Ch 17 — Vieregg Milks Hucows

In front of Vieregg there were seven naked and beautifully sculpted voluptuous creatures. Their bare bottoms swayed from side to side as they walked across the green grass

In front of Vieregg there were seven naked and beautifully sculpted voluptuous creatures. Their bare bottoms swayed from side to side as they walked across the green grass. Their large breasts spilled out to the side, making them visible to Vieregg even when he walked behind the rescued hucows.

They had tried to find some kind of clothing to put on them but nothing had fit. And the hucows themselves did not seem to understand the point. They were not used to clothing.

Their squad led by staff sergeant Hildegunn Norheim was traveling through the terrain away from the Antony Brown farm. Vieregg had flown a Raven Z51 winged drone from the farm before their departure to survey the area they would walk back. They would rather not end up in any more fire fights than absolutely necessary.

The hucows had jumped up and down in excitement when the Raven took off and flew. It was endearing but also sad. They acted like childish children. Vieregg had pondered if they could be reintegrated into normal society. He hoped it was possible.

Traveling with hucows proved to be much slower than any of them had anticipated. They got exhausted quickly. Their enormous breasts made it exhausting for them to walk for very long periods. It meant many breaks to allow the hucows to lye in the grass and rest. They could not just sit. They had to actually lie on the ground to give their back a rest.

They all reached the small river and waded through. The hucows were quite clumsy and several fell into the water. And being childish, they started throwing water on each other. By the time they got on the other side, they were all wet. Hildegunn decided to let them take a rest and lye in the sun to dry up.

Vieregg looked at their naked bodies in the grass baking in the sun. Suddenly, he noticed Idun giving him side eye. "Do hucows turn you on Vieregg?"

He didn't like the way Idun looked at him. Could she read his mind? He was massively turned on by the whole concept of naked girls cosplaying as cows with huge tits getting milked. But he would rather not admit to Idun that he was a pervert. Not after he had seen what she did to the hucow farmers.

"Eh…" Vieregg replied hesitantly.

"You don't find it pretty disgusting that they grow the breasts of girls monstrously large and then milk them with milk pumps? There are men who paid to fuck these girls while they were getting milked. How sick is that?" Idun said with visible disgust.

Vieregg felt a stinging shame that doing exactly that would have turned him on like crazy. Voluptuous milky girls. Was there anything more sexy? He had already caught himself drooling over those hucow girls numerous time. "I am such a sexist piece of shit," he thought to himself. "Idun is right."

Idun wanted an answer, and he knew he was a terrible liar. She could tell a lie from a mile away.

"Absolutely disgusting. I don't get how any man could find such a thing sexy," Vieregg lied. He realized he had overdone it, and it did not sound convincing in the least. A spark was lit in her eyes. Trouble. Time to get out the fire extinguisher. Line up as many apologies as he could muster.

"You fu—," was all Idun got to say before she got interrupted by sergeant Hildegunn. "Girls, it is a while since you have had sex. Since we need a break now, I suggest you all take the opportunity to get fucked."

Saved by the bell. Vieregg glanced at the corner of his eyes at Idun. She was biting her lips and not looking happy.

Hildegunn turned towards Vieregg. "Get your dick ready. A lot of the girls could need a good pounding. It has been a long day, and we still have a while to walk."

He still had trouble getting used to the casual way his Sergeant talked about him getting his dick out and fucking the whole squad. It was as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Like an oil change or eating a sandwich.

"Okay, let's get the old Vieregg fuck machine started then, shall we," Vieregg said jokingly, before undoing his crotch armor. Vieregg glanced at Idun. She was trying to remain angry, but his stupid announcement made her burst out laughing.

It was almost routine now. Fucking Maya was no nonsense. Straight to the point. Hildegunn was much the same. A very professional affair. But, there was something hidden behind the surface. Behind the tough soldier exterior was someone he could tell longed for some closeness. Love and intimacy. She hid it well, but he could tell it was there. A lifetime as a soldier. But she was a woman like anyone else. Even the women in Imperial Norway wanted a family and children.

