Ch 18 — Betrayal
On top of him are two busty, voluptuous blonde women jumping on him as if he were a bouncy castle. Their muscular arms and legs betray that they are not hucows.
Steel pipes, tanks, pumps, and tubes. Industrial decay and old worn out rusty machinery. An old dairy factory which has seen better days. On the steel floor, two naked black men chained to a piece of heavy machinery. The big, sturdy one is hucow farmer Allen Wright, the owner of the Wright Hucow farm. On top of him are two busty, voluptuous blonde women jumping on him as if he were a bouncy castle. Their muscular arms and legs betray that they are not hucows. Well-trained soldiers from the Norwegian Imperial Matriarchy Army. One of them has arms thick and well enough defined to be a part-time body builder.
It looks like they are both done with him because they get off him. The muscular one picks up a gun. The characteristic sound of a gauss gun echo through the tall factory hall. The big man slumps down. Fresh blood trickles down the face of Allen Wright.
"You had to shoot him?" Alvdis said, surprised, while sucking cum off her fingers. "A bit cruel? And that farmer had a nice big cock. Would have been fun to jump more on him."
Trude began putting on her armor. "Did you not pay attention to what he said? He had been warned. They are dispatching troops to the other farms as we speak. All thanks to the redhead bitch, leaving the armer and his sons with milk pumps on their dicks."
Trude looked around to make sure nobody else was in hearing distance before turning to Alvdis. "You want the rich dork right?"
"Could you hide your contempt a little better? He has a name. Povel Vieregg. In case you haven't noticed, he has done an okay job here," Alvdis responded, rolling her eyes.
"Whatever," Trude replied. "You want his dick and his money, and you aren't going to get it while Idun is around. No offense, but you aren't going to win him over with your pornstar act."
"Ouch! Rude Trude. You really need to work on your social skill. You have spent way too much time interrogating men and too little time hanging out with normal people," Alvdis replied annoyed.
Trude shrugged. "We know where they keep Nora now. Mr. dead confirmed what his client Angelo over here said." She paused, looking at Angelo chained up two meters from Allen. "Oh I forgot," Trude says and aims her Krag 22 gauss gun at a terrified looking Angelo. Another gunshot echo through the hall. "Dead men tell no tales," Trude smiles.
Alvdis rolls her eyes. "Working at the inquisition messed you up. You didn't use to be like this."
Trude looked at Alvdis with disdain. "You wouldn't say that if you saw all the shit I have seen the Redpiller's do. Men are vicious old friend. Do you know just how many terror attacks we avert every year? Seriously, all the men should have been put in interment camps if you ask me. All of them! You cannot trust them. There are countless Redpill sympathizers among them."
Alvdis looked like she was about to leave. "I don't want to hear another one of your rants about how bad men are. Get to the point." She didn't feel truly sorry for Allen and Angelo. They had both abused the poor hucows they had rescued. What bothered her more was the ease and casualness Trude shot them dead. Like it meant nothing to her. Alvdis wanted to get her armor on too, but her tits were still covered in cum from Allen and Angelo. She listed up one tit to lick it clean while listening to Trude.
"We aren't going to tell the others that Nora is at the Jackson farm. What we are going to tell them is that Neo Dixie troops are inbound, and we need to hit them as soon as possible. There is no time to take them in sequence. We need to split teams," Trude explained. By now she was putting on her upper body armor and Alvdis was finishing licking cum off her last tit.
"You and me go with Idun to Carter Evans farm. The others will go to the Jackson farm where Nora is held. Hildegunn, Vieregg, Maya and Heather on the other team. We will have to convince Hildegunn. You can tell Hildegunn that I feel bad about what happened with Idun and want some time together to patch things up," Trude explained.
"Shit Trude, this is taking it a bit too far. I want Vieregg, but not like this," Alvdis said reluctantly. She was fine snatching a guy from another girl, but cause a competitor to get captured by a hucow farmer was quite another deal. Alvdis hurried to get her armor on as Trude was already done.
