Ch 17 - Zoey and Vieregg pt2

Looks like it is my lucky day. AJs daughters don't know what modesty is.

Ch 17 - Zoey and Vieregg pt2
Zoey Adley Drakon

Zoey proceeds to unzipping and pulling down Vieregg pants. She then starts cupping caressing and slowly massaging his giant balls with great care alternating between each sensitive testicle all the while while stroking his large shaft. it is then that they proceed to get some visitors.

AJ: Hey bro I just wanted to-

(Looks at his daughter and then proceeds to look at Vieregg. Seeing that Zoey is not stopping and is in total bliss, he can't help but smile)

AJ: OOOOHHHH!! So she finally got to you. Shouldn't be surprised. I mean look at that. I am standing hear and she's just laying there sucking you off so expertly. She's off in her own little world. Well I will let you get back to it. BYYYYEEE!!

(Zoey then slowly picks up the pace. But then her mother Lisa walks in the room.)

Lisa: Hey Vieregg, Is there anything else you need? Oh- (watches proceeds then proceeds to move along side the bed to guide her daughter.

Lisa: (Whispers to her)Slowly sweetheart. He's not going anywhere. Make sure you are using lots of tongue on his big head. And don't forget to constantly massage his balls. There you go!! Oh great, now I am getting in the mood. Time to sneak off to find Edward. Take care and enjoy yourself sweetie!

(Lisa leaves the room to find AJ and get dicked down. By this time Vieregg has already came twice from the pleasure of Zoey's warm mouth. But she shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. But they soon get another visitor or should we say visitors)

Nora and her daughter Sylvia

Nora: Apologize, Sylvia!

Sylvia: Why should I? I wasn't like he didn't enjoy it. Getting dominated like that. Most men would beg for the honor.

Nora: He didn't "beg" you. YOU Poisoned Him! You can't call yourself by that ridiculous "Queen Bee" name if you are poisoning your men. Get it together!! Now apologize!! Or I will "honor" your face.

Sylvia: Uh yeah, sorry for making you feel so good Vieregg!! You were impressive last night. You came all over the place

Nora: ......... Alright that's it!! When we get home I am putting over my lap pulling down your panties and giving you the biggest bare bottom spanking you deserve!!

Sylvia: Mooooooommmm!! I apologize like you said!! What's your deal anyway? Don't hate me because I am more prettier than you!!

Nora: Oh sweetie, I was attracting boys easier than you could breathe. Still am. They like beauty and experience which is something I have in abundance. Not manipulative little brats like you. There's no need to compete because there is nothing to compete with, you poisoner!! Pray that your ass be as pretty when I get through spanking it. Now come here you little brat!!

(Nora leaves the room dragging her daughter Sylvia by the ear while she screams. Vieregg is oblivious to all his surroundings and blocks everything out because he's in total bliss. He's had another two orgasms amidst all the commotion between Nora and Sylvia. Zoey is showing signs that she about to finish Vieregg off one final time. But they get one final visitor.)


(Looks at her older sister and then the peaceful look on Vieregg face. She begins to study her sister's blowjob)

Vilde: Wow, big sister Zoey is so amazing! I wish I had her skills. Uncle Vieregg looks like he is feeling so good.

(Vilde continues to study her sister's fellatio on Vieregg. Softly kissing and stroking her sister's beautiful face while she slowly edges him before finishing him off. Zoey slowly squeezes balls increasing the pleasure and volume of his ejaculation. He unloads all his baby batter juice down her eagerly awaited throat. As soon as she puts on the finishing touches on her impressive blowjob. She lets him go and soon snaps back to reality to find her sister staring at her)

Zoey: Oh hey Vilde! When did you arrive?

Vilde:......... (At a lost for words. Looking at Zoey admiringly)

Zoey: Haha!! What is it? Vieregg is recovering just nicely. But make sure to give him a good apology later on. but for now let him rest.

(Vilde is still looking Zoey expectantly. As if she's waiting for her to say something important)

Zoey: Haha, Alright I will teach you my technique sweetie!!

Vilde: Yay!!!

(Zoey and Vilde leave the room. Vieregg drifts off into peaceful sleep for the rest of the day)