He knew that look and that feeling from the long period he had lived in Oslo. At first, all he could see was the surveillance. The armored trucks. Their curvy figure and sex appeal. However, the more time he spent, the more he could sense the loneliness. The sadness. Perhaps because he had felt it so much himself in Sweden. The longing for something else. Someone to share your life with. It was not merely that these girls constantly craved sex, but they also wanted to have a man in their life, and most of them didn't.

Originally, he had considered the Imperial Inquisition to be a purely evil, perverted and deranged organization. Certainly, it was that as well. But it was also full of desperate women who had found no other ways to have closeness to a man. Their substitute for an actual marriage was humping a male suspect in the Inquisition sex dungeon. It was all rather pathetic.

Then there was Alvdis. Fucking Alvdis was like being a porn movie. She was on her knees in front of him. Her tongue going up along his shaft in long slow strokes while she looked up at him with lustful eyes. At the corner of his eyes, he could see Idun rolling her eyes. The hucows were all looking in excitement. It made the whole thing very embarrassing. Vieregg was getting his cock licked and sucked in the most porn star way, and a whole crowd of naked childish young women with oversized boobs were looking at it with excitement.

Alvdis would spin around, bend over and rub her ass up against his cock as if she was some kind of pole dancer. She egged him on until he put his hands on her hips and thrusted his rock-hard cock into her pussy. Trude was giving Alvdis a "what the fuck is wrong with you" look. And of course, Alvdis didn't let him cum in her pussy. No, she pulled out before that and made sure he unloaded all over her tits. Then she proceeded to lick the cum off her tits while giving Vieregg a mischievous, lustful smile.

Vieregg imagined that if he was living in a cartoon world, Idun would be blowing steam out of her ears by now. But somehow Idun had let it pass, apart from occasional snide remarks directed at Alvdis.

Trude was a different ball game. Idun could tolerate someone being lustful towards her boyfriend. But she could not tolerate someone mistreating him. After Alvdis, Trude took over, and she just threw Vieregg down and mounted him on top. At that point, Idun simply snapped. Trude didn't see what was coming. Suddenly, she just got punched in the side and knocked off Vieregg. Although Trude was bigger and stronger than Idun, it was a sucker punch and Idun was vicious at this point.

Trude held up an arm to protect against the next punch, but Idun planted her right knee into her face and knocked her down to the ground. "This isn't a fucking Inquisition interrogation bitch. I am tired of your fucking bullshit."

Trude was angry. She launched forward around Idun's legs to tackle her to the ground. Idun fell to the ground, but before Trude could pound her with her fists the other soldiers were over both of them. Pulling them apart.

"You fucking red hothead bitch," Trude growled at Idun.

Hildegunn stepped in. "Idun, you don't attack a fellow soldier like that!"

"Trude should stop attacking fellow soldier Vieregg, then. He is not a Neo Nordic. He is a regular guy. He didn't have to join this mission. He came here on his own choice. Trude has been treating him like total shit the whole time. Enough is enough sergeant!" Idun yelled.

Hildegunn was not pleased. "Private, you need to get your anger under control. You will jeopardize the unit if you keep it up like that. I'll let it pass this time because of how you handled the Anthony Brown farm."

Idun wanted to same something. She was still foaming but kept her mouth shut.

Trude spat blood on the ground, "Dumb bitch!"

Hildegunn turned towards Trude. "What Idun did was uncalled-for. But you are not off the hook Trude. This is the army, not the Inquisition. Vieregg is a member of the squad, not a Redpiller for inquisition. You need to get your shit together or there will be no fucking for you. Next time you'll ask Vieregg nicely."

The other soldiers let go of the Idun and Hildegunn. Both of the scowled at each other but walked away from each other. Vieregg felt his chest swell with pride. His lioness had stuck up for him. It was emasculating, but he figured that in a land of shield maidens that was just something he had to learn to live with.

The hucows looked at it all with confused faces. Vieregg went up to thank Idun. It was awkward to be intimate boyfriend-girlfriend in the middle of a squad with everyone watching, so he kept it professional. A pat on the shoulder and holder her hand for a moment. A smile and a thank you. He could tell it meant something to Idun. The relationship. The mission. All of it took a toll.