Alvdis did not like the idea, but somehow she did not find herself objecting when Trude began spinning her tale with Hildegunn. Now they were two teams and Alvdis had not protested. She wanted to. It was wrong what they were about to do, but she longed so badly for someone. Trude had kept pushing her. Reminding her of her lonely she felt. How long it had been since she had any relationship. That it was this or she would die alone.
Trude spun a compelling story about how Vieregg would seek comfort in Alvdis once Idun was gone. When he was sad, Alvdis would be his support. A shoulder to cry on. A body to fuck just to forget. The tragedy would just pull them closer and closer together. "Boys are simple," Trude insisted. "He will get over it. One pussy is like another one to them."
They boarded a large hucow transporter truck. All the rescued hucows got loaded in the back of the truck together with most of the squad. They let one of the farm hands live to man the wheel. Trude sat behind him with a gun pressed against his rib ordering him to drive. On the road you could not risk letting other drivers see a white person driving. Neo Dixie had no free whites. Certainly, no free white women.
Friction was growing in the squad. Not everyone had been pleased with farmer Allen Wright and his workers getting shot dead. Especially not when Trude shot the driver after the arrived at the warehouse housing their rescued hucows.
Vieregg had protested the loudest. Trude had rolled her eyes in response. "What the fuck does a Swede know about war?" she had dismissed him with.
Idun wasn't easy about it either. But Alvdis knew Idun had seen and done things as a soldier that she wasn't telling. Certainly, not her boy toy Vieregg. Then there was Hildegunn. She was not happy about it, but she was a professional.
"Listen girls, we don't kill for sport. Especially not civilians. But occasionally, you are put in a situation where you have to. Our operation is at risk because we left the previous farmer alive. From the information Trude could extract, he was freed after we left and gave info about our operations to Neo Dixie authorities," Hildegunn got up and paced around.
"I got to be honest. I am not very sorry they are dead, either. The things these hucows have told us. These farmers were not mere innocent civilians going about everyday life. They are among the worst criminals. This is sexual slavery and torture for years to numerous girls," Hildegunn stopped and looked at everyone.
"I try to stay out of politics. Do my duty. But these hucow farmers were not innocents. They were degenerates. Please remember why we fight this war. It is for the dignity and freedom of Aryan women. Liberty from sexual exploitation and slavery by the subhumans."
Alvdis felt a pride. How long had the motherland not been vilified abroad? Nazi bitches. Evil fascist scum. Always the same accusations and stereotypes. What had the moralists done exactly? What had the Norther United States done? Always condemning Imperial Norway for human rights violations. But for their Southern neighbor guilty of the worst atrocities against white people, they had done nothing. Now they had video of the hucows they rescued. Naked with bloated udders chained to milking machines, brutally milked and raped. The screams and humiliations.
Trude had said Hildegunn was no true believer. Surely, she would see now that their sergeant was loyal to the supreme leader. Loyal to the motherland and what it stood for. Alvdis had long had her doubts. But rescuing the hucows had made her convinced she was fighting on the side of good. She was not one of the bad guys.
Vieregg could be excused. A rich Swede who had lived all his life in peace and comfort. What did he know of war and sacrifice? Idun was honest, but did she really have any convictions? Before boarding the LZ-42 Noctilucent, they had hailed the supreme leader. Alvdis remembered how reluctant Idun had been.
The Australians could be trouble. Maya was a very capable fighter and Heather was also clear experienced. They were good soldiers to have on the team. Haldis had not made a bad choice, getting them on board. But how much could you trust foreigners? Their loyalty was with the Queendom, not supreme leader Svanhild Hvidsten. Heather had been visibly upset with the executions of the farm hands. Maybe kept a better poker face, but she was not happy. The tension in the squad was growing.
Hildegunn brought out maps of the Jackson and Carter farms and gathered the squad around. "Listen girls, we have to split up this time. Our intelligence suggests Neo Dixie infantry is on their way to secure hucow farms. We have a very short window of opportunity before it will become next to impossible to break Nora out. We are almost certain she is located either at the Jackson or Carter farm. To make sure we get her out before Neo Dixie infantry arrives, me are splitting our squad into two. That way we can hit both farms at once."
