Ch 10 – Vieregg and AJ
AJ called Vieregg

AJ has a productive business vacation and is now on his way home (his other home) to Imperial Norway. The family is more centralized and with it he brings new troubles to the regime. He gives his best friend Vieregg a call to give him an update on events.

AJ: What's good Vieregg I am all finished here. I am boarding our family plane. looks like we are getting and airship escort back across the Atlantic. Should be back in a few hours.
AJ: Oh and before I forget I got the whole family with me!!! Isn't it great?!! Now I don't have to isolate any of my family members. Now they are going to be with me in Norway.
AJ: What's wrong man?? Are you angry or something? Oh I know what you what you need. I brought you over another chocolate sensation. She's real dark chocolate just like you wanted. She can be a bitch sometimes but I know you can handle her just fine.
AJ: You know you silence is not working right? I can hear your predictable shallow breathing. It means your pissed off about something. What happened?? and who hurt you bro?? I can make them disappear if you want.
Vieregg:...........................You fucking little shit!!
AJ: I am not sure I follow bro. What's going on?
Vieregg: You know damn well why I'm pissed off "bro!"
AJ: Is this about the incident in the office?? Nothing to be ashamed of man!! We all have our vices!!
Vieregg: NO YOU LECHEROUS LITTLE PUNK!!! YOU. SET. ME. UP!(SOBS!) You had the temerity the downright unmitigated gall to put on speaker phone and destroy my reputation. Don't play coy with me!!
AJ: What?! You don't mean that fake prude, wholly moral personality you like to project to others. You know that I am always looking out for you besides she isn't worthy of your respect. She's an unrepented chocolate little slut and only she and I heard your conversation. So use her like the slut she is. She is a not a hard nut crack. But you and Alex with have great time breaking her. She will try to take advantage of you but you can dominate her easy. I have faith in you. If all else fails get Idun or Claire to help you or better yet, hand her over to Nora and you have no problem getting her to willfully submit. That'll solve the problem real quick. I have faith in you my friend!
Vieregg:........... that's not the point here!!! You set me up!!
AJ: Oh geez, Fine!! Look Sorry I set you up!! Look, I will make it up to you. I will let you tuck Vilde in. She's been asking about you nonstop!! That girl is obsessed. And like you said, I maybe a dick but at least you know who you are dealing with.