But their troubles were not over. One of the hucows, Dolly came over to Vieregg and Hildegunn. "Our bobbies are hurting. We need to get milked," she said.

Sergeant Hildegunn gave Vieregg a look that suggested, "This is your problem," before she got up and walked away. "Uh... okay.... well yeah... uh... how do we do that?" Vieregg asked Dolly.

"You got penis," Dolly smiled. "You are our new farmer?"

"No Dolly, you don't need any more farmers. But tell me how I milk you," Vieregg answered.

Dolly pushed a finger onto her pussy. "Penis go in here!" Then she moved the index finger of her other hand onto her breast. She pushed the finger into the nipple and said, "Milk comes out here!"

"Why do you need my dick into your vagina to be milked?" Vieregg asked puzzled.

The other hucows had gathered around. They giggled. "Don't you know anything Mr. Vieregg? Penis must go into hucow to make milk flow."

Vieregg was about to lecture them about not needing to be sexually abused anymore. But Maya stepped up and explained to him that oxytocin released after orgasm makes milk flow. "No only do I have to fuck a whole squad, but I also have to fuck a whole hucow herd? What the fuck?"

Maybe comes up to Vieregg and puts a hand on his shoulder. "We believe in you Vieregg. You can do it," she says before turning around and chuckling.

Idun has her arms in cross. "Isn't this what you wanted Vieregg? Fuck hucows?"

"This is so humiliating," Vieregg mumbles. "Wasn't fucking the whole airship crew enough?" He was still bitter about having had to fuck the whole airship crew on the way over. Somehow their designated fuck boy had gotten sick and it became his responsibility. Afterwards it was as if he always had the taste of pussy in his mouth from the countless girls he had had to lick. Somehow things kept going wrong in ways that required him to pull out his dick.

Vieregg began with Dolly. What an astonishingly beautiful girl. It would have been very enjoyable if it wasn't for the fact over a dozen girls were sitting around all watching him. He could not get hard.

"Oh noes, Mr. Vieregg's penis isn't working," Vicky exclaimed. "We must fix the penis," Rose answered. Both hucows got down on their knees in front of Vieregg and began licking and sucking his dick while eagerly looking up to see if he enjoyed it. The soldiers were all looking at him with amusement. Despite the humiliation his dick did get rock hard. The hucows jumped up and down with excitement. "We fixed Mr. Vieregg's penis Dolly."

Vieregg took hold of Dolly's hips and pushed his dick into her. She flinched lightly. She was already nice and wet. He began slowly and carefully. Those poor hucows had experienced so much abuse he had to be careful with them. Immediately he was popular with the hucows. "He is so gentle and good," Dolly exclaimed. "I want Mr. Vieregg to be my new master!"

"Me too!" the other hucows said in unison. The otherwise serious-looking sergeant Hildegunn started cracking up. Vieregg could see her turn around to avoid showing that she was laughing.

"No, no, no girls," Vieregg exclaimed as he kept working Dolly. "You will have no masters. You will be free. Nobody will decide over you anymore. No master."

"If no master, who will milk us?" Vicky exclaimed deeply puzzled. Vieregg didn't have a good answer to that. It was not something he had thought about at all. With the shortage of men in Imperial Norway it could prove difficult to find someone to perform the fucking.

"You decide yourself, who you want to milk you," Vieregg said. "If you don't like how somebody milks you, then you can pick somebody else." He paused, and went faster on Dolly. She began panting and moaning. Eventually, she orgasmed.

"Now you got to suck the milk out, Mr. Vieregg!" the hucows exclaimed. Vieregg pulled his dick out. Turned around, Dolly, and began sucking on her nipples. Sweet, rich milk came into his mouth. It was delicious and sweet. When he could forget that there was a whole squad and seven hucows watching him, he could enjoy the experience quite a lot. But being reminded that everyone was watching him suck milking out of a tit like some baby was mortifying.

Trude made some sarcastic remark: "Look at the cute little baby nursing at mommas tits." The comment didn't go down well with Idun. Vieregg could see from the corner of his eye that she gave Trude the finger.

They each had a lot of milk. Fortunately, Heather volunteered to help. "Thanks, Heather," Vieregg said. "Right now I am so happy you are lesbian. Maybe you could help me out more?"

