Ch 16 - Zoey and Vieregg

Zoey gets very flirty with Vieregg

Ch 16 - Zoey and Vieregg
Zoey as a brunette

Vieregg and AJ are still thinking about their humiliation at the hands of Monica, Vorin, Vilde and Sylvia at dinner.

Zoey: Are you okay Mr. Povel? You have barely said anything at all today. Want to talk about it.


Zoey: Is is something I did? You can't stay silent like that and expect me to read your mind?

Vieregg: Mr. Povel? We don't say Mr. over here in Norway. Old fashion. Just call me Vieregg.

Zoey: Alright uh Vieregg, what the heck is wrong with you?


Zoey: Don't go all silent on me now. And why do you keep staring at me like that?

Vieregg: I wasn't staring (lies unconvincingly)

Zoey: Yes you were!

Vieregg: Okay so you are a very pretty girl. But —

Zoey: Am I? (teasing and biting her lips)

Vieregg: Ugh... all you Drakon girls are so aggressive. No offense your half sisters are crazy. I guess with a dad like AJ. Don't get me wrong, I love your dad, but I am not sure if there exists any girl in this country that your dad doesn't want to put his dick into.

Zoey: Crazy? (feigned innocent face)

Vieregg: Yeah, your sisters jumped me. Sex crazy b... I mean girls.

Zoey: And you thought his eldest daughter would jump you as well? I always ask for permission first. Unless you want me to jump you?

Vieregg: That would be deeply inappropriate. Fucking the daughter of my best buddy. No thanks!

Zoey: But you want to (teasing). I can tell.

Vieregg: You know your sisters said they would ask for permission first as well. But then they drugged me and had their way all night with my balls. They are still so sensitive and tender now.

Zoey: Vilde and Sylvia were born here in this place. I am just getting used to it. It's a very beautiful country you live in with all these beautiful women. You must have a line up of women dying to mate with you.

Vieregg: I am here because I love Idun and it is an interesting place like no other. But I have my regrets when I take a subway ride and girls gang up on me and start grabbing my balls. Avoiding sex is the problem in this country. Not getting it.

Zoey: Ah dad dad told me you were a prude. I see why now.

Vieregg: Sigh... that is why your dad is celebrity here. A guy who is as sex addicted as all the women here. A cocky untamed American jock. The girls think he is so exotic. You know your dad has his own fan club here. They will line up to get fucked by your dad. It is crazy.

Zoey: Yes we heard about it across the ocean constantly. Everyone in America was repulsed by it but grandpa was ecstatic. It increased our popularity quite a bit Who knows how many half brothers and sisters I have floating around here. But we are not talking about them . We are talking about you now. Do you want me to take care of you. I will be gentle, I promise.

Vieregg: ...................(Staring at Zoey's body and gets aroused)

Zoey:............You're staring

Vieregg: What!- no I-

Zoey: Staring at me while you gradually get a boner. Let's drain that cock of yours.

Vieregg: ..........(looking embarrassed)But what will your father think?

Zoey: No need to be embarrassed and don't worry about him. Now let's get you focused and clear headed


Zoey looking interested