence of a hucows was to instill her with the idea that she was an animal and not a human. Idun would get stripped naked. Clothes would not be allowed. Carter Evans would fit her with a steel collar with an attached brass cowbell. And the head, he would attach a pair of fake cow horns.
Hucows did not get to sleep in bedrooms or eat in kitchens. They would sleep in stalls like animals and eat feed from the floor. Special hucow feed with hormones for breast growth and milk production. Vieregg had noticed the hucows were not used to using plates and drinking glasses. They were used to drinking water from the floor out of a tray.
An image of Idun, naked on her knees, buttocks in the air, licking water from a tray on the floor emerged in his mind. He tried to push it away. His proud Norwegian girl humiliated. She hated sexists or anyone who objectified as a sexual object. But there was the Carter Evans farm, she would just have to take it all. They would rip every inch of pride away from her.
Hours passed. Vieregg eat. Went to take a crap. Talked, took a nap. He was in a zombie state, as if everything happened on autopilot. His mind was consumed with what would be happening with his love.
The hucows told him what awaited after the morning feed. Farm visitors. Customers. Men with perverse sexual fantasies around abusing and milking women. Some were regulars, almost like hired farm hands. Except they didn't get paid. They paid to milk and rape hucows all day. The poor girls described how they would get immobilized with heavy iron shackles. Always in a compromising position. Spread leg and exposed pussy. Never comfortable. Then the farm hands push the big glass suction cups into their breasts. Next, the pumps would get turned on, causing a vacuum that would cause the suction cups to dig hard into their soft titty flesh.
Was that what was happening to Idun now, Vieregg wondered? Were they pushing those suction cups hard into her breasts? The hucows described it as a painful experience. Then the pumping would start. Powerful pumps tugging violently on their nipples and breast flesh, only to let go abruptly, causing the breasts to jump around. That was what milking was like, apparently. It could be half an hour or a full hour of your breasts dancing around, hurting like hell, while the farmer eked every little drop of milk out of you.
The visiting men enjoyed watching the brutal milking. They would stroke their large black cocks while watching. Until they got hard enough and mounted a hucow. The men were vicious. Violently pumping their pussies with their dicks. Only on rare occasions did they experience a gentle man. Enough to know there were kind and joyful ways of experiencing sex. Except they rarely got to experience it. The hucows had told Vieregg he was so kind, so they had wanted to please him constantly. At a point, Vieregg started to feeling he was benefitting from the extreme trauma these girls had experienced. They should not be obsessing with sex this way.
Vieregg wondered if this would be how Idun would get out in the end. Would she be broken? Would the girl coming out at the other end be Idun or just some empty shell, acting simple-minded, stupid and childish like Dolly, Vicky, and the other hucows?
He had tried to argue they had to go back and rescue Idun, but his own Raven Z51 winged drone scouting mission had destroyed his own argument. They saw large troop movements. They may have given Neo Dixie a false impression that a larger attack was coming in the area. Or the hucow farmers managed to call in enough favors from the local warlords to bring in the men and women in their gleaming gold armor.
Vieregg never understood why Neo Dixie soldiers wore gold armor. Who came up with that idea? It wasn't literally made of gold, but it was coated to look like it. It did look very sexy on those busty black Neo Dixie girls, but how practical was it?
The armor of the Imperial Matriarchy Army of Norway was not colored to be practical. The black and red was a psychological tool. It was to instill fear in the enemy. Vieregg thought it did work. Idun had looked very badass in her black armor. From what he could gather, the Neo Dixie armor was a form of status thing. Bling on steroids. An evolution of the African American rap and hip hop culture with its emphasis on showing wealth and affluence.
Norway, in contrast, was the opposite. An austere place where showing wealth was frowned upon and considered bad taste. Beauty was often sought in beautifully crafted natural materials like wood and stone. Expressed in the minimalist form known as Scandinavian design. The Matriarchy Nationalist Party had perverted this design with its cravings for monumentalism and expression of grandeur and power. Together, these visions had crashed together, creating cities like Oslo which at the street level could often be low-key charming. But as soon as you raised our case above the rooftops, you would see the monumental black towers rising behind. The old and the new in brutal contrast.
Neo Dixie was a very different world. The hucow farming areas had been beautiful nature areas. But there news at home at shown footage from the wars in Neo Dixie closer to the frontlines. It was very different from Norway. A very populous country with large cities with massive urban sprawls with corporate plazas at the center. The civil war and the feudal gangland reality of Neo Dixie hand left a gritty crime-ridden society where the war lords and street gangs dominated. A lot of industry had decayed while focus had shifted to what these street gangs knew: drugs and prostitutions.
They said Neo Dixie had the largest sex industry in the whole world. The whole young white female population had essentially been turned into loot during the civil war. Normally, invading armies went around raping civilians at the end of the war. But in Neo Dixie that phase never ended. Now the whole world got flooded with porn from Neo Dixie. It was the number one destination for sex tourism and large number of women got trafficked in and out of Neo Dixie. Now his own girlfriend was ending up as yet another one in the ugly statistics.
