Ch 12 — Spying on Emmet's Parents
Emmet's mother thinks Alvdis is a vulgar whore
Trude loved the summerhouse of Emmet's parents, Laurence and Tess, in Brighton. It was spacious, bright, and tastefully decorated. Clearly the family had money. Money they needed. Alvdis was going about it in a naive fashion, Trude thought. It was time to use techniques from her work at the Imperial Inquisition.
While they had all enjoyed the sun on the porch, Trude had been busy planting microphones and cameras around the house. If she was going to manipulate Laurence, it required knowing what was going on. What Tess and Laurence talked about.
When she saw Tess and Laurence go into the kitchen, it was clear they were about to have an argument. Trude excused herself and got into the bathroom, putting on her Simonsen augmented reality goggles that would tap into her camera and microphone feed.
The vision of the bathroom blurred and got replaced by the kitchen. Trude saw a visibly upset Tess Voss, Emmet's mother. She was foaming. "Our son cannot continue seeing that scandalous Norwegian slut! I forbid it, Laurence!"
Laurence looked more apologetic. His mannerism suggested he was trying to calm his wife. "Well, well, let us not get rash about this, we hardly know the poor girl Tess."
Tess got into Laurence's face gesticulating with her arms. She was angry. "Laurence, did you not see how she pranced around in our kitchen in her skimpy underwear this morning? And the fabric was so thin I could literally see her oversized nipples. I was scandalous, Laurence. Absolutely scandalous!"
Laurence shrugged his shoulders in response. "It is just a little bit of a cultural misunderstanding, dear. She even apologized. She said it herself. Furthermore, she is a foreigner. It is quite different over there in Imperial Norway, and she explained that herself."
Tess wasn't having it. "Very different indeed, Laurence! Very different indeed! It is a nation of whores, and they have no business being over here with their immorality and corrupting influence. She will ruin our poor boy Laurence. I don't want to even think about what she might be doing to him. It is too awful. Women like that have no shame. No decency or any kind of morals."
Seeing Laurence response was encouraging. Trude was convinced he was on their side. An asset they could use. He replied to Tess in a soft voice trying to de-escalate. "Tess, let us be a tad more open-minded about this. Emmet was doing nothing but sitting inside playing computer games. Now is getting out, being social. Didn't you always say how you wanted him to find a girlfriend. Now he has one, dear. Should we not be happy on his behalf?"
Tess was shaking her head. "A girl his own age! What is she? 26 or 27?"
"No, I believe she said she was 24?" Laurence responded.
"Still six year older than our boy Laurence. And frankly she looks more mature. Those curves." Tess said shaking her head further is disapproval.
"She is a Neo Nordic, dear. You know they aren't like regular girls. They mature very quickly," Laurence responded.
"God, I find it absolutely grotesque with those oversized breasts, hips, and behind. What man would find something that vulgar attractive?" Tess said disdainful.
Laurence responded half-heartedly, "Eh… yeah… indeed." It made Trude chuckle. It was clear he didn't mean it.
Tess picked up on his insincerity immediately. "What are you saying, Laurence!?"
"I am not saying anything," Laurence replied in a slight desperation.
Tess became more accusing. She looked at him hard. "You find her attractive, Laurence!"
Laurence was clearly trying to put out fires. "Don't be silly, dear. I just don't want to be judgmental, dear. She could be our daughter-in-law, and you are body-shaming her and honestly being quite nasty about it. I honestly found her quite endearing. Did you not notice how friendly and helpful she was? She offers to help you with the dishes, the cooking, and everything. Complemented to very kindly on the meal you had prepared. I don't think she deserves the nasty comments you are giving her. And what about what Emmet thinks?"
Tess was filled with indignation. "My poor innocent boy has been seduced by a perverted Norwegian Succubus! I will not stand for it, Laurence! I will not!" The conversation was over. Tess barged out of the kitchen.
Trude pulled off her AR goggles and got out to talk to Alvdis. She was standing outside holding Emmet's hand. "Come over here, Alvdis. I need a word."
"Sorry, Emmet, will be right back," Alvdis said in a friendly tone before turning towards Trude. They both stepped inside the house and looked around to make sure nobody was listening to them. "Listen, Laurence is in our pocket, but Tess… she is hostile. She hates your guts. We need to do some work on her," Trude said.