Ch 13 — Pussy Fucking Bootcamp

Haldis was a really hot milf. Vieregg could not avoid thinking about the things she did to her young butler.

Haldis Nyborg was a voluptuous, stern looking woman with platinum blonde hair. Perhaps in her fifties. There was something almost regal about her. Perhaps because she was one of the original founders of the Matriarchy Nationalist Party (MNP) together with Svanhild Hvidsten, the current supreme leader of Imperial Norway.

Vieregg found her intimidating. She embodied all the stereotypes he had about matriarchs, the female elites who rule Imperial Norway.

Everyone tasked with joining the mission was gathered in her large living room. She lived in an unusually large Norwegian Swiss Chalet style house. It had many similarities with his house. Painted white and with a fjord view. The main difference was that hers was significantly bigger.

She even had a male butler who had greeted them when they arrived. Quite handsome young man, impeccably dressed. Idun had told Vieregg she was quite a man eater. "Don't look too handsome, Vieregg. She has a thing for younger men. Haldis has a reputation as a man eater."

Haldis was a really hot milf. Vieregg could not avoid thinking about the things she did to her young butler.

They sat in comfortable chesterfield couches. Vieregg scanned the room looking at the others trying to figure out what they were like. He had shock hands with everyone and introduced himself as was customary in Norway when meeting new people.

There was a gruff sergeant with short platinum blonde hair. She had introduced herself as Hildegunn Norheim. Probably in her forties. By dialect, he could hear she was from Northern Norway. Many officers came from there. It was an old tradition, as the bulk of the Norwegian armed forces had always been in the North to protect against a Russian invasion. It was also poorer and with fewer opportunities than southern Norway.

Then there was corporal Alvdis Collett. She looked like a total bimbo. Huge bubble shaped boobs, and botox looking lips and large pretty eyes. She was also platinum blonde. Everyone seemed to be in Imperial Norway. Alvdis looked at him like he was prey. At one point, she licked her mouth while he looked at her. Being the only man in a room full of hot and horny women made him both turned and a bit scared. It was good he had Idun there. She would stick up for him.

Next to Alvdis Collett sat Trude Rosendahl. That freaked Vieregg out. She was one of the Imperial Inquisition interrogators which had arrested him when he first arrived and put a ball stretcher and cock squeezer on his dick. He did not like reliving that memory. Trude was just overall scary looking. Built like a body builder and with an intimidating attitude. She had more of a honey blonde hair. When they shock hands she had smiled. She knew. She remembered him.

And finally, he met the Australians Idun had talked about. He could tell on their looks that they were not from Norway. Although the blonde one Maya could perhaps pass for one. She had the build of a Neo Nordic woman. Voluptuous, large tits, wide hips. Other than that she seemed like a no bullshit woman.

Then there was Heather. Both her and Maya had spoken English when introducing themselves. He could hear their characteristic Australian accent. Heather was an attractive young woman, but was clearly not a Neo Nordic woman. She had normal proportions. She was cute and looked a bit shy. He could tell she felt as out of place as him.

So that was everyone in the squad: Vieregg, Idun, Hildegunn, Alvdis, Trude, Maya, and Heather. Seven in total. Five of them sex addicts.

Haldis paced around for a few minutes before she began to talk. "Welcome everyone! As you know, there are intense battles in Neo Dixie now. We are preparing and sending over a lot of our soldiers. The subhumans, have put up a much stronger resistance than we had imagined."

"Subhumans?" Vieregg thought. "Is that what she calls black people?" He decided that it was perhaps not surprising, since the matriarchs were all a bunch of racist fascists. It had not really sunk in before Haldis referred to black people as subhumans. "Am I on 'team bad guys' now?" He thought. But there was one thought that terrified him even more. What if his girlfriend Idun was one of them? Was she a fascist too? They have never honestly talked about it. He had never straight out asked her, "Do you think non-white people are subhumans?"

It just wasn't the sort of thing you asked people. In Sweden, one could simply assume that any random person you met was not a fascist. Idun had never seemed like one to him. But how did a fascist act anyway? Hadn't they said that some of the guys who ran the extermination camps during WW2 had appeared as kind family men? Loving towards children. Hitler was even so concerned with animal welfare that he had become a vegetarian. But none of them had cared anything about the Jews they threw into the gas chambers.

