Ch 14 - Australians stick up for Vieregg

"Seriously, does Vieregg even know what is front or back on his own dick? Or does he even know what hole to stick it into?" Maya said, shaking her head.

Maya was lying on a small hill slope inside an enormous glass Geodesic dome on the outskirts of Oslo. She was lying on green grass, but outside she could see a snow clad Norwegian winter landscape of hills and trees. It was February, so training on rapid fucking outside would have caused Vieregg to freeze his dick off.

Maya's team was advancing on Alvdis, Hildegunn and Idun. She was together with Trude, Heather and Vieregg. It was the second day of their two-week training, preparing for shipping out to Neo Dixie with the LZ-42 Noctilucent airship.

The purpose was to get them to function as a team. Get to know each other better. Maya looked over at Vieregg. He had pulled off the ass and pussy cover on Trude's armor. Trude was lying on a slope next to a large rock with her rifle tucked into her shoulder ready to fire. They had attached lasers to practice hitting each other. Everyone carried a sensor to register hits.

Maya turned her head towards Heather lying next to her, scouting for Hildegunn and her team. "Seriously, does Vieregg even know what is front or back on his own dick? Or does he even know what hole to stick it into?" Maya said, shaking her head.

"I think you are being a bit hard on him. He is the only guy here. I think he is a bit nervous. He isn't used to going around with his penis hanging out like that with all us girls looking at it," Heather answered with some concern.

Heather is always so caring for others, Maya thought. A bit naive, though. "Come on Maya look how he fumbled. Like how hard can it be to stick a dick into a pussy?"

Heather opened her mouth in shock, "Oh my God, Trude looks really pissed off. She just threw him in the ground. Poor thing. He looks afraid. What is she doing to him?"

Maya shock her head. "That boy has to learn. She is giving him a pretty rough cowgirl there. Man, the way she slams down on him when she goes down his shaft. Maybe you are right, Heather. She is going a bit hard on him."

Heather held her hand in front of her hand in shock, "Maya, should you say something?"

Maya got up and walked over to Trude, "Hey, hey sister, you got to be a bit more careful. You cannot break him on the second day. We need a working cock for the mission. Difficult to get fuck boys in this country in this country I hear."

Trude got up. She was in a bad mood, "Fine, whatever. Cuddle this little dildo, but there is a war out there. Playing nice isn't going to do him any favors. If you cannot figure out where the pussy is on a woman, you aren't ready for the war zone, I can tell you that." Trude threw her hand up and walked away with visible disgust.

Shortly after, they could hear Trude firing. Maya could see her lying on the slope, pulling the trigger. She must have spotted one of their opponents.

"Get down and hurry back to our position, Vieregg. Practice fucking on me while I home in on the enemy," Maya whispered loudly before running crouched back to their position, before throwing herself down and rolling along the ground into position. First rule when engaging enemies. Don't give away your exact position, so never remain where you threw yourself down. Roll into another position.

Maya could see Idun advancing in her scope. Before she could pull the trigger, Idun had thrown herself down. She scanned to see if any of the others were there. She could feel Vieregg behind her detaching her butt and pussy armor. Her pussy could do with some good cock now.

Suddenly, Maya gasps for air. A shock through her body. She just got a fat cock up her asshole. Not a pleasant feeling but still made her horny. "What the fuck Vieregg! That is my asshole? Can you not tell the difference between a pussy and an asshole!"

"Oh my God! Sorry, sorry Maya! I was just so stressed out!" Vieregg apologized profusely.

"Hey relax Vieregg, you are doing good. It is only the second day. You will get better at this," Heather told him reassuringly.

Maya shook her head, "Okay, whatever, Vieregg. I made sure to lubricate my asshole earlier. I have no idea why I made that preparation, but apparently that was a very good idea. No, don't pull out Vieregg. Just pound me. It is fine. I'll take it in the ass."

It was a bit more painful, but Maya still enjoyed it. She liked how dirty it was, but would't tell Heather that. She wouldn't get it. Vieregg was breathing heavily, thrusting at full pace. Maybe he wasn't too bad. This was pretty good. She felt she was getting close to coming. Her pussy was getting really wet.

There! Idun popped up again. But she was on the verge of orgasm and couldn't steady her shoot. Pulled the trigger. "Fuck I missed," Maya moaned before her body convulsed in an orgasm. "That was a good one. You aren't half bad. Saved your love there too. Had her in my sights."

