Ch 16 - Assault on a Hucow Farm
This was almost certainly a decent sized hucow farm. A place where they held human milking cows. This time they might get lucky.
Vieregg was wearing a Simonsen AR goggles while holding a drone controller. He was piloting a Gjenferd Z52 drone. I was a quiet rotary reconnaissance drone. Through the goggles, he could see what the drone was seeing through its stereo camera. This was almost certainly a decent sized hucow farm. A place where they held human milking cows. This time they might get lucky.
In the morning, Vieregg had flown a Raven Z51 winged drone to scout a large area. Raven drones could not hover or land vertically, so they were not useful for closer examination of Hucow farms. But the winged drones had much longer range and speed. Their squad had used their Raven drone to make sure there were no Neo Dixie soldiers in the area and inspect the farms in the area. Their maps made from satellite photos told them there were farms in the area. It was a lush area of rolling hills and scattered forests and small lakes.
The challenge was to determine if these farms were just regular farms or actual hucow farms. The Raven drone had spotted what looked like naked girls out in the grass fields. That was a sure sign of a hucow farm. The team had moved to take a closer look. It had taken them over an hour to walk. The terrain was mostly fine, but they had to cross a small river on the way. It wasn't steep, so they could wade across it.
This was the problem, being behind enemy lines. They could not take the main roads. They could get discovered. Staying in the terrain far away from other people was the safest route, but that also meant they moved slow. Vieregg was pleased they had a quadrupedal walker robot, they just called "Donkey" with them. Maya was disapproving. She thought it was for lazy people.
But Donkey made it possible to carry a lot more with them. Vieregg had pushed to bring it. He was quite familiar with it since it had been developed at Vieregg Industries. They had moved in behind a gentle hilltop close to the farm. From there they had launched the Gjenferd Z52 drone.
There was no doubt in Vieregg's mind that this was a hucow farm. In a small pond, there were two naked girls splashing in the water. He could see the fake cow horns attached to their heads and the cowbells around their necks. But the most obvious giveaways was the enormous breasts. Under a tree, there were a couple of naked girls lying in the grass. Their enormous breasts spilled out in front of them. When lying on the stomach, there was no other choice if you wanted to avoid squashing your breasts.
It looked almost idyllic and picturesque. Beautiful, voluptuous girls frolicking in the sun. The farmer had likely let them out to catch some sun because it was an unusually warm and sunny day in late February. The other days had been jacket weather. The ugly nature of the whole thing became clear when Vieregg spotted a girl with her huge breasts flopping being chased by two big black guys on the southern side of the farm. It looked like she was crying. The two men were laughing. Oops, there she fell to the ground. Poor boobs, they broke the fall. Now the men were on top of her. She struggled to get up and away, but they pinned her down and twisted her arm.
He couldn't dwell on the poor girl. He had a job to do. That included locating entrances on the building, any defense mechanism, number of hucows, employees, vehicles and similar. They did not want anyone to drive away and alert authorities.
Vieregg spotted a couple of Psion steam-hybrid trucks parked outside on the Northern side of the farm. One of the trucks looked quite beat up, but it could probably still drive.
"What do you got for me Vieregg," Hildegunn asked.
"Looks like five hucows outside and two men. Probably in their late twenties or early thirties. All spotted on the southern side. Three Psion trucks on the north side. Nobody present there. No signs of fortifications, defense systems of surveillance cameras," Vieregg replied.
Hildegunn pulled out a map plotted on a polymer sheet. They had plotted it earlier when they arrived with their portable plotter. It contained the basic features, coordinates, quadrant, scale, and orientation. Together, it was enough information for their Simonsen AR goggles to determine what graphics to superimpose and where. It was clean white polymer paper with blue ink lines tracing the contours of the landscape and the shape of the farm buildings.
Vieregg looked at the map with his AR goggles. It was a couple of seconds delay before the green landscape got superimposed by his goggles on the white sheet. It made it look like a crisp, high resolution arial shot. Vieregg pointed on the map where he had seen the hucows and the trucks. Sergeant Hildegunn marked it off with a non-permanent marker.