He could take another nasty interrogation by the Inquisition. But if Idun were one of them, it would be crushing. That would mean he totally fucked up, coming to Imperial Norway. If he had to abandon her, he had nothing. He would be stuck in a fascist dictatorship unable to return to Sweden. The thought of someone he loved so much was potentially on "team evil" made him sweat and feel sick.

Idun noticed. She put a hand on his thigh and looked at him worried. "Are you okay, Vieregg?"

He wanted to blurt out "Are you a fascist Idun? Are you one of them?" Of course, he couldn't. He was in a room full of fascists. That would certainly be suicidal. Did he have to play along now? Talk about black people as "subhumans"?

"It is fine," he lied to Idun.

Haldis was talking about the mission. "It has been challenging to get women for this team. It is a private operation. You will not formally be operating under Imperial command. They have agreed to get you onto one of their airships. I even had to go abroad. Please welcome Maya and Heather. They came all the way from the Australian Queendom. Both are well-experienced fighters from the Australian civil war. We need girls like that on our team."

Everyone smiled and mumbled some kind of welcome to Header and Maya. "Scandinavians," Vieregg thought, rolling his eyes. Not the most chatty and socially competent people on the planet.

Maya and Heather at least seem to know how to communicate with other people. "Thank you. Norway helped us out with soldiers and weapons when fighting the Republicans. Helped us win. We wanted to return the favor. And what Neo Dixie is doing to women over there. Human milking cows! That shit ain't right!" Maya said.

She sounded exactly how Vieregg had pictured her. Kind of cocky, no bullshit and confident.

"That is why we are here. Human milking cows! A disgusting practice, but what can you expect from subhumans? People know me as a strong woman. But this has been a trial like no other. The fight against the patriarchy when we established the Matriarchy Nationalist Party was tough. Nothing prepares you for seeing your daughter stripped naked, milked and raped."

Vieregg could see on the faces of everyone that what Haldis said was a shock.

"It is part of their psychological warfare. They film our POWs getting abused and send us the footage. I got several videos of my daughter. She is a tough young woman. She can take a lot, but not this. Hucows they call them. Human milking cows. They are pumped full of drugs, impregnated and their breasts relentlessly pumped until their breasts swell to grotesque size," Haldis continued. Vieregg could tell that the proud, strong woman struggled when talking about her daughter.

"Intelligence from Disir suggests that my daughter, Nora, was sold to a hucow farmer named Carter Evans. He is a local crime lord and among the more cruel and sadistic hucow farmers. Disir tells me that the videos we received are unusually brutal, even by Neo Dixie standards." Haldis explains.

"What is Disir?" Vieregg whispers to Idun.

"Our intelligence organization," Idun replied.

"We do not know where the Carter Evans farm is. All we know is that it is along the Savanna river. It is an area known for having many hucow farms. I want you to hit these farms. Free the hucows and interrogate the farmers. We want the names of customers and anyone involved in this operation. I want to punish everyone who raped and abused my daughter." Haldis looked over at Trude Rosendahl.

"This is why Trude is on our team. She is an experience interrogator from the Imperial Inquisition. She knows very well how to break down men and extract information."

"If they know something, I will find out," Trude said confidently. Vieregg had no doubts in her abilities after his run in with her. Idun was giving Trude the evil eye. With Idun's famous explosive temperament, this could end up as a disaster in the squad. Idun was very well aware that Trude had dragged Vieregg off from the train station and into the Inquisition armored truck.

Trude saw her and gave her a "whatever" look back.

"Next, I want to give the floor to your sergeant, Hildegunn Norheim, who will lead the squad. Hildegunn?"

Hildegunn got up and walked in front of the team. She walked with a straight back, chest out. Her whole body language and pose suggested she had a lifetime in the armed forces.

When she addressed the crowd in English, he could clearly hear an accent from her Northern dialect. Norway was, unlike Sweden, with many distinct dialects. Some impossible to understand. To make matters worse, everyone was fiercely proud of their dialect and used it in TV, movies etc. As a Swede, he had found it difficult to follow Norwegian news sometimes because they all spoke in so many dialects.

He had found the Northern dialect easy to understand, but it was coarse and full of swear words, as if cut out from hard rock. The Northerners were a tough people. They had to be. One fourth of every man over 10 was taken by the sea in the old days. The Sea up North was rough and merciless. But they had to face that sea because little would grow on land in that climate. The men had to venture out to sea to fish.