Vieregg had to stay behind, watching the ever-growing number of hucows. They were all very affectionate towards him. He must have been the first mild-mannered kind man they had encountered. The result was that they were all clinging to him. The man was literally drowning in boobs when they left.
Hildegunn went with the Australians, and Idun went with Alvdis and Trude to the Carter Evans farm. The tension in their tiny group of three was extreme. Trude tried to paper over their earlier altercation, but she never knew how to be friendly and charming. Idun did not have much love towards Alvdis. She knew of her attempts to win over Vieregg.
The worst was not Idun's resentment towards the two of them. It was the fear Alvdis could sense right below the surface. It made her stomach tie herself in knots. The doubts in her over betraying a fellow soldier. If only she had hated or disliked Idun like Trude. But she didn't. She knew Idun was a good girl. Temperamental, stubborn and sometimes reckless, but she did her job and wasn't mean or bad. In other circumstances, they could have been good friends.
They had walked for a bit over an hour from their abandoned truck before they reached the gentle hills sloping down towards the Carter Evans farm. Farm was the wrong word. It looked more like the lair of a super villain. A monstrously large decayed dairy factory. Large steel pipes, tanks. Machinery too rusted through to move anymore. The briefing had said it had been a large operation years ago. Carter Evans and his gang had bought it cheap. Through the binoculars, they could see a couple of hucows scattered around in the field.
A larger black man came over to one of them and started barking. He began whipping her. It caused her to start running, but she quickly tripped over and fell on her massive boobs. Alvdis had noticed this with hucows. They fell over easily when running. Too top-heavy. It made them unbalanced and fall over.
She knew the problem well herself. As a Norwegian born after the DOLL-3 genetic experiments, she was stuck with an oversized chest. But Norwegian girls were not that big and had more muscle and training to compensate for the poor mass distribution. Those hucows were just normal women with excessively large breasts. Disir intelligence had suggested they were typically given the precursor gene therapy known as DOLL-2.
"Definitely a hucow farm," Trude said while watching through her binoculars.
What happened next got grayed out in Alvdis mind. She could not quite piece together the chain of events. They had gone up to the farm. She had been determined to back out of Trude's plan. Tell her that she could not betray Idun. But somehow she instead found herself running away from the farm with bullets flying above them. Carter Evans had a lot more hired in muscle than she had anticipated.
"We cannot abandon Idun! This isn't right," Alvdis yelled to Trude as they both ran for cover. They threw themselves down in the tall grass and began crawling towards better cover.
"Too late for that now, Alvdis. What has been done has been done. Do you want to go up against that whole group? We are lucky if we escape. Allen Wright wasn't telling the truth. They knew. We need to ensure Hildegunn makes it or this entire operation is fucked," Trude growled.
Once in better cover, they began running. It was crucial to make more distance from the Carter Evans farm. They were in trouble. Alvdis looked over her shoulder. Two terrain buggies with armed thugs came speeding towards them, kicking up dust. Alvdis could hear the characteristic sound of Ethanol Radial Steam Engines (ERSE) powering the buggies. Ethanol was available all over in farm country. That is why the ERSE engines were so popular out here.
"Alvdis! We got to take those buggies out. We cannot outrun them," Trude yelled. They both got down on their knees and aimed their shots. Right then, Alvdis got hit in the chest and fall over. There is a brief moment of terror before realizing that she just got knocked down. The Valborg Panser hard body armor was not easily penetrated by the XM256 rifles used by Neo Dixie.
Alvdis heard Trude fire off several shots before she could roll around and get herself into shooting position again. Trude had just taken out two of the thugs, causing one of the buggies to tumble around. Alvdis shifter her sights over to the left, only in time to see they were getting outflanked by the other buggy. One of the thugs hit Trude in the shoulder with his XM256 knocking her over. Shortly after, the buggy comes towards Alvdis. She fires a shot at the driver. The buggy loses momentum but retains enough to hit Alvdis as she gets up to jump out of the way.