"Alvdis, get over there," Hildegunn shouted. She made sure she wasn't too loud. Alvdis got over. Hildegunn placed her finger on the Psion trucks. "Take your Krag 64, get on the hilltop over there and takeout those trucks." Alvdis brought down her AR goggles over her eyes to see the full areal shot of the landscape superimposed on the polymer paper.
Alvdis pulled up her Krag 64 and jogged up to the nearby hilltop. It was a scoped sniper rifle. Alvdis was their designated sniper.
The rest of the squad came over to look at the map and hear Hildegunn's plan. "Listen up girls, we don't know what is inside. We need a better idea, or we risk the lives of the hucows. We don't know if the farm hands are armed or how many there are. I want to our Sleipnling drone down there to scout the interior."
The Sleipnling drone was a small-wheeled buggy with a camera. The problem would be to get it inside.
"I saw some openings over here," Vieregg said, marking of parts of the southern wall of the industrial dairy facility. It was their best guess for where the hucows would be.
Hildegunn studied the map. Then she pointed at the main house, "I want to check out the house of the farmer first. I bet if he has guns, it will be in there."
They picked straws to decide who would go down to place the Sleipnling buggy. Idun pulled the shortest straw. Vieregg was not thrilled. Idun walked down with the buggy under her arm.
The others followed to get closer to the farm and got ready for engagement. Vieregg propped himself up behind a gentle slope with binoculars to keep track of his girlfriend.
Idun got up to the main house. She was searching for a place to push in the buggy. That is when it all went wrong. The door went open. What looked like the farmer came out. Idun put the buggy behind her back.
Then it appeared that the farmer yanked her inside. Vieregg dropped his goggles and looked around. "Oh fuck, he got Idun! We got to go in now."
"Wow, hold your horses, sport," Trude said.
"We cannot rush into something we don't know what is," sergeant Hildegunn said.
Alvdis was very eager to agree. Vieregg felt a rising frustration. It was his girlfriend in there. What were they going to do to her? He knew how Idun had shown up to save him when the inquisition had grabbed him. None other than former inquisition interrogator Trude. Right now, he felt a lot like punching Trude in the face. But he knew that was a bad idea. She would be all too happy to beat him to pulp.
"Leave no woman behind," Maya said. "That is what we always said back in Cairns. And we lived by that."
Vieregg felt a relief that somebody cared. That he was not alone. Heather joined in. "We cannot leave behind Idun. We need to go in there and save her."
"No more arguing. Gather around and look at the map. This is how we will do it," sergeant Hildegunn said. She began pointing and telling each girl where to place themselves and what to do. Vieregg could not calm down. It felt like the planning took forever. He wanted to rush down guns blazing. Or rather, he wanted the others to do that. Vieregg was not very brave. He was too afraid to go down alone.
Finally, they started moving down the slopes, alternating between moving forward and covering each other until they reached the main building. They secured the corners of the main building. Trude and Maya line up next to the main door. Alvdis readied herself to rush in.
But before anyone managed to kick in the door, it swung open. Everyone readied their guns to fire. Idun stepped out. She had blood in the face and on her armor. "Sexist piece of shit," Idun said. Everyone lowered their guns and breathed a sigh of relief.
Vieregg rushed forward. "What did he do? You are full of blood!? Are you okay?"
Idun shrugged and laughed. "It isn't my bloody silly. It is his."
"What the f—" Vieregg began before rushing forward to give Idun a hug. Over her shoulder, he could peek into the house. The sight he saw. He let go of Idun and walked in. The place looked totally wrecked. Broken chairs and tables. Bookshelves that had fallen over. Broken glass. It looked as if a tornado had torn through the whole living room.
Vieregg was gaping with his mouth while turning toward Idun. "Did you do this?" he said in disbelief.
"That farmer said I had nice fat tits and would be a perfect milking cow. Said I needed my tits engorged and milked," Idun replied furious. "I snapped. And that dumbass thought he could hold me down and add another 'cow' to his herd. He clearly hadn't met a Norwegian woman before."