Vieregg had once seen a documentary from Northern fishing. It looked absolutely insane. Fisherman regularly got thrown around inside their boats due to the rough seas. This was the people Hildegunn had grown up with. They called the Southerners "puddings." A derogatory name implying that southerners were weak and overly sensitive.

"My name is Hildegunn. I have been in many battles. If you follow my orders, we are going to get through this. The area we are going into is not the scene of any major battles. The people we will meet are not experienced soldiers. They are thugs who used to work for street gangs."

The rest of the day was spent looking at maps video, explaining roles and what would happen in the following weeks. They would spend two weeks training together. Vieregg was assigned everything technical. He would not only maintain weapons, and armor, but also be their drone pilot to scout farms before they moved in.

Hildegunn had called him the oil in the machinery of the squad. "Vieregg, you are the oil in the machinery of this squad. If it is not well oiled, the unit will not work. You keep the weapons and armor working and everyone's pussy freshly fucked before going into battle. We are going to need this for everyone to stay sharp."

Being a drone pilot and fixing armor and weapons was fun. He was after all a tech head. Fucking the whole squad was something different entirely. It was a strange mix of fulfilling a sex fantasy and humiliating.

He had to carry with him a lot of V to keep going. In those two weeks had fucked more than in his entire life. He had to practice detaching the lower part of their armor quickly to expose their buttocks and pussy. They practiced by repeatedly doing it numerous times. He had to learn to be really quick to fuck a girl. It was important that a girl climaxed for her to be in peak condition. It gave very little time for foreplay. Instead, it was just to start pounding their pussies relentlessly until they climaxed. Once done, it was on to the next. The girls took turns cleaning up by licking each other's pussies clean of cum. Hygiene was essential in the battlefield. Once everyone had gotten fucked, two girls would eagerly lick his cock clean.

A medical doctor was brought into examine his cock regularly and make sure it could handle the workload without getting damaged. Hildegunn clapped him on the shoulder, "You got a strong robust cock Vieregg. That is good. It is precisely what we need for a mission like this."

Freshening up his shooting skills was definitely more fun. Although it was less fun to shoot next to the Neo Nordic girl. They just had crazy accuracy. He knew he didn't have that bad aim, but next to them, he looked terrible. They gave him encouragement. "You are not bad for a man, Vieregg." Somehow it wasn't the compliment they thought it was.

After the first week Idun lay snuggling up to Vieregg in bed. "I feel so bad putting you through all of this for me. Are you doing okay? You haven't been yourself this week. You look so tired." She was brushing his hair back with her hand and let her fingers walk across his chest. Idun had some silly traits. She liked teasing and poking him.

"The fucking is a real exercise. Thrusting like that all day is quite exhausting," Vieregg replied.

"It won't be like that when we are over there. They are pushing you to train up your stamina. It will be lowered intensity. We won't be on the front. There will be plenty of time to fuck all the girls. You won't have to pound our pussies that hard," Idun says in an endearing voice while drawing a circle on his chest with her index finger.

"I am starting to understand how your life was at my company, Idun. I am like an object there. A fuck toy. A glorified dildo," Vieregg said.

"I finally got back at you asshole," Idun teased. She didn't literally mean he was an asshole.

"That was what all of this was about huh? You staged this, so I could be made into a fucktoy, and you would get your revenge for my objectification of you?" Vieregg joked back.

"Of course. I just pretended to love you, so I could have my evil revenge. I am an evil fascist scheming matriarch, you know," Idun laughed.

Vieregg's face went pale. Idun looked at him puzzled. "I was just joking, Vieregg! What is wrong? You know I love you."

Vieregg blurted out, "Are you a fascist Idun?" He couldn't keep it in anymore. The whole week he had been agonizing about the possibility that Idun was a fascist. Every day, he had avoided asking because he didn't want to risk not liking the answer he got.

A flash of anger and hurt across Idun's face. He instantly knew he had asked the wrong question. "Time to brace oneself. Here it comes," he thought.

"You fucking asshole! Is this why you have acted funny around me all week? Do you think I act like a fascist? How could you think that about me? That is a real hurtful nasty question to ask," she yelled at him. He got a light slap on his chest. Nothing hard. He knew Idun would never hurt him. She most definitely could if she wanted to.