One of the thugs falls off. He rushes to get his gun but by then Trude is up on her feet again. She tackles him to the ground. He struggles against her, but Trude repeatedly bashes her helmet into his face until he goes limp. Alvdis gets on her feet again and rushes towards the buggy. No other thugs. Trude grabs the driver and tears him out with great force. Perhaps it is the adrenalin, but Trude toss him out as if he were a rag doll.
"Get the fuck in Alvdis!" Trude yells, jumping into the passenger seat. Alvdis throws herself into the back and they speed away. She tries to look behind them. There are nobody else pursuing them.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Alvdis keeps repeating. Trude, we got to go back and get Idun. We cannot leave her behind.
"No, we are not." Trude answers while aggressively pushing the buggy forward. "If the Jackson farm is anything like this then everything could fall apart. Don't cry about this now, Alvdis. You went along with it. Too late to change your mind."
The buggy made it possible for them to cover a lot of ground more quickly. The Jackson farm, however, was something entirely different.
Nora was there. A young, pretty blonde girl. Doll face. Exactly as she had looked in the video footage. But something was very off. Alvdis could see it in the faces of Heather and Maya. And it wasn't because they couldn't see Idun. They quickly wanted to know where Idun was.
Trude did the talking. Alvdis had no idea what to say. She said it had been an ambush. That Carter Evan's farm was well armed, and they had barely gotten out alive. It wasn't entirely untrue, but Trude omitted the part where they double-crossed Idun. Instead, she had lied and said Idun had jeopardized the whole operation by losing her temper and getting reckless. That was, in fact, not true.
An argument broke out about what to do next. Maya and Heather wanted to go rescue Idun. Sergeant Hildegunn argued that Neo Dixie infantry was inbound, and they had to haul out of there. They had numerous new hucows which had to be escorted by to the extraction point.
They continued walking further away from the Jackson farm when Alvdis pulled Heather aside to figure out what had happened. "Did you meet stiff resistance like us?" Alvdis asked.
"No, there was no resistance," Heather said with a worried look.
"What do you mean, no resistance? Was nobody there? Didn't they fight?" Alvdis asked puzzled.
"They were all dead," Heather shrugged.
"Dead?" Alvdis exclaimed.
"There were dead bodies everywhere when we arrived. Nora had shot them all dead," Heather whispered. "Guards had arrived and somehow Nora had gotten hold of a gun. She had shot every single one of them dead," Heather explained while looking nervously towards Nora.
Alvdis didn't get it. Nora looked almost like some kind of adorable teen with very large breasts. How had she done that?
"Something is not right with her Alvdis. She took out a whole big gang of armed guards like it was nothing. How did she even get captured in the first place? I don't know. And the neighbor's farms. She killed everyone there, too."
Alvdis looked over at Nora a second time. Such an adorable, cute girl. How was this possible? "Okay, so we got a devil doll on the team now," Alvdis sighs.
Everything was turning into a mess. The Australians got into a heated argument with Hildegunn before they took the buggy and sped off. They were going to rescue Idun. Hildegunn was furious about seeing her authority undermined.
Without a buggy, they have no opportunity but let the Australians leave. The only option left is to lead the hucows back to the extraction point.
The worst was meeting Vieregg and telling him that Idun had been captured at the Carter Evans farm. He is crushed. The pain. The way he collapses in despair. Alvdis realized she could never have what Idun and Vieregg had together. There was no way she could be a substitute for Idun. It made Alvdis realize what real love was. Only someone deeply in love could express such pain. She was convinced of it.
"Maya and Heather will get Idun out. They are experienced soldiers. They fought for a long time in the Queendom. I am sure they will pull this off," Alvdis said to Vieregg holding round him. Comforting him.
Her words soon turned to mockery when a distress signal ticked in. It was from Maya and Heather. They had become captured at the Carter Evans farm.