Ch 11 – Making up for lost time
Nora is thrilled to have AJ back home

AJ finally returns home to the Imperial family estate to get everyone situated. No sooner than he's home he is bum rushed by his wife Nora. It's that time of season.
Nora: Don't you how long I've waited for you to return?(she grabs AJ and proceeds to the bedroom to to have passionate sex)
(After several sexual sessions later)
AJ: Best welcome home gift ever!!!! You were really hungry today. Didn't you have Alex to keep you company!!
Nora: (sobs!) No you mean jerk!! Why did you leave me all alone here without any entertainment?! You know my body has needs. You should have taken me with you!!
AJ: Sorry about that. I did not believe that she would have let me take you with me. And I know that my father would have loved seeing you. Lecherous old bear would have probably kept you over there for entertainment.
Nora: Better that than being all here alone. That's right, alone! Alex loves having sex with Sylvia of all people. More like she steals Alex from me the moment he enters the house and he surrenders like some meek little boy. Not the arrogant cocky little coward who boasts while he bangs me while talking to you over the phone.
AJ: That's......oddly specific!! And uncalled for but I'll let it slide. So what's is she doing to him??

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Nora: She's displaying her natural Nyborg trait. She's like a queen bee. Has men eating out of her hands. Uses them and throws them away like a cheap pair of used socks.
AJ: They have sex with her?
Nora: Only the lucky ones and that's a rare select few of which Alex is one of them. She gets bored real easily. Some men are like dead fish in the sack!! Easily amused, briefly satisfying and after you done with them, they just stink up the room.
AJ: Good thing we have that exchange program going on. A lot of gorgeous little boy toys that want to try out a healthy neo nordic woman. Indulge in their sick little fantasies. Sylvia will have no trouble finding "entertainment". But as for you sweet beloved, you've been wagging your tail in front of me for a minute now. I can take the hint. I know exactly what need. You have provoked me long enough.
Nora: I have done no such thing!!
AJ: You body is calling to me!! You need attention!! It needs to be dealt with. Time for an all-nighter.