Vieregg shook his head, "Hmmm, judging by all the broken stuff in here, I'd take that was a rather painful first meeting for him." He couldn't help but think that you would need to have a death wish to say anything like that around Idun.
"Judging by the sounds, he made: yes. I wasn't going to go that heavy-handed on him, but then I met two of those poor girls he turned into hucows. What a sick fuck. He got thrown around a few more times," Idun said dryly. Everyone was looking at Idun in disbelief.
Vieregg to worried. Had she killed him? "Eh… yeah… is he still alive? Where is he exactly?" He had stepped inside the living room and couldn't see any sign of the farmer.
Idun raised an eyebrow. "Mostly. He is in the barn. I strapped him to the milking machine."
"Milking machine? Milking what exactly?" Vieregg exclaimed.
Idun looked at Vieregg and gave him a mischievous smile. "His penis. Gave him a good taste of his own medicine. The girls seemed to think it was a lot of fun. The dumb fuck couldn't get why they laughed at him. He seemed to have been under the delusion that they had loved and respected him."
Vieregg involuntarily touches his crotch area, "Ouch, that sounds painful. Remind me to never piss you off really bad."
"Relax, Vieregg… your penis is safe. You are an asshole, but you know I still love you," Idun smiles putting a hand in his shoulder and giving his kiss on his cheek.
Sergeant Hildegunn looked around puzzled, trying to assess the situation. "What about the farmhands, Idun? He had other workers."
"You mean Bill and Bob? They are getting milked too." Idun pointed to a blood stain on her armor. "That is Bob. No, wait, that is Bill right here." Then she moved her left hand up to her face and tapped the blood splatter on her cheek. "Silly me. This is Bob."
"Bill and Bob!?" Heather asks stomped.
"Oh, that is just what I call them. I think they are named Dom and Trev. The farmer is named Anthony Brown."
They scanned the dairy factory and main house. To everyone's amazement, there was nobody else to take care of. Idun had single-handedly beat up the hucow farmer and his two farm hands. In-fact they seemed to be related. Probably his grown sons.
Seven hucows Dolly, Tina, Peggy, Rose, Deborah, Constance, and Vicky got rescued. They had gathered in the dairy watching Anthony Brown with is sons Trev and Dom getting their dicks milked. The hucows were giggling like little school girls. They found it very amusing. "Nasty mean farmer. Now you know what milking is like," a defiant little voice said.
Hucow Rose turned excited, her big boobs bouncing up and down, "Thanks for saving us from the very mean farmer." There was a chatter from the other hucows indicating they were very much in agreement.
Vieregg could not help but stare at the oversized, delicious milky breasts. Those healthy round buttocks and side hips. He was almost drooling. "I am such a pervert," he thought. He fought hard to make himself stop staring. There was a fear that Idun would notice what a creep her boyfriend was.
Hucow Peggy asked: "Are you taking us to a nice farm with a nice farmer?"
"Poor girls," Vieregg thought. They don't understand the situation very well. "You are not going to any farm girls. You are free. No more milking and sexual abuse," Vieregg clarified.
Peggy looked at Vieregg with a dumb and confused look. "But we are white girls. Daddy and master said all white girls are dumb cows and can only be used for milking. We are too stupid to do anything else. "
Vieregg, realized they were dealing with some heavy brainwashing that would take time to undo. He asked, "Do you like being milked?"
Hucow Tina replied, "No, not really. Hmm, well, when a man milks me gently, it is nice. Will you milk me gently, Mr. Vieregg?"
Vieregg looks at Idun anxiously. Idun rolls eyes demonstratively. It was clear what she thought about that.
Vieregg responded "No, I don't think that is a good idea. I think you girls should learn how to behave normal and proper, like real girls. We will help you, but we can talk about that on the way to your extraction point."
Hucow Dolly looked as Vieregg with a dumb and confused look. "What is an extraction point?"