Meanwhile, all the could do was sit around a herd of hucows in an old warehouse waiting for an Imperial Airship to arrive. All while the love of his life was getting her tits and pussy brutally pumped. Held down by steel shackles. It was so wrong for Idun. She was a fiery spirit that needed to be free.
What would happen when the airship arrived? Would they just leave? He has pestered Hildegunn about this. She kept telling him that they did not have the manpower. They were outgunned. Without reinforcements, there was no way to get to the farm. But no rescue mission had been authorized. The dread that was creeping up on Vieregg was that he would be stuck at in Oslo, waiting and waiting day after day for a rescue operation that might never happen. How long did wars like this last? Would Imperial Norway even win?
And he couldn't wait for that time. Every hour could be an hour of Idun raped and milked by the evil hucow farmer Carter Evans. He cursed himself for his own cowardice. But maybe when you have nothing left to lose, it is different? What was life without Idun stuck in a fascist dictatorship? It was nothing.
Maybe talking to Nora was a good idea, he thought. She had live through that hell as a prisoner of war. She had the experience Idun would have. That turned out to be a very very bad idea.
Nora had an angelic pretty face but the eyes were dead. Or rather, they burned with the fire of someone who wanted to see the whole world burn to the ground. She was not eager to go home at all. In fact Nora could not stop talking about everyone she wanted to kill. Maybe she could help save Idun? An unstoppable killing machine?
The problem with Nora was that a solution based on Nora was a path of destruction. Nora brought out a map of the small towns and farms in the era. Any town where any of her rapists had come from was destined to be burned to the ground and all inhabitants killed. The thought of what they might be doing to Idun, Maya, and Heather made it all too tempting to escape into Nora's madness. Her vision of death and destruction of the subhumans.
Even Trude, who generally was a hardass looked disturbed when listening to Nora. The cheerful, innocent looking hucows were however, all on page with Nora. That was the other worry. What if Idun came back like that? What if he himself became that? The fascist ideology of Imperial Norway was giving him a war embrace. Give in. Join the crusade against the "subhumans," also known as "black people" to normal non-deranged people.
The day passed and another one came. Time crawled at a snail pace towards the awaited arrival of the LZ-42 Noctilucent. Alvdis seemed extremely invested in comforting him. Nora spoke with the zeal of the newly converted about a need to cleans the lands of the subhuman infestation. All while the hucows were bumping around with their oversized boobs. It was all a freak show that was held together by Hildegunn Norheim. The only voice of reason. Maybe too much reason.
On the third day, Vieregg was in a bottomless pit. Alvdis looked at him with great worry. "Come, I will help you rescue Idun," she told him. They brought Nora with them. Alvdis had said she was too eager to join. They had to sneak out in the early morning before everyone had woken up. There was no way Hildegunn would have allowed it.
As a group of three, they began their journey towards the Carter Evan's farm. Vieregg piloted a raven drone and quickly saw a big problem. Whole platoons moving in.
"Fuck, this is not going to work out," Vieregg said. He spread out the map of the area in white polymer paper.
With his finger, he showed where the Neo Dixie troops were. Nora smiled and pointed to a small town named Talis. "We will draw them all here, then we will get a free path to the Carter Evan's farm."
"How will that work?" Vieregg asked puzzled.
"We will start a massacre in Talis. Burn their houses. The men will flee and spread the word. The soldiers must come if we create enough death and destruction," Nora smiled.
"But we cannot shoot innocent civilians?" Vieregg protested.
"There are no innocent civilians in Neo Dixie," Nora said, looking Vieregg dead in the eyes. "You think everyone who raped me was a soldier? No, those civilians of yours are nothing but rapists. They all know what their wicked regime is doing. The subhumans have no right to life," Nora said in a dismissive tone.
Before Vieregg would have dismissed her has raving mad. But the thought of those men in the town coming to the Carter Evans farm and helping themselves to Idun made Vieregg feel anger. Maybe she was right? Perhaps they all needed to die?
Alvdis grabbed Vieregg's head and looked at him. "Vieregg, you are better than this. Nora is not well. Don't listen to her."
"Would you let these subhumans feast on your girlfriend's body? Use it for their sick perverted pleasure, rather than see any of them die? They don't deserve life Vieregg. Neither of you have lived my life. If you had, you would not have so readily defended them," Nora says defiantly.
"She is right," Vieregg says with determination. Alvdis looks shocked by do not protest. She joins their march towards Talis. On the town is within eyesight, Vieregg sends in the Gjenferd Z52 drone to scout for defenses. They locate the presence of a couple of Neo Dixie soldiers.
Alvdis reluctantly climbs up a water tower to take on a sniper position. Nora and Vieregg stand looking with their binoculars. There is a loud bang, and they can see one of the Neo Dixie sway to the side before tumbling over and dropping to the ground. Alvdis has taken out the first one.