Ch 13 - Stay away from my boy you whore!

Emmet's mother Tess do not trust Alvdis and her motives. She decides to confront Alvdis in the kitchen.

Emmet's mother, Tess Voss is not thrilled about having Alvdis and Trude into her family. Tess is having a serious talk with Alvdis in the kitchen.

Alvdis in the kitchen arguing with Emmet's mother
Ch 12 — Spying on Emmet’s Parents
Emmet’s mother thinks Alvdis is a vulgar whore

Tess: I don't know what you are up to, but you stay away from my sweet boy, Emmet. You are a nothing but a disgusting Norwegian whore taking advantage of my precious innocent boy.

Alvdis: Mrs. Voss, you don't even know me.

Tess: Know you? All I need is one look at you to see what kind of skank you are. Your kind is not welcome in this country. Go back to where you come from and stop poisoning our precious English youth!

Alvdis: You judge me for how I look.

Tess: Yes, your big fake boobs. Your fake botox lips. Your fake everything! You are a dirty slutty whore! That is what you are!

Alvdis: They are not fake, nor are my lips. This is my natural body. I was born this way. You judge us Norwegians, but you know nothing about us. You don't know what the DOLL-3 retrovirus did to our kind.

I look like a slut because that is what they chose to make us look like when they made DOLL-3 to change our DNA.

Tess: You are blaming your DNA for your slutty skanky body? 

Alvdis: My DNA is what causes me to look like this. What do you mean?

Tess: That is no excuse! You could have had a breast reduction! You could have a surgeon alter that ridiculous large buttocks you have. There is no excuse looking like that!

Alvdis: I should have let myself be cut up to not offend your sensibilities? How about learning to tolerate people looking different from you?

Tess: Now you are trying to make me feel guilty and bad! This is how manipulative you Norwegians are! I am not the problem here! I am not the one looking like a dirty whore. I am not the one seducing and corrupting innocent boys! Looking like a slut is a choice. Look at how you dress! You blame that on your DNA too?!

Alvdis: Because I am not ashamed of who I am or what I look like, regardless of what people like you try to make me feel. I have experienced so much worse anyway.

Tess: Worse? Spoiled slutty entitled girls like you do not know what hardship is. You get whatever you point at. Boys line up to be with you. You took the easy road. Others have to work for their living. God knows what you do.

Alvdis: You don't know anything about my life or what I have been through.

Tess: Been through? Like getting the wrong matching lipstick or a hair incident at your haircutter.

Alvdis: (losing her temper) You are so ignorant. You don't know anything about my life. Why do you think I came here to London in the first place?

Tess: So you could find some young British boys to corrupt with your sexual perversions! That is what the whole lot of you are! Perverts. Deviants! Whores! We don't want your kind here. You should have never come.

Alvdis: There you have it. You British. Always the same accusations. None of you ever bother to learn anything about us. Most of us here are veterans of the Neo Dixie war. I often wish I could leave this island. Get away from people like you, but I can't because I am a defector. I can never go home. I fought to save people like you. White women enslaved, raped and abused in Neo Dixie.

You English don't know any of that, do you? You don't care because it isn't happening to you. It isn't happening to your people. You know what my reward for saving abused women in Neo Dixie?

Tess: You are lying. You were never in a war. You are nothing but a simple whore! 

Alvdis: My reward was I became one of them. Believe me, anything they did to those white women in Neo Dixie they did ten times over to Norwegian soldiers. They hated us with a glowing passion. Why wouldn't they? We bombed their cities and towns with our airships.

Tess: You are just making this up so you can get my sympathy! You are a filthy liar and a dirty Norwegian whore! I want you to stay away from my son!

Alvdis: You call me a liar? Don't think I got proof? Why don't you look up online how they mark prisoners of war in Neo Dixie?

Tess: I don't need to look up anything because I already know you are a liar!

Alvdis: They didn't give us regular name tags in Neo Dixie. They branded us. You know what that means? We got branded like cattle with a hot iron. You know where they branded us? (Alvdis starts pulling down her tights).

Tess: What are you doing!?

Alvdis: You call me a liar, so I am showing you my mark. I am shown you where they burned their mark into my skin. (pull down tights until shaved pubic hair part is showing.) There! See that! You, see that mark! Right next to my pussy. How do you think that felt?

Tess: I-I had no idea… how… why? This can't be. 

Alvdis: Pulls image out of pocket. Here, look. This is me in uniform with my Krag 48 Gauss rifle.

Tess: Oh… goodness, you look, you look like a some kind of SS soldier!?

Alvdis: Imperial Norway is a fascist dictatorship. What did you expect? Do you not know anything about Norway? What do you do all day? Read gossip magazines?

Tess: There are so many nasty things happening in the world, why would I want to read about that?

Alvdis: Maybe so you don't end up judging and insulting women like me?

Tess: So you are an evil fascist! Even worse! You deserved what happened to you!

Alvdis: Still judging! Even now, after you finally realize you don't know much of anything about me, or where am I from?

Tess: You chose to fight for an evil dictatorship!

Alvdis: I didn't choose. There is no choice. Why do you think it is called a dictatorship? We are indoctrinated and trained to be soldiers from childhood. I never had a normal life like you. Why do you think I came here? Because I don't want to be a soldier in a fascist army. I don't want to fight, for a leadership I don't believe in. I want to live in a democracy with free people. 

You judge me for being born in a dictatorship. What good have you done in your life? I save a dozen women from sexual slavery over in Neo Dixie, and human milking cows.

Tess: Milking cows?

Alvdis: Sigh… you don't know anything about this world, do you? In Neo Dixie, they turn women into human milking cows. They grow their breasts to exorbitant size to produce several liters of milk every day. Then they get pumped with high pressure milk pumps.

Tess: That-that is obscene! Why would anyone do something like that?

Alvdis: Revenge, humiliation. You have no idea what the world is like in your sheltered little bubble. They did that to me. Impregnated me to make me begin lactation. Or, as they say over there, "They bred me and put a calf in me."