"Sure, but how?" Heather asked.

"I don't know. Perhaps if one of the girls is okay with some girl on girl instead of getting fucked by me," Vieregg said hopeful, looking around. He could see Maya pondering the question.

"If it helps you, Vieregg, I could probably let Heather service my needs. Is that okay with you, Heather?" Maya asked.

Vieregg looked at both of them. He could sense there was something more going on. "Do they have a thing for each other," he pondered.

"Sure, that is totally fine," Heather replied. She looked very excited. Maybe too excited. But Vieregg was more than happy to get a reduced workload.

Vieregg continued fucking one hucow after the other. Everyone was ecstatic. Hucow Constance asked excitedly: "So we can pick who will milk us ourselves?"

"Yes, of course. Nobody gets to decide over you. You can pick whomever you want," Vieregg said in a happy tone.

"You are so gentle and nice to us, Mr. Vieregg. I want you to milk me forever and ever," Constance declared enthusiastically. The other hucows rapidly declared, "Me too! I also want Mr. Vieregg to be my milker."

By the time all the hucows had been milked, Vieregg felt extremely full. Like, he would not want to eat any food for a week. And his dick felt worn out. Finally, everyone was on the move again. Vieregg walked next to Idun.

"Sounds like you got a new job lined up, when we come home, baby," Idun laughed. "From CEO to milkman, huh? Quite a career evolution."

"I think you forgot my current occupation as human dildo," Vieregg replied sarcastically.

The rest of the hike, Vieregg was very popular with the hucows. They swarmed around him and wanted to hold his hands. "Mr. Vieregg is so gentle and kind. I want to stay with milker Vieregg forever!" Tina declared. Before they arrived at the extraction point, he had to do a second milking round. It only made Vieregg him more popular with the hucows. All the hucows were declaring their love and affection for Vieregg, while the soldiers were cracked up laughing looking at how Vieregg was accosted by hucows the whole hike.

It was dusk by the time they arrived at the extraction point, an old abandoned warehouse. The LZ-42 Noctilucent would arrive there in about a week to pick them up. At the warehouse they had stashed a lot of their gear: tends, mats, food, clothing. Vieregg tried to sit down and have a break, but the hucows were all over him. "We love Vieregg! We want to be with milker Vieregg forever!" they declared enthusiastically while all trying to pile on top of him and snuggle and kiss him.

"Girls, girls you are free now. You can live your own lives. Do what you want. Not be attached to one guy," Vieregg tried to protest.

"But this is what we want Vieregg!" they said and started tugging at his clothes. "Get these nasty clothes off him. We want to snuggle with Vieregg. Suck on his penis and get milked by him." Vicky and Dolly managed to pull his pants off. Tina and Constance pulled his shirt off.

"Looks like they really like you Vieregg," Heather chucked looking at him struggle with seven hucows piling on top of him, tearing his clothes off.

"What am I going to do? They wont listen!" Vieregg complained. Getting a word out was hard because the hucows were already rubbing their massive boobs into his face and two others were eagerly licking his dick.

Hildegunn gathered everyone around. "Listen girls, we are hitting three farms tomorrow." Then she interrupted herself and look at Vieregg. "Can you please stop playing with the hucows Vieregg and listen?"

"Hey, I am trying as best as I —" Vieregg tried to say before his speech got muffled by a pair of big boobs rubbed against his face. Hildegunn just shock her head and continued the briefing.

"Two of them will be the farms of the Evans brothers Carter and Daryl. Carter is known as a mean son of a bitch. We got to stay alert," Hildegunn explained. "Moving hucows was a lot harder than expected. Next time we will look at using farm trucks to move them. On the next mission some of you will be tasked with securing vehicles rather than destroying them."

They got setup sleeping bags and blankets to everyone. Even clothing for the hucows which they all refused to wear. Vieregg tried to catch a good night sleep but it was hard given that the hucows all insisted on lying close to him and piling on top of him.

That night he dreamt about an endless number of hucows jumping over a fence in a Norwegian meadow. Their big breasts flopping around as they leaped across the low wooden fence. All while he could smell sweat breast milk.