While it was never fun when Idun created a storm, he breathed a sigh of relief. This time her anger was a good thing. It was a clear confirmation that she was not a fascist. Idun wasn't a very calculating person. He knew her anger was a real thing. Not something she could not control very well.

"You think everyone here in Imperial Norway are fascists? That we are all some evil racist authoritarians?" Idun continued to yell.

"How should I know? I don't know anything about this country," Vieregg said apologetically.

Idun calmed down slightly. "You have no idea how offensive that is. Always, foreigns portray us like that. In movies. Especially those stupid Hollywood blockbusters, they love having us as super evil villains. That stupid Hollywood box office hit, 'Dystopia'. They had a scene that was supposed to be from Oslo and everyone was an evil sex - crazy psychopath."

Vieregg had never thought much about it, but she had a point. It wasn't conscious, but he had thought about Imperial Norway that way. But he knew from the time he had lived here that most people were just normal people. It was their leadership and organizations such as the Imperial Inquisition which gave them a terrible reputation. Furthermore, the Imperial Matriarch Army didn't have the best reputation.

The Valkyrie Battalion had a dreadful reputation. There was footage of them. Things they did. Fortunately, you could tell who was a Valkyrie because they colored their hair magenta. Whenever he saw a woman with magenta hair, he moved far away.

"Then there are those nasty British tabloids with titles like 'I was kept in an Imperial Norwegian sex dungeon for a year'" Idun continued ranting. He had hit a sore spot.

"They just made that up?" Vieregg asked.

"No, we do have problems here with sex abuse of men. But it is not like that is the normal experience. They only write bad things about us. They never write about anything positive. Normal life. If it were so bad here, you wouldn't have come, would you?" Idun asked.

"No, I actually do like it here, even if it is a bit wild west. The Inquisition. The male insurgency terror attacks, armored cars. Not exactly a normal country. But I like it. Every day when I get out, I get to see impossibly hot, busty women everywhere. Just go to the local supermarket and the employees are like supermodels and pornstars all rolled into one," Vieregg replied.

Idun poked him. She had calmed down. "Of course that is what you care most about, you little pervert."

"Guilty as charged. No, seriously, there is something about the otherworldliness. Being here is like being inside a movie. Like some kind of science fiction movie I saw as a kid. Like I get to live inside an actual movie set of a really cool movie," Vieregg said. He didn't know how to articulate it.

Idun shocked her head, "That is super weird, Vieregg. We are like a movie? That is why you like living here? Okay, whatever. You are an oddball."

"Maybe because you grew up with all of this. To you, it is normal. It is how the world works," Vieregg, vexed philosophically.

"Vieregg, I think we need to go to sleep," Idun said and tucked herself in.

Vieregg had a break from fucking on the weekend. He found that in the second week he was better at it. Thrusting his dick into their pussies wasn't as exhausting anymore. By now, he had fucked so much that he didn't have to look at the girl to know who he was fucking. He knew what every pussy felt like. Some were tighter. Some got wet faster. Trude would clench her pussy muscle when he fucked her so it would feel really tight. It wasn't just that she had big biceps. She also had a very strong pussy.

Alvdis was the best one to fuck except Idun. She was more creative than the others and just all around more slutty. Idun was better simply because they knew each other. She knew how he liked it, and they had love, which made everything feel better. Sex without love could feel very clinical he realized.

Two weeks wasn't a lot of time, but he was ready. Vieregg had gotten good piloting the drones and troubleshoot guns and armor defects fast. Of course, he cheated in a way. He already knew the equipment well since he had been part of designing it.

It was Monday. Departure day. They drove a large black armored truck to Qvam Tower in the heart of Oslo. The dimensions of the tower were staggering. A multilane highway ran through tall arcs at the base of the tower. Close to the tower looking up, Vieregg felt almost dizzy. Far up at its summit he could see an enormous black Imperial Airship docked. It was blotting out the sun. The LZ-42 Noctilucent. It was their ride, Neo Dixie.

The trip across the Atlantic would take less than two days. Not as fast as an airplane. But considerably faster than a ship, which would take a week to cross. While airplanes were much faster, they were not suitable for large-scale troop transportation, armored vehicles, artillery, supplies, and field hospitals. Ships could carry a lot more, but they could not travel over land.

The LZ-42 Noctilucent would take them close to the hucow farm area and drop them off.