It appeared to Vieregg that even though these hucows were all likely in their early twenties, they had a vocabulary more similar to that of a child. He had understood that hucows was a form of sexual abuse, but now he could see the depth of the abuse. These poor girls had been deprived of any proper child raising or schooling. Instead, they must have been given limited education and mental stimulation. Their mental development was stunted from being treated more like animals than humans.
Vieregg could see a mix of sadness and anger in Idun's face. Idun was always a very caring person, and Vieregg could tell that seeing these girls treated like this had an emotional impact on her. But she was not alone. He could see that Heather and Maya were shocked. Even a seasoned soldier like sergeant Hildegunn was visibly affected. Trude looked downright angry and ready to pound those farmers to pulp.
In fact, she had already pulled out her Krag 22 and aimed it at hucow farmer Antony Brown. Hildegunn put a hand carefully on top of Trude's Krag 22 and pushed it down gently. "No killing. I know Haldis told us to kill all the hucow farmers and their accomplices, but we are not doing that under my command."
A flash of anger across Trude's face. Hildegunn lost her patience. "Listen Trude, this isn't the Inquisition. I know the ideological convictions are strong within the Inquisition, but I am a sergeant. In the army, we serve the empire. We get the job done. That is it. Do I make myself clear private?"
Trude lowered her gun defiantly and bit her lips. "Understood sergeant."
Before Vieregg had spent much time in Imperial Norway, he had always seen it as a monolith. They were all just cookie cutter fascists made from the same cloth. Meeting Idun was the first step towards realizing that Imperial Norway was a complex place. It was full of factions and subgroups. Enterprises, the Inquisition, the Imperial Army, regular citizens, suppression officers. They all operated in different manners. They all had different degrees of convictions and adherence to the ideology of the regime.
Trude was clearly one of the diehards. Clearly similar to Haldis Nyborg, who had given them the assignment. Idun followed her emotions, while Hildegunn seemed to care less about ideology and more about duty to the motherland.
Then there were the Australians. From what he could tell, they didn't care anything about ideology. Maya reminded Vieregg of Trude, if trude had a heart and wasn't a zealot. Or perhaps like Hildegunn. Someone driven by duty?
Then there was Alvdis. What was she about? She was incredibly hot, and the way she looked at him when she sucked his cock made him rock hard. Alvdis was the classic busty bimbo. He hated to admit that Alvdis had a take on him. It was as if the really popular girl in class. The one everyone wanted, had picked him. She was cool and easy to be with. Be with Alvdis and you were in the popular gang at school.
But liking Alvdis had made Vieregg feel he was betraying Idun. Nobody would mistakenly think there was a lot of love between Idun and Alvdis. It didn't help that Alvdis was an old friend of Trude.
Despite his dislike of Trude, she did turn out useful in interrogating the farmer and his sons. Going over the interior of the farm, she understood what clues to look for. Trude worked much like a police investigator, home in Sweden. It had not occurred to Vieregg that that was essentially what she was. He had mainly thought of her job as sexually abusing men.
The interrogation and searching for clues in the house and led to a list of hucow farmers. Vieregg noticed in particular the description of a farmer known as Carter Evans. From the description, he looked like some real piece of work. Reading between the lines, it was clear he was more cruel than the usual hucow farmer. But he as also known has one of the more talented one. Vieregg wasn't sure that talent meant in the hucow industry. Somehow, Carter Evans was known to win prizes for best developed "udders". Vieregg found it disgusting that their breasts of these girls got consistently referred to as "udders" in the writing.
Somehow, Carter Evans managed to have the hucows with the highest milk production and largest udders. Judging by the details, he bought a lot of regular girls and somehow fattened them up and sold them as hucows later for fat profits.
They had the location of three farmers. Based on the interrogations, they were confident Nora Nyborg as likely held captive at one of these farms. The job would be to collect all the hucows at their extraction point. Once they located Nora, they would send a request for an Imperial Airship to come pick them up at the extraction point.
"Wrap it up girls," Hildegunn ordered. "We are pulling out of here now. I want to be back at our extraction point before sunset."