Vieregg sounded pleased with himself, and got a bit cocky. "All right, who is ready to get their pussy pounded into submission? Heather?"

"No, I am good," Heather responds.

"I am cleaning my cock right now," Vieregg responds. "This liquid makes the cock totally safe after anal. "

Heather looked a bit shy when she said, "No, I am just not like the other girls."

Vieregg made some sounds, indicating that he didn't get what she was talking about. "Heather is a lesbian Sherlock," Maya responded.

"Oh sorry, now it all makes sense," Vieregg replied

"You could tell?" Heather asked.

"Like something was off in a way, but I couldn't make sense of it until now," Vieregg explained.

Heather laughed. "I didn't know I was that obvious. You can practice on me if you want, though. I have no need or interest in it, but it doesn't hurt me. If I can help you, I will," Heather said with concern.

Maya wanted to tell Heather that Vieregg was a grown man, even a former CEO of a large industrial conglomerate. She shouldn't treat him like some helpless little boy. But that was Heather. She was always thinking of others. It was why she could not help but feel affection towards Heather. Everyone was put at ease around Heather. She has a way with people.

And now she had Vieregg's, dick up her pussy. Somehow had stuck his dick up the right hole this time. "Practice makes perfect," Maya thought shaking her head. Heather was putting on a brave smile. Had it looked like she was hurting Maya would have pulled Vieregg off immediately. But it was more an expression of doing something awkward.

Maybe focused on looking through her scope. But she struggled with her concentration. There was a sting of envy that Vieregg was having an intimate moment with Heather, and he wasn't even into her. And she was definitely not into him. Maya imagined running her hand through Heather's beautiful ginger hair while she looked at her with those kind eyes.

Emotions. She was not any good at expressing them. Not like Heather. Expressing her affection for Heather was to express her own vulnerability. She hated looking weak. Those early years as a teen Neo Nordic in Australia. Maya never wanted to feel like that again. Nobody was ever going to make her feel small or weak again. Ever.

There was Alvdis. She had missed the red hothead. Time to clock that platinum blonde bimbo girl. God, how she hated girls like Alvdis. They always had all the boys around their little finger. Maybe felt a pleasure when she pulled the trigger. Gotcha bitch!

Alvdis clutched her chest. The vibrator in the vest had just told her she had gotten hit. She looked around with a what-the-fuck face, before she threw both her hands up, turned on her heel and walked away. Maya felt schadenfreude. She could tell bimbo girl wasn't happy. Girls like that always got their way. Not today.

Then she felt a buzz in her vest. Fuck, she just got hit. Who? Maya scanned the landscape. There between the grass was a redhead with a mischievous smile. "Ah fuck, the hothead got me."

Maybe turned to look over at Trude. It was against the rules to shout once "dead". She just saw Hildegunn coming in on their flank. She shot Trude in the back, before getting on her knees and aiming her rifle towards Heather which was currently getting humped by Vieregg. Somehow Heather caught a glimpse of Hildegunn aiming on her.

Heather threw herself to the side, causing Vieregg to get shielded by her when the first shots from Hildegunn hit her vest and the her sensors vibrated. Then shortly after Maya could see Hildegunn vibrating. "Who had hit Hildegunn?" Maya though puzzled and turned towards Heather.

There Vieregg was with his dick still inside Heather covered by her body with his side arm pulled. He had used Heather as cover and emptied a whole clip. Not a great aim but he had gotten the job done. One of his shots had hit Hildegunn.

Heather laughed, "Oh my god! Go Vieregg! You did it!" He looked very pleased with himself. Maya could not help but smile. "Who would have thought," she mumbled to herself. Ironically that meant the two love birds were the only ones left. It was Idun vs Vieregg.

But Idun was already approaching them and Maya could say nothing. It was going to be game over for Vieregg in a short moment. Idun stepped on the top of the slope and aimed her rifle down on Vieregg who was struggling to get his dick out of Heather. "Click," Idun pulled the trigger. Vieregg was out. "Cannot stay away from the redheads, huh Vieregg," Idun teased.

Both Heather and Vieregg looked embarrassed.

Maya got up, and shook Idun's hand. "You won. Good job. Guess it is time to switch side then. Vieregg will be on your side."

Maya turned towards Vieregg. "Good job fuckboy, I hadn't expected that. You might actually have a better aim with your gun than with your dick."

That comment made even Trude crack up laughing. Maya was surprised to find that Trude had humor and could laugh. Maybe she wasn't as bad as she seemed.